PERSPECTIVE SHIFT by Dave Gould THE POWER OF THE MINDSET--- Just about every inspiration and motivational speaker and book will tell you in order to achieve success and to make positive effective changes that stick , you need to change your mindset... Mindset ˈmīndˌset/ noun the established set of beliefs and attitudes held by someone. He attributed the success of his businesses to his positive mindset. That is the raw definition to the word mindset, but truly just the word is more powerful than that. Writers such as Anthony Robbins, Darren Hardy, Robin Sharma and Jack Canfield just to name a few off my head will repeatedly tell you...What you think is what you will be. If you believe you are going to be mediocre chances are you will be. On the same token, just because you want to and believe you can be a millionaire doesnt necessarily mean you will be .....BUT I CAN GUARANTEE that if you DONT believe you can be a millionaire, you will NEVER be a millionaire, unless by some far set chance of winning the lotto, but I also believe if your mindset is limiting and negative you wont attract the chance of luck to win anyway, but thats another subject. The point is that our thoughts and what we believe , our mindset truly determine our success and failures. Do you have a limiting beliefs mindset or an attitude of achievement and success? Im here to tell you that ANYONE can change their mindset and attract positive changes in their life...even when life is giving you lemons..... So how do we change our mindset effectively and make it become part of who we are and live our lives?....well of course it must start in the heart and be worked out in the mind. When that process starts our mind is so powerful actually it starts developing plans of action to achieve your desired goals, hopes and dreams.... What happens though with some people is that they have the desire to change and they start thinking positive thoughts....changing the way they think...believe and live in their mind but after a couple months without seeing concrete changes they start slipping back into negative mindset and disbelief... So i wanted to say this.... I attribute my success and change in mindset to the gratitude I feel from taking the little actions everyday towards reaching my goals. Its one thing to think positive but without taking action we dont solidify our new mindset. Every little accomplishment we make towards becoming the person we want to be is what turns positive thinking into a new mindset....a mindset that supercharges your life and attitudes start attracting opportunities you never thought were possible...people start showing up in your life that are key to the puzzle for your success...every time a goal is reached you become stronger and your mindset becomes deeper conviction in your believe you can do anything...cause you can..... So today my friends supercharge your life by doing one small thing that will lead you further down your path of success and overwhelming can do it.....everything is already in you...bring it out... All the best today and always...
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 15:42:20 +0000

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