PERSONAL NOTE: Lazarus’s “interrupted moment” was the most - TopicsExpress


PERSONAL NOTE: Lazarus’s “interrupted moment” was the most awesome teaching event Jesus demonstrated. We can apply it to every “no-way-out” circumstance in our lives. Lazarus was very happy, living in paradise. Death had no sting and the grave no victory. All eternity was at his beckoning. To have someone persuade him to come back to life was definitely not on his heavenly agenda. Mary and Martha wanted him healed before it was too late, but Jesus waited four days too long. Lazarus was now dead, buried, and a stone was covering his grave. But this worst case scenario is a living testimony of an event(s) in our everyday lives. The death of Lazarus comes in various forms. If you are a businessman, and your company goes bankrupt through circumstances out of your control, this is a death of Lazarus. If you have, or are going through, marital situations that are out of your control, this is a death of Lazarus. If you have no place to live, no food to eat, no clothes to wear, or no money, this is a death of Lazarus. If you can relate to what was just said, you probably have thought you would be better off dead than to live in a state of obscure nothingness. You are a desperate individual who needs a touch from Jesus. You think your prayers go unanswered. You may have shaken your fist at God, or said something similar to Mary and Martha, “Jesus if only You would have come sooner, my business could have been saved; but You have come too late!” Jesus if only You would have come sooner, my marriage could have been healed; but You have come too late!” Jesus if only You would have come sooner, I would not have to suffer and go without; but You have come too late!” Jesus is never too late! To think that Jesus cannot rectify the situation is a total lack of faith. When He speaks those commanding words of power and might, “Lazarus, Come Fourth!” towards your situation, an interrupted moment occurs. Whether it is four days or four years, you come out of the grave, and those around you will begin to assist in the task of setting you free. Lazarus returns from the dead, and becomes alive again! Out of exhaustion and sorrow, Mary fell at the feet of Jesus in prayer. Even in “no-way-out” situations, prayers for ourselves or loved ones, will prick the heart of Jesus, and bring an everlasting chain of events that will turn our emotional weariness into joy. So keep on praying, for yourself, and others. There is no telling when you could be the very one used of God to deliver an interrupted moment. Jesus will never be too late to answer your request, no matter how difficult or impossible it may seem.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 19:42:38 +0000

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