PERSISTENCE 25 SEPTEMBER Daily Readings 1. 1 Chronicles 8 2. - TopicsExpress


PERSISTENCE 25 SEPTEMBER Daily Readings 1. 1 Chronicles 8 2. Ezekiel 21 3. Luke 18 “And will not God give justice to his elect, who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long over them? I tell you, he will give justice to them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” Luke 18:7-8 (ESV) This passage of Scripture has a very interesting remark at the end of it. Jesus has just told a parable of a widow who received justice because of her persistence in asking for it. Jesus then equates the story back to us and our receiving justice speedily from God if we continually cry out for it. Then the question, will the Son of Man find faith on the earth when He comes? This initially strikes me as an odd question, but as I pondered on it, I realized that so many people are not faithful in seeking justice. Firstly, we are very lazy and apathetic, and if we do rise to the challenge of seeking justice in the first place, being denied once is usually enough to cause us to lose heart in seeking justice. ‘Well, at least I tried,’ in the thought that comes to mind. There is much to learn from the persistence of the widow in seeking justice. The fact that she was seeking it from a judge who neither feared God, nor respected man is a testament to the power of persistence. We can wear the wicked down, but we need to be willing to face rejection and also to continue fighting for what we know to be right. Jarrod Clur Prayer: Lord, I pray that I might be found faithful in seeking justice. Father, strengthen my faith and give me courage for the battles I may need to fight. I pray this in Jesus’ mighty Name. Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 03:00:00 +0000

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