PERCEPTION and DELUSION. It differs from one to the next. In - TopicsExpress


PERCEPTION and DELUSION. It differs from one to the next. In Islam we find that an IDOLATOR or MUSHRIK is one who worships GOD in Christianity, as JESUS CHRIST who is ONE with as GOD. Is this not madness? Then on p 137 of the Quran we find that only MUSLIMS are the TRUE CHRISTIANS in N396.....for They follow the True teachings of Jesus Christ. And yet on that same page in sura 3:55 we see,...Behold, God said, O Jesus, I will take thee and RAISE thee unto MYSELF (as ONE) and clear thee of the falsehoods of those who blaspheme and I will make those who FOLLOW THEE,....SUPERIOR to those who reject faith. Can we ever win with such ones???? Tomorrow they KILL anyone who loves JESUS as His followers. In sura 19:19 we see the Angel Gabriel whom Islam tells us is the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD, telling Mary that he is only a Mesenger from GOD, to announce to MARY the GIFT from GOD (unto all mankind as the SAVIOUR of all mankind) of a HOLY SON. (JESUS CHRIST) And then in verse 21 we see:- It is easy for ME, and WE (see the Singular and the Plurality of the God in the TRINITY here) wish to appoint HIM(Jesus) as a SIGN unto all men and a MERCY from US. (THREE in ONE again) Then in Note 2473 we see explained := The MISSION of Jesus is announced in two ways,...1) HE was to be a SIGN unto all menthis wonderful birth and wonderful LIFE were to turn an ungodly world back to GOD; and 2) His MISSION was to bring solace and SALVATION to the REPENTANT. Here we see that JESUS CHRIST was the SAVIOUR and the GIFT from GOD the FATHER in which He was ONE, unto all mankind that if they repent and accept JESUS Christ as their SAVIOUR,..they will be SAVED and yet Islam still DENIES this TRUTH as PHARAOH did and nwe all know what happened to PHARAOH and his people with the PLAGUES and denial to PASSOVER the waters into LIFE and thus it is with ISLAM today equally. Evil Personified who will drown in the waters of their very own arrogant sin and refusal to REPENT!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 06:32:06 +0000

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