PEOPLE POWER ACTIVISTS HAVE BEEN KILLED: Yes, have you ever had a - TopicsExpress


PEOPLE POWER ACTIVISTS HAVE BEEN KILLED: Yes, have you ever had a tweet from someone who was DEAD five minutes later? At least four PEOPLE POWER ACTIVISTS have been killed by the gestapo thug police in Ukraine - not only killed, but one body was found in a forest - they had been TORTURED before being killed. The Russian ROMANOV-ROYAL KILLERS are their puppet Mr Putin are STILL after all these years torturing and murdering people who promote westernised living standards and democracy... The photo I am publishing here looks like something from the second world war - it is NOT. It was taken recently and is not in a battle-field - it was taken right in the heart of KIEV which is one of the worlds most beautiful cities. Welcome to Ukraine... Welcome to the WAR FOR FREEDOM - this war is happening now and in many ways you could describe it as the PEOPLE Vs. THE BANKS, or the PEOPLE Vs. THE ROMANOV ROYALS, or something like the PEOPLE Vs. the KGB-KREMLIN SPIES... Basically, in a nutshell, this is PEOPLE POWER in action - and RUSSIANS are watching tweets and FB looking to seize their chance to have freedom too... The Ukraine government are like the child with its finger stuck in the DAM... The corrupt Ukraine government - who everyone can now see are actually MURDERERS and TORTURERS - will fall. And that spells TOTAL FREEDOM across the board with all the other Russian Trading Bloc nations... Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said compromises might be possible with the PEOPLE POWER movement... They better be. Otherwise this corrupt old fart will find himself behind bars. Two PEOPLE POWER activists were killed in clashes with police in Kiev yesterday. Prosecutors confirmed they had died from gunshot wounds. Last night, Ukraines Radio Liberty reported the death of a third activist. Several riot policemen came up to the body and started to prod it with their hands and feet”... The body of Yuri Verbitsky was found in a forest outside Kiev, bearing signs of torture... As for all the other Truth pages here on Facebook - they have unanimously FAILED to report anything worthwhile - THE PEOPLES VOICE? Only if it a voice if you are NOT a Ukrainian with a gun pointed at your head. While people were being tortured, the Peoples Voice was making a YouTube video about gay footballers... So much for £350,000... Basically, I want to say this - for everyone who is wondering WHY people are battling to become part of the CORRUPT EU Parlimentary system... Firstly, yes, of course, everyone realises this is a ridiculously corrupt organisation and there will be massive proce increases - but that is the price you pay for FREE MOVEMENT... CHERNOBYL is in the Ukraine - and that whole Northern region, including a chunk of Belarus must be concreted over - it will be the DEAD ZONE where all nuclear waste from France and other ageing reactors can be safely buried and disposed and the whole area must now be sealed in layers of lead and concrete - about 40,000 square kilometers of northern Ukraine and Belarus are already poisoned - so this is the obvious place to bury and get rif=d of all EU-subsidised nuclear reactors and cores... Step 2: In a Nutshell, the EU SUPERSTATE Parliament is the GOAL - this shall become the democratic dictatorship arena in the future - MOSCOW with all its Royal Romanov KGB spies will become the capital of a down-sized Western Russia... And rightly so... Russia as it is now got really big by swallowing up former Siberian Shamanic kingdoms and Mongolian principalities - Russia must be down-sized... We need a NEW RUSSIA and a new country called WESTERN RUSSIA. This giant SuperPower has used its super powers to do nothing but build nuclear missiles, starve millions of children, suck out gas and oil from Siberia and enrich just a handful of KGB-MAFIA in Moscow. St Petersburg is NOT Russia - it is Scandinavia - and should become a new capital of a new nation north of Moscow called White Russia. St Petersburg and White Russia can easily make an income from tourism. The region around Moscow and Georgia will be Western Russia, and, like Ukraine, will become part of the EU Superstate... And the 1.5million person city of Novosibirsk will become the capital of Siberia which stretches to the Sea of Japan. Northern areas of Siberia should be run as giant Nature Parks - much the same as the Canadian Wilderness parks - it should be untouched and be designated a Nature Nation with UN status. Basically, Ukraine is Europe - just the same as the Czech Republic and former Soviet captured territories are actually European. Lets get rid of all these Super Powers - they have done the world no good whatsoever. The EU Superstate parliament is CORRUPT - and KNOWS it is corrupt - and therefore - because it is non-totalitarian and allows ANTI-EU members of the european parliament to stand in the chamber, we can safely take the next stage of the PEOPLE POWER movement to the EU, and rescue the ancient currencies, treasuries, bullion and diamond reserves which all the European nations were duped out on in 2001.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 10:35:22 +0000

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