PERGAMOS CHURCH AGE I strongly recommend all of us open up our - TopicsExpress


PERGAMOS CHURCH AGE I strongly recommend all of us open up our Bibles. If you don’t have a Bible let sit beside someone who has the Bible ok. We will receive anointing from His Word if we can read from the Book of Revelation as we open up, talk about the book of Revelation. So, do you have a Bible there? So, share each other ok. So, let’s begin even others are not yet present. Now, we… last time we talked about the Church in… let’s review what we talked about last time. Last time we talked about Mathew 13 the 7 Parables. So, let’s start with a prayer, let’s all bow our heads. Lord, we thank You this evening, You give us the glory for this opportunity that we can come and feast upon Thy Word, Thy revelation in the Last days. Lord, I pray as you called each and every predestinated seed this last few years on this Earth. You perfect Your Bride, Your children. Make us worthy to be taken up, cleanse us, bring us this rapturing faith for those who You will call out from this world, out from the denominational thinking. Cleanse us, make us worthy right now, open up our vessels, open up our eyes of understanding. And teach and everyone of us to feast oh, Thy Word, and seal us with Thy Spirit of promise. Do Thy Word, in Jesus Name we pray. Amen. Ok, last week we talked about, the 7 Parables, actually I mentioned that 2 times already on previous weeks. I hope that’s a guide. 7 Parable ins Matthew 13 is a shall we say a parallel of the 7 Church Ages. Let’s talk about the 7 Church Ages. We stopped in the Church of Symrna, we are now at PERGAMOS. Let’s open up our Bibles in Revelation 2, verse, what verse did we stopped? Maybe you’re familiar where we stopped. What verse is the letter to Pergamos? Verse 13? Ok, please read for us in English. Revelation 2:13 Sis. Jean can you ah, is it verse 13 the church of Pergamos? I’m sorry in verse 9 that’s the church in Synrna, ok continue from there. I know it is somewhere n verse 12 or 13. Ok, just continue, so that’s the church in Pergamos. [Sis. Jean] Revelation 2: 10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. Revelation 2:11 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death. [Bro. Francis] Ok this is the church of Symrna, I am pointing out here. The church Symrna experience martyrdom, tribulation, the reason Christ promised the crown of life because they suffered death. Ok, the next verse is the church in Pergamos. What verse is that? [Sis. Jean] 12 [Bro. Francis] 12, so, please read alongside with us verse 12. [Sis. Jean] Revelation 2:12 And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; Revelation 2:13 I know thy works, and where thou dwellest,even where Satans seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth. Revelation 2:14 But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication. Revelation 2:15 So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate. Revelation 2:16 Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth. Revelation 2:17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it. [Bro. Francis] ok, that is verse 18 we will come to that next week. Let’s talk about this Third (3rd) Church Age. So for review, this may be quick. The 1st Parable is the Sower, the 2nd Parable an enemy sold Tares, the 3rd Parable is the time after the Tares were sow, and the 2nd parable in Matthew 13 this coincides with the Tree, do you remember? The tree Mustard, grew to a big tree. And when the big tree became a habitation of other birds. This is very familiar in Revelation 18. Revelation 18 talks about the Babylon, becoming a home for, a habitation of a birds. And this is the time, a picture took place. This is not yet the Dark Ages. This is just the beginning of the Dark Ages. And here the spiritual type, after the original leaders were killed their revelation became deteriorated. There came an apostasy in teaching. Let’s read the prophecy of Paul, 1 Timothy 4:1-4. Maybe Bro. Bennedict can read in a loud voice, your beautiful voice can be heard in Youtube. [Bro. Bennedict] 1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 1 Timothy 4:2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 1 Timothy 4:3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. 1 Timothy 4:4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: [Bro. Francis] So what you were reading is Pal’s Prophecy is what gonna happen to the church. We should know what’s gonna happen to the church. If we will be the End time bride of Christ we must know what happened to the church why the marriage was delayed and why the Bridegroom tarried. Because, this is His Love Letter to us, while He has not yet coming back. And this has, this will give us the rapturing faith so when He comes we have that revelated faith to be taken by Him up in the air. In the middle you will notice there’s a Dark Ages. Paul’s statement is just four (4) verses that covers a wide area. Notice he said “forbidding to marry,” eventually that will be the doctrine of the Catholic Church, a compulsory celibacy. And abstaining from meat it became a tradition in lent, in lent you should not eat meat like that. So, let’s go back, it is in this time, somewhere in the third century, Constantine came to power. And for those who knows history, when Constantine came to power, it is under such a suspicious circumstance it’s not just by conspiracy of men, it’s a conspiracy in the Spirit. He saw the cross in the air, and a sign conquer because he was not yet an emperor. As though he saw “oh, the God of the Christians, protecting me in the war.” So he can become an emperor. And when he did succeed winning over his rival, Maxentius . Constantine, when he became an emperor he went to the side of the Christians. And take note he was not a genuine Christian, because Christianity at that time is very similar in our life today. The book of Revelation was written, the Church Ages were about to split up in different teachings. You know why? The church is not supposed to govern by a centralized government. Everyone should be free if they have their own false teaching. But of course the important thing that God looks in the heart of every believer is the Berean Spirit. If you hungered for the truth, you will prove all things by the Scriptures. Many who are lazy to do that become contented in their own denominations, by cons of their own denominations, their own group that they’re safe, they are real on their own kind of teaching. But in the time of Constantine we can say that there are many different kind of denomination during that time especially of the doctrine of the Godhead. So, it’s not just on other doctrine that we have today like Protestants, Pentecostals, Methodists, it’s only about the Godhead. There are different understanding about the Godhead during Constantine time. Constantine doesn’t care, it’s not that he wants to correct the Godhead. He only wants the Christian for his Political power. Because half of the Roman Empire become Christians. So, he forced the… when he was safely seated as the emperor he shall we say he used his power to convene a council of the bishops to resolve the Godhead. To resolve the Godhead means he wants to have a unified Christianity. We have to understand how God works, God allows differences it’s not just because God has different doctrines it is because God gives us freedom, but it also allows those who are free to walk in the truth. Like Abraham he was called from Ur but that was after Babel, after God spread out the people from the tower of Babel. The tower of Babel is an example of one centralize church governor. When I say church governor I’m not talking of the state, I’m talking of a centralized church system or they only want to, they only rely on a centralized government. Like in Jerusalem the Apostles they want to centralize there. The Holy Spirit works in freedom, God raises up apostles even in a faraway land. So, in the time of Constantine, he convene the Bishops so, that they will shall we say, they will agree on one doctrine only by Vox. The same mentality today, the Vox populi those days, the will of the people is the will of God. The voice of the people is the voice of God. So by vote, who would you think won? What doctrine of the Godhead won? The prominent ones are Arianism and Trinitarianism. The Oneness type of doctrine is the minority, the Trinitarian type of doctrine is the minority. So who among them won, between Arianism and Trinitarianism? Trinity, who is familiar with the doctrine of the Trinity? Raise your hands, who among you are familiar? I suggest you keep it up asking questions. Ask the priest, ask others on what is the doctrine of the Trinity. Ok, we are not going to talk about the Godhead here, I’m just citing this up what happened to history. Because we have to know how Scriptures was fulfilled. We should know the deep things that took place because this is how Christ shed His blood for us have mercy for us. In spite of our falling away, apostasy. There was a time He shed His life. Now, once the doctrine of the Trinity as established then this is the beginning of the organization of the Catholic Church. The Catholic church did not started in many other doctrines except to the Godhead. The change in the Godhead. Of course there are many different views in the Godhead but they unified it under Trinity. So when you unified it, the other, those who has different beliefs were cast out, exile from their kingdom. And why does the Bible ere in Pergamos he who has the sharp sword, underline that in your Bible what you read awhile ago. You know why it is a sharp sword? During this time, it is very important especially to us, this is also exhortation to us, we should prove all things. We should be able to discern right and wrong. We should be able to divide the sword of the spirit of God, asunder, even the bone and marrow , ok let’s read some Scriptures of that. There are many Scriptures of the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, but let’s read what the believer should be doing. [Bro. Bennedict] Hebrews 5:12 For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. Hebrews 5:13 For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. Hebrew 5:14 But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. [Bro. Francis] Ok, we should be able to discern, discernment for Pentecostals, have some sensation “I feel there is some evil spirit there.” But a higher form of discernment is the Word of God! That is where people are fallen off. Most denomination and I would even say from my previous church, they are fallen off, why? Their followers, their congregation do not prove all things by the Word of God anymore! They do not check out! They refused to be Berean. They’re just contented to spoon feed from the pulpit. And that what started out there (in Pergamos Church Age). That is where the seat of satan! We have to expose this work of the devil, we can be contented with blessings, we could be contented with miracles, but we could fall to his false sense of security. “we’re alright!”, “we’re ok!” they don’t strive anymore! They don’t prove all things anymore. And what Hebrews 5:12 said, Paul said “by the time you ought to be teachers, ye have eat milk again.” So, this is shall we say there’s deterioration, instead of going forward, you are going backward, this is the time of apostasy. The time of apostasy for the faithful, they rely more on the priest, the priest was not yet official there. They rely more to the ministers, is that the picture today? I’m nothing against with that but most ministers don’t know, sometimes they’re the ones closing the mind of the people. We believe every truth in the Bible, even being preached by the ministers that they are being used by God. But the most important thing, do not close their minds. Do not set a period to them not to prove all things anymore. Each and every one of you are called by God. Hebrews 5:12, to discern how to exercise your senses in proving by the Scriptures, what the Bereans did in Acts 17, that’s why there’s a sharp sword. Let’s read Hebrew 4:12 pastor. [Pastor] Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. [Bro. Francis] The Word of God is sharp like the two edged sword, dividing asunder of soul and spirit, , and of the joints and marrow. Discerning the hearts of men. The greatest discernment that we could have in the Scriptures, does he has the heart, the love for the truth? Does he has the love for the Word of God? The love means open, the love for His Truth. Are their revelation is partial, be contented on what is the love of God, in a sense on the carnal side, on the material side, the physical side but we are not interested in the spiritual side. Now, this is why it was called the sharp sword. Why is it called the satan seat? Satan seat because this is the beginning of the Catholic Church. There’s no Catholic Church yet but it is still being organized and from the doctrine of the Trinity, the change next would be the doctrine of the Baptism. Then there was an organization of Rome. Rome began the seat of shall we say become the, Rome became the seat of power, shall we say, the overseeing church over other churches. so, the bishop of Rome becomes the bishop of all the bishops. So, it become the satan’s seat, this starts the nicolaitan spirit. Everything should come from the centralized government. Why is it called Balaam? That he tempted to offer to idols, who was Balaam? Who played the role of Balaam at that time? Who played the role of Balaam? Was I Constantine? Anyone who knows the story of Balaam? Ok, let me give some story part, he was a prophet, and he cursed the king Balak it was the time of Exodus. So you can read that in the Old Testament when Balaam coached king Balak “I cannot curse the children of Israel but I can teach you how to corrupt them.” So God used that person. So, it was not Constantine who played the role of Balaam, Constantine was Balak. Who was Balaam? The bishops who convened, they were in the agreement with him, to organize a centralized church government. To take me that resemblance of different denominations, INC, ACQ, ADD, they have this resemblance of centralization, they have no freedom, they have no freedom on proving all things. So, Balaam taught how the children of Israel to eat food offered to idols. The food offered to idols at that time was the doctrine of the Trinity, and many other doctrines will come after to that. The baptism in the title of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost then the rest is history. There’s purgatory, there is a celibacy, there is a …what else? There is this saints worship, veneration of saints, relics, rituals, it became an idolatry. So, because the bishops, who are nicolaitan, but this time nicolaitan become a doctrine. Nicolaitan remember we talked about it in Ephesus was a deed, it was an action in Ephesus but since that action was organized it became a doctrine. Let’s talk about the doctrine, in a church a pastor may not be arbitrarily close the minds of their members but subconsciously we might be doing it. I came from a fellowship that believes in Raymond Jackson. Raymond Jackson doesn’t teach people not to check all things but he also doesn’t teach to check also. He already expected people to check it by themselves. He doesn’t say we need to be a Berean, we need to check it out, he just said “this is right, this is wrong.”, “this is what the teach, this is how he teaches.” Without telling people how to be Berean, like the treasure gold, this should be the right attitude for us. There is a hidden Manna inside! And we should desire for that hidden Manna, hunger for that! And you know that this Mann, when the Israelites were just passing to the dessert going to the promise land, they don’t have other food but Manna. They are not in the promise land yet, if you believe that you are not yet perfected in maturity in the Word then you must desire that hidden Manna, we need something to survive to keep our spirits alive. We should not be feeling of tradition or emotion or superstition. We should be freed of from the revelation of God. Now, white stone has something to do with Peter being precious stone, remember Jesus Christ said “thou art Peter.” Christ renamed Simon, he had the name Peter because he received a revelation from Petra. And when Peter received a revelation he became a small stone, you know the verse? 1 Peter 2:5, “batong buhay” as a building stone for the temple of God, and why is it white? There is sanctification. And what is the hidden name written on it, that will be your new name. What is this new name? Actually this will be mentioned by Jesus Christ in chapter 3:12, you can write it out in your Bible. Because we don’t have much time, New Name what s that? Jesus Christ will have a New Name and Peter had a new name, and what about every believer that had a new name? It says in Revelation like Melchizedek receiving an oath from what he has in his previous life he had a new life, just like a believer who was born again, have a new life, you will have a new oath you will have a new ministry, you will have a new profession for God. This also has something to do on your sta nding, your position. So, just as Jesus Christ, that is how He got His New Name. Ok, we’re gonna continue next time, Thyatira, let’s give God a big hand! (clapping)! [Bro. Francis] Praise the Lord! Ok, I’m gonna give it back to pastor… [Pastor] Ok, salamat Bro. Francis ating napagbigyang…. MAY 16, 2014 REVELATION SERIES PART 4 TOPIC: PERGAMOS CHURCH AGE PREACHER: BRO. FRANCIS SCRIBER/TYPIST/UPLOADE/POSTED BY: Sis. Remy
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 21:49:03 +0000

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