PERHAPS YOU ARE TOO BUSY THIS THANKSGIVING. Or maybe you feel you - TopicsExpress


PERHAPS YOU ARE TOO BUSY THIS THANKSGIVING. Or maybe you feel you have nothing to do and nowhere to go and you’re bored and lonely. In either case, may I suggest taking a little walk? The reason I say that is because that’s what I did today. I was in need of some inspiration. I was all bogged down in stuff that matters so little that it will never be mentioned on my headstone someday. So I had lunch in my truck, then meditated a while, then I got out and walked a couple of miles up and down steep hills. I must tell you my friends, the colors in late autumn, when most of the leaves are a soggy mess and the clouds are low and dark, well, those more subtly washed colors can call you right back to your soul. I was walking along and noticed an earthworm on the wet sidewalk. He was perfectly still and I reached down to touch him to see if he was alive. He squirmed like crazy. “Sorry, man. I didn’t mean to wake you.” But I knew a robin or crow was going to get him, so I gently picked him up, squirming and wiggling to get away from me, and laid him on some damp earth between fallen leaves. He was instantly at home. That’s all it takes sometimes, just reconnect with the earth and the next thing you know you’re feeling calm and breathing deeper. We have that in common with earthworms. About a half block further on, I had this interesting thought. Knowing that earthworms are a slightly less complex form of life than humans, I thought how interesting that life on this earth evolved at one time to where earth worms were in the upper echelon. So in a way, picking that creature up and moving him to safety was a little bit like going way, way back, to my former self, I’m talking millions of years now, and giving myself a hand. I know, this is where you veer off. “What? This is too much! Where the heck is he going with this?” Nowhere, my friend. Stuff doesn’t always need to go some where. To underscore that, here is a little snippet of video for ye. It’s not profound or poetic. It sort of has a beginning - in that it’s just sitting there until you click on it - but it doesn’t really have an end. An yet, if you look in my eyes you’ll see that there’s a whole lot of stuff going on in the soul behind them. Some of it is about earthworms ’n shit, but there’s also some more complex stuff having to do with leaf blowers. The point of all this is to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. If you are going through something difficult, go outside. Please do this. Go outside and let the weather take you for a few minutes, whether you live where there’s a blizzard or a margarita sunset. Let the weather and natural elements have their way with you, my friends. Or, if you can’t do that, just look at my face in this video and you’ll see that I’ve done it for you. I think you will feel a lot better. Happy Thanksgiving. ~ Michael Tomlinson PS, my web guy has graciously posted three new gift ideas on my website. Nobody needs another blender, people. THREE GREAT GIFTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS ~ - Buy 3 or more CDs, get one CD FREE - Send a Video Christmas Card from MT - 2-hour online Songwriting/Writing Session w/ MT via phone or Skype Read about them at michaeltomlinson
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 00:52:20 +0000

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