PERSONAL COMMENTS REGARDING ;POST TOURNAMENT BLUES AND THEIR ORIGIN. Usually, the next day after a tournament, I am depressed.Iam physicall and emotionall drained. With the amped upphysical work and energy level I must maintain throughout training, Im running close to empty on the event day. The training begins 5 weeks prior. During that time ,I monitor all physical and personal problems that interfere with the teams training. Because of the nature of a fighter , they are often many. lol.. I council, mediate, medicate, discipline and put out numerous fires.I give motivational speeches during and after each class, that had better work and be something smart guys will buy in to. My own life goes on hold. Then the day of, I am so emotionally invested in each and every fight, that I have gone 20 emotionl rounds by days end. During this time, I coach, during the fight and do what is necessary to make a point afterwards. Often these points are the most memorable lesson to be learned.This ringside observation includes quick analization of their opponent ,so as to give good advice, the first time; working the officials just enough, lol; giving aide and comfort after a loss, or a back to Jesus session for not listening to me and following the strategy. Yesterday a blew mycoaching asignment by not keeping up with my guys required kicks(10). He was in the zone andtotally dominating. I didnt do my job and I still hurt over it. He tried to let me off the hook ,but I commmited an unpardonable sin ,and my own warnings about mental errors. Yet staying focused and postponing my sorror over it , included getting in one of my blackbelts faces during a brief pause in his fight ,and whacking him in the chest for walking off while I was talking. I also had an instance where a very good fighter hot dogged one of my guys and showed him up while defeating him. After the fight ,I got in Hot dogs face and expressed my dissatisfaction. I dont let that happen to anyone when I am a center ref. I have disqualifed hot dogs on a few occasions. I dont care if they dont like it ,or if their sensei doesnt like it. I dont like it ,and that trumps their dislike. A few years back a notorious hot dog really showed up one of our far less talented blackbelts. He wasnt just bulying a far lesser opponent, he was making a statement to alll of us as he kept throwing looks. We kept focused and won the grand shortly after. He had been eliminated later. He was a target for us after that. He got knocked cold the next time he faced one of us, and got several offers at later tournaments to step outside and go for real. He stopped coming around and picked his tournaments. If he has the balls to come around again ,he is going down again. I want to add here, that I also congratulate all winning opponents and often wind up giving aide and comfort to a losing opponent. I respect all fighters and appreciate their efforts. At the end of the tourney ,I make sure that I say what needs be said to the group That is a crucall time to make a statement for the future. Prior of coarse is a critical time to get their heads right. for their fights.That is more important to the new fighters than the experienced usually. I say usually, because I had to tell two of my more experienced guys the night before and that morning,that they couldnt bring their wife or girl friend. That had been decided but they missed the memo. I was pissed about having to be the bad guy ,and they understood how pissed that morning. I alone decide who goes with MY team. If that doesnt work, then they are not obligated to continue on with me. Not always popular ,but but being popular is not in my job description. I turned out to be a non issue,only becasue of the dedication of my guys and their understanding ,that I have resons for decisions. I think in terms of team, not individual. They all get that ,and that is why we trust and believe in each other. We are close for a reason. That reason is the understanding that what is in the best interest of the team ,is also in the best interest of the individual. No exceptions. My depression is alive and well, but I anticipate and know it is repaired with rest and plans for the next class. I have mostly slept today with dreams of success for a great bunch of Dragons.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 00:04:07 +0000

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