PEOPLE TAKE A MOMENT TO WATCH THE ATTACH VIDEO MADE BY A WIDE-AWAKE SERVANT OF OUR LORD! (JESUS- pronounced Yeshua or Yahusha in Hebrew) So I am back bcus our yearly Winter Showcase is coming up on the last day of January (the 31st). Yeeeaaa!!!! We are super-excited! So Ill be posting information about it leading up to that day. However, when one come o know the TRUTH, its impossible to live a LIE! Facebook has a far more sinister agenda then the masses realize nor care to know (which is sad for the Bible did say in Hosea 4:6 that my people will be destroyed due to lack of knowledge). Those of us who know this, use facbeook in a beneficial way, rather then allowing ourselves to become enslaved by social media(and the things that are considered the norm in the world- remember whatever is of the world is not of GOD your Creator for the Bible says in James4:4a friend of the world is an ENEMY of GOD). Social Media is not only a NEW AGE form of addiction... but a complete Illuminati mind control tool. Its funny to me that some blinded by truth will accuse the people AWAKE for being fearful... hmmmm check that statement bcus if havok did come upon the world, we are the ones who are prepared and will know what to do while you run! In fact we do NOT fear death. For man may be able to kill a body, but our souls will live forever w/ JESUS! Glory Hallelujah! Where will your soul go? Have you asked yourself this? Those of us who have the spirit of Ezekiel (Ezekiel 3 & 33) use social media purely for the GLORY of Almighty GOD (name Yahweh in Hebrew). We cannot stay silent or the rocks will speak. Luke 19:40{KJV} And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out. Ponder on this fact for a minute... anything that is created so people can know what you are doing and thinking EVERYDAY, EVERY HOUR, EVERY MINUTE, EVERY SECOND... IS FISHY in the first place. Complete mind-control w/out you all realizing it. It not only create stalking, but it derive the spirit of pride and narcissistic characteristics in humans who were created by our ONE Creator to be MEEK, AND HUMBLE! People think they are getting their time to shine by being here 24/7... but what you are really doing is giving up your life to be under the NEW WORLD ORDER THAT WE ARE NOW LIVING IN (the beginning of it). Remember the Bible tell us that satan is the god of this world. OF course there are Christ Servants that have other pages... and I told you all this from the beginning... unlike the Illuminati & ppl in the occult who have multiple pages to track, monitor, and stalk you, WE WHO SERVE THE MESSIAH HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE! While they do this, we who do the work for the Kingdom of GOD use our multiple pages in a positive way to SPREAD THE GOSPEL, perpetuating THE TRUTH{which is the WORD of GOD, and continue to WARN the masses of the world deceptions! For us, its NOT about you commenting or liking our status- its about the TRUTH being heard. Satans agents work hard for him as his slaves. WE WORK PROGRESSIVELY FOR JESUS/Yeshua! If we sense we are putting too much energy in a certain area, we deactivate whichever page we need to and go elsewhere where there are lost or blinded souls that truly yearn to hear the Truth. Bless you all
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 18:44:51 +0000

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