PERCEPTION perception pErCePtIoN If you watch TV news you - TopicsExpress


PERCEPTION perception pErCePtIoN If you watch TV news you have seen this video many times. You have been told that it is evidence of voter intimidation. BUT, have you ever paid attention to actually see what is shown, OR have you just assumed that it displayed what you were told that it shows? If you google this video you can find thousands of web sites that claim it PROVES voter intimidation. But you wont find a single web site that has transcribed the audible dialog so that you can read it and dispassionately consider the conversation. I have done that for you. If you care about separating truth from propaganda, please consider these facts I present here, and either tell me where I made a mistake in my transcription or which of the 26 statements constitutes intimidation - Id like to stipulate that folks who believe that white guys in cowboy hats should be allowed to carry guns when and where they please, can not claim that a black man in a beret carrying a stick is too scary to be allowed to stand in front of a polling place. - Jimmy Tucker Who is shown in front of the camera: - A white man in a suit wanders in and out of the camera view in the driveway in front of the entrance to the building. - A white man in a suit leaning against the corner of the entrance portico talking on a cell phone. - 2 black men in berets standing away from the door at the outer edge of the sidewalk by the driveway, - A young light skinned woman talking on a cellphone as she wanders around in the space behind the men in berets. - A black man in a green jersey with a soft drink outside the building. - An older black man in a white shirt wearing a white hat walks up and goes inside. - A black woman in a white shirt exits the building. - A white couple exits the building. The 26 audible statements in the video: #1. - Videographer: “Youve got my back? - Hi I’m here at 1221 Fairmont in Philadelphia and there is a guy with a billy club right here. #2. - The videographer asks the white guy in the suit: “So do we have any problems here? What’s going on? Everything OK? ” #3. - Guy in the suit: Everythings fine.” #4. - Videographer: Im just making sure” #5. - Beret guy: Why are yall taking pictures?” #6.- Videographer: “I’m here, Im just a media guy and thats all Im doing, Im with the University of Pennsylvania. Who are you with?” #7 - Beret guy: “Do ya’ll have an identification badge?” #8 - Videographer: “No, who are you with? Sorry. #9. - Beret guy: “Security.” #10. - Guy in the suit: “Yea, I think they know about it already.” #11. - Videographer: “I mean, I’m not… I have a poll watcher’s certificate so I can go inside #12. - Beret Guy: “Allright. I wondered why you come up taking pictures.” #13. - Videographer: “I mean we’re… What? #14. - Beret Guy: “I just wonder why everybody’s taking pictures, that’s all.?” #15. - Videographer: “I mean… think it might be a little bit intimidating that you have a stick in your hand thats why” #16. - Beret guy: Who are you” #17. - Voice of unseen person: Im an attorney” #18. - Videographer: I mean, thats a weapon thats why Im a little worried.” #19. - Beret guy: Thats for you to decide” #20. - Videographer: I mean, I am a concerned citizen and Im just worried that you might be...” #21. -Beret guy: So are we. #22. - Videographer: “OK.” #23. - Beret Guy: “So are we, thats why were here” #24. - Videographer: OK, but you have a nightstick in your hand” #25. - Beret guy: You have a camera phone” #26. -Videographer: I have a camera phone which is not a weapon youtube/watch?v=neGbKHyGuHU
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 10:19:20 +0000

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