PEOPLE LIKE ME ARE TIRED OF THE SAME GOVERNMENT NO MATTER WHICH SIDE IS IN POWER! The ALP sold assets (Qld Rail) and their NO TO ASSET SALE campaign does not say NO TO 99 YEAR LEASES (banks deem a 99 yr lease a sale). They say NO DUMPING ON THE REEF, but exclude current maintenance dumping that they know is killing the reef here in our region. They are pro Coal. They are pro Coal Seam Gas (Fracking) that has now been banned where it started (Texas). If elected, the ALP will lease the assets, they will mine the coal (ABBOTT POINT WAS THEIR PLAN), they will approve CSG, they will continue the attack on vulnerable native wildlife, they will destroy our Reef (it was destroyed under their leadership for 10 years - remember GLADSTONE), they will neglect investment in our healthcare and education. The Barron River infrastructure will continue its downhill spiral that it suffered under years of Beattie and Bligh, that has faired no better under Newman. There will be no long term economic growth in our region due to their sole focus of profits only for Overseas owned Mining companies. A Vote for ALP is a Vote for LNP as we will end up with the same issues we face now. When you pull away the populist jibe that the ALP has learned from Clive Palmer, you find a dysfunctional Party that says it has learned from its mistakes when it is already campaigning to repeat them. They offer deliberate uncommitted policy because an ALP government is the same as an LNP one. I just shot all the ALP policies down in one paragraph for being what they are, superficial disingenuous tripe without substance created to manipulate popularity without any honest intention to deliver what it is they know the people want and need. VOTE BARRON RIVER GREEN FOR ACCOUNTABILITY, REPRESENTATION AND THE VOICE OF COMMON SENSE!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 23:32:32 +0000

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