PERSONAL VENDETTA OF THE DA IN THE EASTERN CAPE AGAINST PREMIER MASUALLE MUST BE EXPOSED FOR WHAT IT IS There is a funny story in the Daily Dispatch this morning which seem to be bent on continuosly casting aspersions on the personal integrity of the Premier of the Eastern Cape, a matter which the DA has been at pains to keep in the public agenda for quite sometime now regardless of responses and Facts submitted to this effect. This is a matter that pertains to funds that were deposited into his personal banking account by Treasury officials from when he was the MEC for Finance. Upon learning about this, the MEC of Finance at the time instructed the provincial Treasury to correct this and return the monies to Provincial Treasury. The money was returned without being utilized for any personal use by the MEC of Finance. The officials who authorized this payment are still at Treasury and Treasury now has a new MEC of Finance who is also not faceless if the DA was interested in finding out if any measures were taken to deal with this administrative error. All these administrative issues were dealt with adequately, there was even an advertorial with figures that Treasury issued to this effect. The matter should have been laid to rest now if this was a concern about good governance since all questions were responded to. If there are gaps according to the DA, the Treasury Department is still there to fill in such gaps. It is highly mischievous for the DA to insinuate that the Eastern Cape Premier Phumulo Masualle needs to be shielded from answering questions. To be shielded from what? What makes the DA believe that Premier Masualle needs protection? Protection from who? Firstly, the DA alleges that the questions they had sent to Premier Masualle were doctored or altered, they who seem to be the experts on democratic procedures should know that questions posed to Premier Masualle within the confines of the House are not love letters or personal correspondence. The Legislature receives the questions, tables them and prepares the responses on behalf of the Premier. The questions are not sent to his postal box where he decides to doctor them. That the money upon MEC for Finances insistence was returned to the provincial Treasury receives no acknowledgement from the DA. That, this act on its own was a Good story to tell, does not matter in the Rules Book of the DA. Why are all these facts probed and responded to continue to fall on deaf ears to the DA you may ask? The answer is simple, it is not in the DAs interest to see and acknowledge good governance when it occurs. Lastly, the deliberate mischief of consistently dragging the name of the Premier of the Eastern Cape by the DA will not succeed. The DA having failed to attach any dirt on Premier Masualle since his ascendancy to State House have been clutching at straws to drag his name in mud. An administrative issue that has been responded to adequately keeps on being recycled;so that a permanent cloud hangs on the Premiers head. This will not succeed. In his State of the Province Address on 27 June 2014, the DA supported the direction the administration was taking as led by Premier Masualle, even during the State of the Province Address they supported the Premier in the house. Yesterday in the Budget and Policy Speech, they did not raise any issues that they found fault with. The orchestrated campaign by the DA to use this matter to define the Premiership of Mr.Masualle has aborted even before it left the maternity ward. Ngekhe Balunge!
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 08:48:09 +0000

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