PEOPLE OF INDIA ARE STILL TOLERATING THESE WRONG POLITICS. A.K Antony, the another gentleman of Indian Politics representing the Citizen having no sense how to deliver speeches on important matters in order to keep country’s sentiment, unity and integrity intact. A person holding a bachelor degree of law and holding the post of Defense Minister of India and Member of Parliament in the upper house, Rajya Sabha had failed once again to show his skill in the Governmental administration. The sentiments of the nation once again got humiliated and mortified when he delivered a statement on killing of five Indian soldiers in “Poonch” by Pakistani soldiers on Tuesday. He defended the intruders by commenting like "terrorists along with persons dressed in Pakistan Army uniform". Whereas, the spokesperson of Army said that “soldiers from Pak Army” had suddenly intrude inside the Indian Territory and started firing surprisingly and killed 5 Indian Army. The Defense spokesman, Jammu, S N Acharya said the Indian Army patrol was put in surprise attack suddenly by a Pakistan Border Action Team (BAT). The Nation now wants to ask Mr. A.K. Antony, whether he was present there at the time when Pakistani intruders infringe LOC and entered the Indian Territory and gave a surprise to the Indian Army? If not then, why had he commented that way those were terrorist wearing Pakistani Army’s Uniform? Doesn’t he know how to give speeches on these issues? And the Citizen of India also wants to ask Kerela, that “Why they have been voting this kind of person to hold the important posts in the Ministry”. Is it not their duty to select a more able person so that he can at least comment in the proper way? What the Government of India is trying to establish before the citizen of India on the Critical Defense issues with Pakistan and China? How the Indian ministers could sleep peacefully at night by becoming so humiliated in front of the nation and the world?
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 02:41:37 +0000

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