PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF BIAFRA! WORTHY or UNWORTHY GENERATION? Before I continue with our discussions today, I would like to join issues with; A) EL Rufai and the Northern Elders: They persistently insinuate that PGEJ, President of CAN and now Gen. Azubike Ihejirika are sponsors of Boko Haram. They have adamantly refused to see reasons why PEACE is PRICELESS. Shallow minds dont take them serious and its so unfortunate. Theyre indirectly PERFECTING in the ACT of HYPNOSIS and INDoCTRInATION of their sympathizers especially the GULLIBLE NORTHERN YoUTHS who have been bequeathed with the RELICS of a WASTED WICKED BLOOD-STAINED FEUDALIST/JIHADIST GENERATION enslaved to the FULANI HEGEMONY. A generation that contributed NOTHING in the nation building instead REAPING GLUTONICALLY and CRIMINALLY from the sweat of other component NATIOnS of Nigeria. A generation that EAT of their own FLESH! We appeal to these defenceless, innocent, deprived victims of the EVIL MECHINATION of the Northern Elders especially the YOUTHS to RISE and ASK QUESTIONS now that ANSWERS will come than NEVER again. Gen Azubike Ihejirika(Rtd) remains ONE of the LAST PEOPLE with relevant/competent INFORMATION on the Boko Haram saga and EVIL FORCES have fingered him as their NEXT TARGET to be SILENCED just as they did to Gen. Patrick Aziza. Be warned that ASSYMETRIC WAR/TERROR more sophisticated than Boko Haram will be AWAKENED should IGBOS gather at any point on account of Gen Ihejirikas funeral from the wicked plots of these JIHADISTS and their foreign collaborators. NOBODY HAS THE MONOPOLY OF VIOLENCE and the WHIRLWIND of EVIL the Northern elders sowed has germinated into a MONSTEROUS VIRAL BOKO BoYS!!! The SECOND GROUP of concern to us are: IGBO/ SOUTHERN CRIMINAL POLITICIANS who have been dancing around PGEJ for an ELECTION in an EXPIRED NIgERIA. When I first saw the INEC delination of POLLING UNITS where the whole South-East has barely 100 units above F.C.T. The North East(a crisis-torn zone) has about 4 times that of South East OR South-East and South-South put together. North-west zone got a bit below DOUBLE of South-east and South-South put together. If 10 votes per polling unit is equally cast across all the pulling units during election, the voices/votes of South-East and South-South are automatically inconsequential to form a CENTRAL Government. Despite the manipulated CENSUS figure where more inhabitants are found in DESERTS and less viable area than in a statistically densely populated and a MoRE VIABLE area, POLLING UniTs have now been distributed without any substantial statstically-proven identifyable INDICES aside land mass with or without human inhabitants. Upon the voiceless NATURE of their constituency as postulated by a WICKED NIGERIAN FEDERAL STRUCTURE, these IGBO/South-South CRIMINAL POLITICIANS are more concerned with PGEJ 2nd TERM PRESIDENCY at the cost of a dangerous precedence. BLIND and WICKED political class who have stood in the way of BIAFRA will soon be the VICTIM of that system they want to preserve. As far as we are concerned, NIGERIA MUST be RE-NeGOTIATED and any INDIGENOUS GROUP who seek INDEPEnDENCE from this wicked LUGARDIAN contraption be GRANTED their independence. The National Conference Report would have been a SMART way to DISCUSS NIGERIA but ONCE the FEDERATiNG StATES are nOT INDEPENDENT; TAXES with their resources are still STOLEN by a STRONG/FEUDAL CENTRE against the peoples opinion; NO option of SECESSION/ Rights to Self Determination of the indigenous people of the component federating states should any state feel dissatisfie; the IMPUNITY and ARROGANCE, COVETEOUSNESS, LAXITY and REcKLESS destruction of life and property will persist. I call on every youth to JOIN US to appeal to PGEJ to listen to that STILL SMALL VOICE of conscience. Your people are already VOICELESS in the federal arrangement and we are tired of this NONSEnSE ONE NIGERIA PROJECT! Yet friends of the President are perfecting a way to return PGEJ for a 2nd TErM PRESIDENCY when his people dont even matter in the federal arrangement. After PGEJ in 2019, what NEXT? Niger-Delta returns back to the Creeks to suck their own blood. The Igbos will return back to PRAISE-SINGING and BOOT-LICKING, one of the OLDEST TRADE in IGBO LAnd! What a shame to ALL those proponents of 2015 General Elections whose stock in trade is to sensationalise EQUITY even in the mist INEQUALITY; One Nigeria despite a wicked deceitful DIVIDED Nigeria. Give us BIAFRA and ride on with your elections in your own independent countries/nations. This call maybe the LAST CHANCE for a PEACEFUL and PERMAnENT RESOLUTION of the Nigerian question. You may mean well for Nigeria but youre definitely under a CHEAP SPELL to believe some other people SHARE a similar opinion with you especially with the backing of a MANIPULATIVE NEO-COLONISTS currently scrambling for AFRICA! BYE BYE TO MONKEY DEY WORK BABOON DEY CHOP!!!!!! BYE BYE TO ONE NIGERIA!!!!!!!!!! GOD BLESS THE FOUNDER of the NEW NIGERIA, PGEJ!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD BLESS PEOPLES REPUBLIC of BIAFRA!!!!!!!! GOD BLESS THE LAND OF THE RISING SUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 20:42:19 +0000

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