PERSONAL OPINION FROM FACEBOOK APOSTLES ADMIN Dear President Barack Ebola, What are you doing by committing 3,000 U.S. American Service men to fighting the Ebola Virus in Africa? Better you send those same troops to Iraq and Syria to fight the barbarians, ISIS. Why have you appropriated over $1 Billion dollars of American taxpayer money in this jaunt? You dont go to Congress who control the purse to get these funds formally appropriated. But, you wont commit financial resources to fight ISIS unless Congress approves it. The Ebola virus is mutating and can quickly become airborne. Why are you putting the health of these troops in danger, and what happens if these same troops return home and inadvertently spread the pandemic to our American Citizens? I dont get it. (Actually, I do.) In failing to control our Southern Borders, you have allowed many ill persons to enter and reside here now with diseases that the U.S. has long eradicated. The media reports a mystery virus affecting many parts of our Country. No mystery virus-- this is the Honduran Flu. And why wont you tell the American people just where you are settling these infected immigrants so we can match up these sites with the sites of current contagion? Now what? Rohm Emmanuel once said, Never let a good crisis go to waste. Are you trying to bring further plagues, pestilence, and death to the United States? Why do you pour the seven bowls of trials and tribulations to our Nation? And guess what, President Ebola, At the same time that infectious diseases are rife in this country, our medical system, thanks to you, is failing and will not be able to handle any health crisis of a widespread nature. Someone, please tell me Im wrong so I can sleep at nights. Nic Admin, FBA Note, I am all for humanitarian help to the world and a potential outbreak here would be horrible. But, I think you do much better to put troops on the ground in the Middle East, and not army boots and command and control centers in Africa.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 16:52:54 +0000

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