((PERCABETH WEDDING FANFICTION JUNIPER HAS ALREADY SEEN IT SORRY IF IT HAS GRAMMATICAL MISTAKE, IVE NEVER EDITED IT AND DONT PLAN TOO THERE ARE OTHERRRRSSS THAT SEMI CORRELATE TO THIS SO OPINIIOONNNSSSS)) ~Maddy The Aphrodite cabin swirled around me, fixing my dress, my hair, my nails, my shoes. Why would you fix shoes? You certainly can’t see them with my dress, which reaches the floor, but isn’t long enough to trip me. Thank the gods, it’s going to take all my focus to not trip in these heels. I thought The heels had been a gift from the love goddess herself, so of course they were obscenely high. The dress came from Aphrodite too, but I actually like it. It isn’t tight, but it isn’t loose. It is silky and smooth, with an owl brooch in the center of the sleeves, which were not really sleeves at all, but instead a piece of silk that wraps across my arms. In place of the traditional white, the gown was elegant gray that matches my eyes beautiful. And best of all, it covers my baby bump. Of course, I’m only about four months along, but it was already showing. We learned that our baby was two babies, and girls at that. I rubbed by belly, and thought of how, after today, Percy and I could be alone, have our daughters, and raise them until they went to camp themselves. My musings were interrupted by my favorite daughter of Aphrodite. “Annabeth, do you want me to fix your hair? Hey, you okay?” I shook myself out of my stupor in order to respond. “Yeah Piper, just the babies, you know?” She smirked. “Not at all. I need to tell you something, I was thinki-” Unfortunately I never heard what she was saying, because Percy choose that exact moment to burst though the door and scream “SPIDER!!!” I leaped into the air and shrieked while the Aphrodite girls were divided between yelling at Percy for making me mess up my nails and pushing him out the door squealing, “You can’t see the bride before the wedding!” Percy pushed through them with ease and replied, over his shoulder, that he could see his fiancé whenever he wanted. When he got close enough I whispered furiously in his ear, “Why the HADES would you do that!?!” To which he replied, “So I could do this.” He swept me up in his arms and kissed me, while, of course, the majority of the girls exclaimed “AWWW” “GET OUT!” Percy yelled. “Piper, Lacy, you stay.” As the girls made there way across the room I observed Percy. He looked elegant in a black suit with sea green buttons and collars. He certainly looked the part, except when you looked at his face. His black hair was combed, but already it was starting to stick up, and his smile was as crooked as always. Good I thought Not even a suit is going to change my seaweed brain. And that’s what he was, mine. And that’s the way it’s going to stay. I smiled. “Percy, you have to go out there now. And I have to fix my nails.” He looked at me sheepishly. “Sorry ‘bout that, it was the only way to get past those she-devils.” Piper laughed, and Lacy looked highly affronted. “Were not THAT bad, are we?” “Of course not. Can you guys help me fix my nails and hair? Then you had better get into your dresses.” Piper got fixed my hair into a big, elegant pile on my head, while Lacy gave me french-nails. Percy left the room, looking at me with a pained look as Mitchell started to comb his hair. “Okay guys, it’s time for you to get ready. I’m just going to-to wait here” I sat down and thought back to that kiss, that first REAL kiss. That was the third best moment of my life, the second was their proposal, he had summoned water from the lake and spelled out WILL YOU MARRY ME? in midair. Of course his handwriting is atrocious, and the dyslexia and the fact that it was water probably didn’t help. The first was when I found out I was pregnant. Just then my dad knocked on the door. We had started to rebuild our relationship a few years before, and ever since I saved the world even my stepmom has been really nice. We walked towards the chapel and there was an awkward silence as we waited. When he turned towards me I realized with a start that he was crying. “I-I just wish that you could have had a better childhood. You were forced to leave at such a young age.” “It’s okay dad. Come on, I think it’s time to go in.” The doors opened and I walked in slowly, trying to control my urge to run to my fiancé. A little voice inside whispered husband....He’s going to be your husband soon. My heart skipped a beat. This was what I had wanted, no matter how deeply it was hidden since I was twelve. We said our vows, and then the time came; “Do you, Perseus Jackson, take Annabeth Chase as your lawfully wedded wife?” For an awful moment I thought that he was reconsidering. In my defense he was muttering, “This is really awkward, but...” before smiling and saying “I’m just kidding! Lighten up Wise girl. Oh yeah, I do.” He smirked. “Do you, Annabeth Chase, take Perseus Jackson as your lawfully wedded husband?” “I do.... obviously.” “I now declare you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.” “I don’t need your permission, she’s all mine now”
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 23:44:04 +0000

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