PERIODIC OBSERVATIONS Settling For Less Wednesday - TopicsExpress


PERIODIC OBSERVATIONS Settling For Less Wednesday 11.06.13 Every day, people settle for less than they deserve. They are only partially living or at best living a partial life... ~ Bo Bennett Theres this primitive tribe in a remote part of the world who worships the moon. Chanced upon by missionaries they inquired as to why they worshiped the moon instead of the sun. They replied, Because the stupid sun shines during the day. We do not need it when there is already light. The moon shines at night when we need light. Little did the tribesmen know that the sun created the light of day, as well as providing light at night by reflecting off the moon. Their belief was based upon a long standing tradition which obscured the fact that all things in nature are seen against the background of sunlight. Such a primitive, uninformed understanding of reality is no greater an absurdity than the modern mind which cannot comprehend that all human affairs are conceived against the background of the greater Light of the world, the Son – Jesus. I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. (John 8:12 ESV) John, talking about Jesus said, In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. (John 1:4, 5, 9 ESV) Failure to appropriate this proffered light into our lives we, just like those primitive tribesmen, settle for the lesser light. Were satisfied with bland, very vanilla kind of lifestyles when we have a long standing invitation of a life of abundance and rest in Jesus! ...I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. (John 10:10 ESV) Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28 ESV)
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 22:36:13 +0000

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