PERGE beginning of the citys history can be explored with - TopicsExpress


PERGE beginning of the citys history can be explored with Pamphylia region. Prehistoric caves are found to belong to the age and location within the region. The most well-known in the cave Karain Cave, Karain Cave neighbor who Öküzini, Beldibi, Belbaşı best-known prehistoric rock shelters and residential areas in the region are Bademagaci. Shows examples of Pamphylia plain prehistoric settlement is convenient and popular residential area since the times. For settlement since prehistoric acropolis of Perge plane of the plateau has been recognized as a preferred area. Made by Wolfram Martini acropolis of Perge that studies have shown, BC 4000 or from 3000 was used as the acropolis plateau residential area. [3] among the archaeological finds indicate that obsidian and flint finds from the Neolithic and Copper Age settlements serve as Perge. The first prehistoric burials in Pamphylia region has also faced the Acropolis research. Pottery finds are similar with only Central Anatolia Anatolia samples compared with other finds. Hittite Empire era City of Perge excavations of the Hittite Empire Hattusa the inscriptions on bronze plaques in 1986. It is understood that an important place during the period. BC The bronze plate dated 1235 just before the Hittite King IV. Tuthaliya contains the text of the agreement made between enemies and his vassal king Kurunta. The text related to Perge: Parche (Perge) the regions where the city limits of Kaštarj river. If Hatter said if King Parhan Kent attack takes to sovereignty by force of arms will be connected to the city Tarhuntassa king. Signed as a result of war with as much as understood from the text of this agreement in the city and also out of the side of the two of them have continued to maintain its independence. With writing form will dominate the city, though the Hittite king in power, we can accept the hypothesis that not much interest in Pamphylia southwest. Perge, late Hittite period is estimated that a very important role to play. As a small settlement on the Acropolis must have been a living. Shortly after the said event in bronze plaques began incursions of the sea tribes in Anatolia and have put an end to the Hittite Empire. Epigraphic information in light of Pamphylia the languages etymological research on late comments came towards the first Helen effect of Mycenaean and Hittite is done. BC 13th-century document that is not written on early Greek colonization. Comments on this issue are based only on early Greek heroic legends. As a result of the Trojan War and Kalchas led Mopsus Hellenli Akhal of Pamphylia to come Phaselis, Perge and Aspendos Syllio is allegedly founded the ancient city. BC 120/121 years dated to Perge in Ktistes statue which was found located in the courtyard behind the Hellenistic tower-base with the name written Akhal heroes Mopsus, Calchas, Riksos, Labos, Machaon, referred to as the founder of the city Leonteus and Minyasas. Mopsus mythological founder of the city can be proved in the same time as the historical person. F. Light BC 8. BC to the end of the century 7. Karatape dated from the beginning of the century in a yazıtta are starting to say: Kizzuwatna king Astawa career is said that a person named their grandfather or Muks to Muksus. These people should definitely be one of the descendants of the Hittites. Hittite and Hellenes by comparison with the Mopsus Muksus, Parche with Perge, starting from Pat similarities also Patara, Karatape the Late say that the Hellenes be considered later by the Hittites brain Heros attachment. Colonnaded street fountain located at the end The patron goddess of the city of Perge city sikker Artemis Pergaia always written as Wanass to Preiis. Preiis or preimmune should be very likely in the name. The name of the city in the early Aspendos sikker Estwediiys and Syllion Selyviis was written. According to Strabo, was alien to Pamphylia dialect Helen said. Side Sillyon and inscriptions written in indigenous languages were uncovered. Arrien in Anabasis says; When they came to Ky Side should have forgotten their language, and soon began to speak indigenous languages. Sidecar language is mentioned. From here you can reach the following conclusions: Perge, Syllio and Aspendos Pamphylia dialect Helen of talking, has continued to be an active language Side and around sidence and sidence luv accepted as a language of the language groups. Log in Alexander the Greats city [edit | edit source] BC Battle of the Granicus in 334 BC Alexander the Great won the management of the Achaemenid Empire in Asia Minor has been saved. According to Arriade Pamphylia was mentioned before Alexander the Great had established links with calipers in the city of Phaselis. King of Macedonia sent to the Army of the path of the Thracians have opened over the Taurus Lycia Pamhylia reached Perge itself by following the coastline near commanders. Arrien city of Perge in Macedonia army because he did not mention any war should have opened the door to the king without city war. Although the city is protected by a strong city walls in the classical period, it must have been not want to fight with the powerful Macedonian Army. Alexander the Great, then continues to progress towards Aspendos and Side, Side reached out and later returned to Perge, Aspendos. BC 334 years Nearchos is appointed satrap of Lycia-Pamphylia State. Then BC 334/333 Gordion goes to spend the winter. Nearchos BC 329/328 year went to camp in the city of Alexander the Great Zariasp in Bactria. After this date, not to mention the name of any satrap shows that pruning probably Lycia and Phrygia Pamhylia Great Satraplığına connected. After Alexander the Great State of Perge [edit | edit source] After the Treaty of Apameia (Pamphylia) is divided into two parts. The boundaries of the text of the treaty with the Seleucid kingdom of Pergamum was determined with certainty. Based on the text can produce the result: Pergamon Aksu, including Perge (Kestros) so that the limit had been with West Pamphylia. Aspendos and Side and has remained independent bağdaşıg of the Romans in both cities. Although the Treaty Apemai Pergamum was asked to rule the whole Pamphylia. Aspendos, Side and maybe they maintain their independence with the help of Sillyon Rome. Therefore King II. In order to have a port in the southern Mediterranean Attalos was forced to build the city of Attaleia. Roman writer Livy Roman consul Cn. Vulso Manlius was to conquer the city of Perge. City council bulunarak petition has asked permission to ask the King Antiochus to deliver the city without a fight. Cn. Manlius Vulso have come to expect from us Antiocheia. Leave a cause of konsul; In the absence of a strong defense system and the Seleucids in the city is connected to a powerful garrison. E. C. looking at Boschs writings; After the peace of Apameia in West Pamphylia limits mentioned above belonged to Pergamum. But Perge entirely free but not independent in their internal affairs. Vulso cm Manlius was saved from the sovereignty of the Seleucid upon request. Apparently, the Seleucid Kingdom of Pergamon was a permanent change comes like a child in the line of demarcation between the kingdom and the border city. Roman [edit | edit source] BC In 133 BC, the Kingdom of Pergamon III. Attaloss will was transferred to the Roman Republic. Romans founded the West Asian state in Anatolia. But Pamphylia remained outside the boundaries of this state. One point of clarification until now, which is that of Pergamum was received into the Asian part of the Province of the Western Pamphylia. Maybe they are included in a period of Pamphylia cities or states have remained free. Pergamum was dominant until Kestros Western Pamphylia. The river was a natural border. But an end to the Romans and the Rhodesian Kilikyalı after the destruction of the sovereignty of the sea pirates have been able to talk SABIB in Pamphylia. Cicero Roman period we get the first information about the Perge they have written against Verres. Verres BC Quaestor of the 80/79 year is the governor of Cilicia. Publius Cornelius Dolabella was governor of Cilicia keep the government in the hands of the State Governor. Verres rob the treasury of the temple of Artemis at Perge Pergaia. Artemidoros called a caliper according to Cicero helped him. Thus, it is understood that; this period is connected to Pamphylia Cilicia State. BC 49 years in Asia will include Caesar Pamphylia State. Lentulus we learn from the letters that he wrote to Cicero from Perge; BC In 43 came up to Dolabella Side, there was victory in his battle with Lentulus and made with the city boundary between the State of Asian Side province of Cilicia. We derive the conclusion that to be included in a letter from the Asian province of Pamphylia. Roman soil, which when splitting between Mark Antony and Octavian remained in the East half Mark Antony. Mark Antony, Caesar cities of Asia Minor were due to take place next to punish Kaltil. Thus, these cities are removed from the Roman ally. King Amyntas of Galatia is dominated Eastern Pamphylia; A part of the West Pamphylia Asian State must be continued nonresidential. BC 25 years after the death of Amyntas, Augustus did not allow their son to the throne and established the Province of Galatia. Combining Western and Eastern Pampyli became the only state. Cassius Dio BC 11/10 for the first time in years Pamfilyal State refers to the governor. A.D. Emperor Claudius in 43 years, the State has established the Lycia et Pamphylia. During this period, the Apostle Paul first mission has undergone Seyyahat cities through Perge. Antiochia went by sea from Perge, Perge again suffered his return and made the JETS speech. A.D. 1. From the century by adapting to the world order that constitutes the Roman Perge, he tried to take his place in it. Pamphylia from the Hellenistic period has been one of the most important cities. Taking advantage of the tranquility provided by the Pax Romana has built a comfortable environment. Because Pamphylia region has been an area where the Hellenistic period to show Diadoklar traction power. At the beginning of the Hellenistic period with Ptolemaioslu Selevkoslu have fought for dominance. After the withdrawal of the opponents of Selevkoslu Ptolemaioslu was the Kingdom of Pergamon. Cities in Pamphylia Hellenistic wrangling failed to make much suitable environment to develop themselves. Pax Romana had entered the city with a new start process to develop themselves (for example: Perge eliminating the Hellenistic walls were built in the southern part of the South Agora bath). Çalışmışlarıd compasses are always to be in good relations with the Roman Emperors. More Tiberius during the caliper has gone to Rome as ambassador Apollonius the son of Lysimachus. Perhaps Apollonius of Perge was suffered during Germanicus East Travel by private initiatives. Construction of the gymnasium and palaestra [edit | edit source] Gaius Julius Cornutus the middle of the first century, has built a gymnasium and the Palaestra Nero during Perge. 7 month period of Galba, was combined with Pamphylia Galatia. Vespasian Lycia et Pamphylia State reshaping State of Lycia and Pamphylia was the only province to do it again. Emperor Vespasian gave the title to the city of Perge Neokori the Emperor gave the authority Asylum Pergaia goddess Artemis Temple of Domitian. Demetrios period under Domitian in Apollonius of Perge the brothers erected a triumphal arch at the intersection of two main streets. Jib Demetrios and Apollonius brothers belonged to a wealthy family in the city. An image from the Agora Hadrian Era and Beyond [edit | edit source] Hadrian management of Lycia and Pamphylia Sanato State Province, Bithynia and Pontus State Empire State statutes are amended to be provided. This arrangement has been a necessary change only lasted three or four years. The most important epigraphic inscriptions are resource planners of Hadrian period Ktistes of the family. Planners of the family plays an important role in the history of Perge in the era of the Roman Empire. Plancius Varus Rutilius Flavian period made a senator and was proconsul of Bithynia and Pontus State in 70-72 years. Rutilius Plancius Varus, the daughter of Perge is Plancia Magna of the color names. Planners were married Magna Senator Gaius Julius Cornutus Tertullus. The couple has a son named Gaius Julius Plancius Varus Cornutus. Magna planners during his lifetime with all the strength to renew the whole city development activities and has worked to enrich. Family planners especially Hadrian had to have a strong political position in the city of Perge. Before the development of the citys entry Plancia Magna activities Hellenistic gate had been further south. Hellenistic tower behind the inner courtyard has been transformed into propaganda Plancia Magnas request in line with the center of town. Located in the eastern courtyard wall niche of Helen Ktistes had yerleştirt the statue of the Roman Ktistes the western niche. Romans Ktistess father, brothers, husband and son as he verilmş. Perge is not new to public institutions, Helen wanted to show that Kolonisazyon to go back. [4] Perge had obtained the right to participate in the festivities with these organizations Panhelleni mythology. Panhelleni festival was founded by Emperor Hadrian, Helen has been developed in conjunction with the culture and Hellenistic Athens was chosen as the capital of the world. Small Asian cities Panhelleni could also participate in the festival. One must go to Athens with a formal application and was really difficult to prove that was founded as a Greek colony. Formal application being examined by the Commission in Athens, if the application is accepted, the city was declared as a member Panhelleni. After formal admission to secure the bronze statue of city founder or founders and was sent to Athens. These sculptures were exhibited in a gallery. Compasses Based on Panhellenia also a statue of Helen Ktistes must have wanted to exhibit in their city. The citys name Perge does not have a Greek root. The subsequent history of Pamphylia is unlikely to separate from the Roman History. Marcus Aurelius was again the management of Pamphylia State Senate. But Pamphylia has always been a part of the Roman Empire. Late continuous belirisizlik in the political situation in Central Asia during the Roman period Small due to the weakening of the government was formed. Part Romans have become public enemy creates great problems for the eastern border, and the situation has become more difficult with the passage of the management of the Sassanids in the 3rd century. I Schaper (241-272) and in the battle near the Karrada district of Edessa Roman Emperor Valerian (253-260) are taken prisoner. Valerian, Gallienus and Tacitus during Pamphylia some cities have been places where the Roman garrison stationed. Because this period in which the head of the dangers and disasters for many years in Asia Minor. Between 235 and 284 ancient historians agree that the crisis years of the Roman Empire. Sasanid have attacked Cappadocia and distribute the harbor in Cilicia. Side has become an important port for the Roman army. Pamphylia cities showed great improvement because they have a rich period in the 3rd century. Valeiranus under Gallienus was Pamphylia province during the reign of the Emperor again. Gallienus and Taticus years of management have been successful years for the city of Perge. Gallienus period is highlighted by the Imperial Cult in the epigraphic and numismatic documents Neokori the nomenclature. Side and Perge race between plays an important role in this regard. Inscriptions found Gotta have chosen Wars Empire during Emperor Tacitus Perge and brought to the city as the main center of the chassis. Perge was proclaimed Emperor Tacitus 274-275 metropolis of Pamphylia State. City Metropol is proud to be so. Compasses have written a poem for the Emperor. Poetry is still a place called Tacitus street is located in two sewn article scraping on stone. Side in Pamphylia due to the port city has always been a strong city. Perge, despite the world-renowned Temple of Artemis Pergaia never took place as the first city in the region. This race has been there all the time between the cities of Pamphylia. Perge, though for a very short time has achieved success against long-term rival. After a short time will be shown as the first city in Perge in Pamphylia Probus time. Attacks and Attenuation of the region Isaurians [edit | edit source] 286 will have on the eastern half of the Empire mention of Diocletian. Have made arrangements with the State Diokletianus Lycia and Pamphylia have been the singular state. Got more Gallienus period dominated the region from descending into Cilicia through Taurus and have cut off road links with Isauria Central Anatolia. Thus, the trade connection is interrupted. 3. At the end of the century it has lost its importance Pamphylia. Emperor III. When the Gordinaus trip east has undergone Perge. The Emperors visit to the city erected a statue in his honor. In the same period the emperor dated discussed in a previous article from Pamphylia Perge is understood that a single state. Lycia et Pamphylia State should be continued until 313 years. Fabius Aurelius who first proved by epigraphic document is the first Governor of the State of Lycia. Aurelius Fabiuss governorship period is between the years 333-337. 313 and 325 is the date of each of the two states together. Then it is definitely divided into two states from each other. The second half of the 4th century Isaurians have attacked Pamphylia. Isaurians are, have closed the road on the Taurus and have organized raids to collect the spoils of the internal Pamphylia. Pamfilyalılar ind lived in prosperity for many years with Pax Romana, 4 have tried to remain standing or built new defense systems in the crisis years of the century or repair their old ones. Isaurians in 368-377 years geçmişlerid reactivated strengthening military attacks. 399 and 405/6 Pamphylia attacks and destruction of Isaurians has been very strong. However, with the destruction of Pamphylia Isauria king Zenon was stopped. Pamphylia re-development period in the 5th century and has experienced a brilliant speed. Eastern Roman Empire period and the Abandonment of the city Eastern Roman Empire with a special status in Pamphylia in the first Episcopal Diocese arrangement Side center is described in Perge second bishopric. Here again the tradition seems to have become the competition between the two cities. The only issue that matters is uncertain what the capital city of Pamphylia. Began in the 7th century Arab invasion of the area. Contact not found direct knowledge of ancient Perge and byzantine era. Only Synod can be the owner of the news of the declaration of the results of the meeting. Perge, people gradually began to leave the city in time between those dates. 17th century traveler Evliya Celebi came to Pamphylia. Evliya Çelebi are talking about a settlement called Tekken Fortress in this region. Some researchers argue with Tekken Fortress may place the same layout of the ancient city of Perge. In the archaeological excavations carried out in the city of Perge is rastlanmmaış the Ottoman artifacts or no residue. Todays modern residence is located approximately 1 km south of the city of Aksu. Perge then the core layout of these reasons should be abandoned Byzantine period at any time by people. Religious History [edit | edit source] Paul or real name Saul and companion Barnabas, according to the written New Testament visited Perge in two times. [5] have made the first visit to missionary work and preaching. [6] 15 km to ride with here in ship located beyond Attalia (present Antalya) in the direction of southeast Realising Antioch (Antakya) to have gone. Greek records Perge, was cited as the metropolis of Pamphylia region until the 13th century. City of Ruins The first excavations at Istanbul University in 1946 ((by ammersel)) important ruins at Perge which is initiated by the following: Theatre [edit | edit source] Cave (area where the audience seats), Orchestra and Scene (Scene) consists of three main sections. Cave divided between the orchestra and the stage area is slightly larger than a semicircle. Still popular gladiator in the same period a period orchestra and made wild animal fights. With a capacity of 13,000 spectators. [7] At the bottom 19, a top 23 seating rows. To be surrounded by railings of the orchestra of the theater, shows that where made in the gladiator games. But the most interesting part of the stage building of Perge theater. 5 door opened backstage scene with buildings in the face of Dionysus, the god of wine on the tables there are reliefs depicting his life. Perge marble reliefs on the stage of the theater building has been described as a film almost square. The result of the collapse of the stage building department about the life of Dionysus, despite severe damage to many of these reliefs are quite understand. stadium Perge Stadium is one of the best stadiums have survived from the ancient world. Elongated rectangular plan, which is the main material structure that have occurred in the area of natural conglomerate blocks. The dimensions of 234 x 34 meters off the southern to the northern edge of the short form of the shoe is on. Structure 30 is closed in both long edges short edge has occurred during the 70 arches resting on subtraction including 10 of 11 sitting. The height of 0436 m row. and the width is 0.630 m. The upper echelons 3.70 m. as the backrest width occurred on the trip to the area. South short edge is assumed that a monumental wooden entrance is located. Long-edge bearing belt blanks are used as shops, the name and the type of goods sold, the shop owner is understood from the paper it is written on them. Stadium of M. 1. It is possible to say that the second half of the century began to be built. Approximately 12,000 people. Panoramic Image of the stadium Agora [edit | edit source] The city is the commercial and political center. There are round the shops around the central courtyard. Some of the shop floor is covered with mosaics. One of the shops agora respectively, while the other opens to the streets surrounding the agora. Shops in the south wing, depending on the slope of the land is on two floors. Outside the west entrance to the main entrance has been closed during the Eastern Roman Empire and the wall was used as a chapel, probably the northern entrance. 13.40 m with a circular structure in the middle of the square agora Worldwide 75.92 x 75.90 m in size. Colonnaded street [edit | edit source] colonnaded street Fountain in the acropolis (nympheum) extends between the settlements. In the middle of 2 m. divides a water channel width of the street. Hellenistic Gate [edit | edit source] Hellenistic Gate Hellenistic walls of the east, west and has three doors, including the güneyd. This southern door, enters the courtyard door type. BC Dated to the 2nd century Hellenistic gate, four floors to the defensive mentality and oval courtyard guarded by two round towers is a monumental structure with a plan. The door was detected the presence of three phases. A.D. 121 year has been turned into a court of honor by undergoing some changes. Meanwhile, the Hellenistic walls are coated with colored marble columned facade architecture was created, the niches in the walls and God is understood that the issue of the statue of the legendary founder of the city. South Bath [edit | edit source] An image from the South Bath South Bath is one of the citys best-preserved structures in Pamphylia region compared with similar size and attracts attention with its monumentality. Dressing, cold bath, warm bath, hot bath, body movements (palaestra) as juxtaposed reserved spaces for different functions, and passing from one space is provided to take advantage of people who come to bath bath complex. Some local heating system under the floor can be seen today. Perge South Bath, M. 1 belong to different stages ranging from 5 centuries of construction, reflect the changes and additions activities. Other structures in the necropolis, walls, gymnasium, monumental fountains and are the doors.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 09:55:44 +0000

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