PERSONAL SOOTHE Before & Afters: Ok friends. As Ive been - TopicsExpress


PERSONAL SOOTHE Before & Afters: Ok friends. As Ive been sitting here with Mamaw over the past few days, Ive had lots of quiet prayer time alone. Its been absolutely wonderful. And without getting TOO deep, Ive prayed over many things during this quiet time... one being that God use my struggle with this dang autoimmune disorder to witness to a plan (His plan) which is greater than myself. I know that God is the ultimate Healer, but I also believe that He works through others (much more intelligent than myself) to help heal ailments. As many of you know... I searched for YEARS to find relief from an autoimmune disorder that causes extremely painful blisters to attack my skin during periods of extreme stress (and when I say extreme... 24/7 caregiving for 88 year old, live-in grandfather with advanced stage Alzheimers disease from 2008-2010). But I digress... Long story short... I visited a total of 5 dermatologists over that 2 year span (when it was the worst) and tried everything from steroid creams to antibiotics to you name it. I was even told by one dermatologist that what I had, he didnt treat in his office... implying that Im a picker. There are no words to describe the anger and hopelessness that followed that doctors visit. Im an LPC, for crying out loud. Thanks to my wonderful internships and my psychodiagnostic trainings, I am familiar with Excoriation disorder... and thanks, but no thanks. Nevertheless... I was ashamed, embarrassed and almost completely avoided public outings at all costs due to the constant stares and questions from those who saw me. I was a prisoner in my own skin, and it took its toll. So, before I became a consultant for Rodan and Fields, I was searching for ANYTHING that would help heal my skin. I had already accepted the fact that there was/is no cure for my autoimmune disorder, but SURELY there had to be SOMETHING??? I believe that God sent the message of Rodan and Fields to me at the perfect time, and it is my prayer that this message is going to reach someone else in the same perfect timing. I have NEVER, E.V.E.R. shown the pictures of my arm(s) to anyone other than my sponsor, Jauna Ellis. However, I am finally ready to take this last step in the healing process, and post my Soothe before and afters. (You have no idea how fast my heart is beating right now.) The first picture was taken during a severe breakout that occurred over a 72hr span. The 2nd picture is a close-up (same day/same time/same arm in picture 1) of one of the blister clusters. (Yeah... I TOTALLY made that happen, Mr. Random Dermatologist man). The third picture was taken after I had been using the Soothe regimen consistently for about 3 and a half months. Yes... I still have noticeable scarring, but SO WHAT??? I have found a clinically proven treatment for my breakouts now... PLUS... I am a consultant for 2 world renowned dermatologists on my way to financial freedom. Win. Win. So... how can I help you? Are you currently in a place of hopelessness and feel like youve tried everything for your personal skin issues? Do you know someone who is in that place? Or... are you interested in joining a second family at Rodan+Fields (a company that offers AFFORDABLE, prescription based, clinically proven products to the masses) for the opportunity to secure financial freedom for your family and generations to come? Then friend... we need to talk. But dont just take my word for it... the proof is in the pictures. #butterflies #transparency #thankyourandf #justamessenger #howmayihelpyou
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 01:14:12 +0000

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