PERSONHOOD DEVELOPMENT VED 200 -Ten Things I Value VALUES are - TopicsExpress


PERSONHOOD DEVELOPMENT VED 200 -Ten Things I Value VALUES are like “guiding stars which navigate our lives” To know what we value does not only give us a better understanding of our self but a wider perspective of our life’s direction.. Becoming aware of our values help us understand ourself, especially the decisions we make, the behavior we manifest, and the personal goals we set. REFLECTION POINTS What did you feel while doing the activity? Was it difficult for you to identify your values? Why or why not? What did you feel while tearing your values? Why? How do these values influence and direct your present decisions, actions, and personal goals? Would there be other values which you consider important to integrate in your life decisions, actions, and goals? Would there be other values which you consider important to integrate in your life decisions, actions, and goals? What are these? Major priorities that one chooses to act on and that creatively enhances his life and the lives of those whom he associates with Brian Hall Values are ideals and principles by which man lives. Whatever is liked, prized, esteemed, desired, approved, and enjoyed by anyone at anytime. Brightman The source of values lies chiefly on the sentiments, broad backgrounds of feelings which make something seem valuable and others not valuable. Kingsley Davis Values are seen as growing from a person’s experiences. Values came from the Latin word “valere” means to have a vigor, a power to do a specific thing in order to realize a certain urgent demand for something important. Emphasizes the interrelatedness of personal and interpersonal nature of the person. It’s goal is the development of a fully functioning individual As a subject – values education has direct and immediate relevance to the personal life of the learner. It is holistic because it involves all faculties of the learner. Types of Values ABSOLUTE MORAL VALUES Those which are ethically and socially binding to all men, at all times and in all places. Characteristics: 1. Objective – derived ultimately from the truth itself, GOD 2. Universal –encompasses all persons, actions and conditions 3. External – they have always existed and will always exist MORAL VALUES Refer to the qualities of an act which are performed by an individual freely and knowingly. It is founded on human person, love and freedom. It serves as an ultimate guide of an individual towards goodness. Characteristics: 1. Basic values 2. More important than any other values 3. Permanent 4. Universal 5. Absolute 6. Objective 7. Freely chosen by human beings BEHAVIORAL AND CULTURAL VALUES Inner responses or incentive which prompt a person to a certain way. Characteristics: 1. Subjective 2. Societal 3. Situational Values Education framework and curriculum in the Philippines Why do we need to study Values Education? DECS (DepEd) Values Education Program (1988) This program was motivated by the 1986 EDSA Revolution. It was also inspired by the 1987 Constitution that envisions a “just and humane society” for the Filipinos. This vision calls for a shared culture and commonly held values such as “truth, justice, love, equality and peace.” PHILOSOPHY OF VALUES EDUCATION PROGRAM Values Education is based on a rational understanding of the human person, specifically on understanding of the Filipino as a human being in society and his/her role in the shaping of society and the environment. Core Values in the Philippine Values Education Programme HEALTH implies Physical Fitness and Cleanliness TRUTH Implies the tireless quest for knowledge in all forms, and the development of creative and critical thinking. LOVE implies the quest for personal integrity, the development of self-worth/self-esteem, honesty, and personal discipline. SPIRITUALITYimplies the surrender and cultivation of faith. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY implies the need to be socially responsible ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY the exercise of human mastery over the resources of nature and creative imagination in the solution of complex problems. NATIONALISM AND PATRIOTISM means the love of country and the people. Theory of the Person HAND LANGUAGE 1. WRIST AREA – name you feel most comfortable with and which you prefer 2. POINTING FINGER – word or phrase which best describe you 3. MIDDLE FINGER – greatest growth experience 4. RING FINGER – greatest block to your growth as a person 5. THUMB AREA – a person who plays a very significant role in your life 6. LITTLE FINGER - symbol that best show your relationship with God 7. PALM AREA – something which keeps you going in your life What were the feelings you experienced while working on the activity? What is the significance of going through the hand language activity? What significant learning, realizations, and discoveries did you have from the activity? The term "person" or "persons" shall include every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning or the functional equivalent thereof. The main goal of education is to raise children to be very high quality people and who have their knowledge and skills to become the BEST PERSON they can be. Personhood The sum total of the goals, values, rules you live by, your personality, your character, your knowledge, and your skills. Your PERSONHOOD is who YOU ARE... DEVELOPMENT the process of changing and becoming larger, stronger, or more impressive, successful, or advanced. PERSONHOOD DEVELOPMENT The development of human being’s potential toward an integrated self. “Pag-unlad/pagpapaunlad ng pagkatao.” DIMENSIONS OF THE HUMAN PERSON Human person/self as member of the community Spiritual Social Political Physical Economic Moral Intellectual
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 03:48:27 +0000

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