PERIODIC OBSERVATIONS Of Spectacularity & Gimmickry... Wednesday - TopicsExpress


PERIODIC OBSERVATIONS Of Spectacularity & Gimmickry... Wednesday 09.10.13 A spectacle is defined as "something exhibited to view; usually, something extraordinary, or as unusual and worthy of special notice; or an embarrassing situation." So, if you exhibited something extraordinary you did something spectacular. Humanity has been driven to accomplish that which is spectacular and extraordinary. Individuals, organizations, businesses, and schools – join the spectacularity bandwagon. We find this urge even in Genesis when a group of people banded in Babel saying – "...Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves..." (Genesis 11:4) Today, I believe that even churches and ministries join the fray in making a name for themselves. This is evidenced by the fact that effectiveness is often measured by the number of members, number of dollars in the budget, and the hugeness of their buildings and their reach. While these optics are indeed good signs of effectiveness, they are not a measure of true success, per se. The writers of the synoptic Gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke tell us that Satan tempted Jesus to perform gimmicks – turn stones into bread, he wanted Jesus to jump from a high place. In other words, Satan wanted Jesus to manipulate God into performing spectacular displays of his power. I have read that "there are not a few people who are firmly convinced that Jesus should have jumped from the mountain to prove how great He was and that Elijah really heard God in the earthquake instead of the still, small voice." But greatness in the Christian faith is not defined in terms of splendor, or power, or in numbers attracted. New Testament churches were small. They meet in their homes. May the church never resort to gimmickry to attract people to hasten the moment of retrieving the prize of making a name for ourselves. May we come, faithfully, reverently, and loyally to worship, to study the word, and be under the power of the Holy Spirit in order that we may grow in wisdom and stature with our God. May we seek this first, and all the glory due Him, and His church will be added by Him, not us. He created a church, not a mob, and issued a warning to His disciples: "Woe be it unto you when all men speak well of you." (Luke 6:26)
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 17:29:06 +0000

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