PET OF THE MONTH BOBBY – Wound break down requiring long - TopicsExpress


PET OF THE MONTH BOBBY – Wound break down requiring long hospital stay. Bobby came into the surgery to have a lump removed from his leg, the surgery went very well and Bobby was sent home with a buster collar, and had strict instructions to rest. Unfortunately, Bobby had other ideas and had removed his Buster collar and was running around like a wild thing. Due to Bobby’s playful nature he managed to get his wound very mucky this unfortunately lead to his wound not healing properly. The wound broke down and opened up. Bobby returned to the surgery to have his wound cleaned daily however this alone was not enough and it was still taking a long time to heal even with his Buster collar now back on. It was then decided the only way to ensure Bobby was cage rested was for him to be admitted to the hospital for strict rest and twice daily wound cleans. Luckily for us Bobby was a dream to have around, the perfect inpatient, he rolled over onto his side to have his wound cleaned and was always offering his paw in exchange for treats. He was a good boy and gobbled up all his antibiotics in his food and was very well behaved. His exercise was limited to slow lead walks for a toilet break in the garden only. Bobby’s Grandma visited him while he was in with us, as Bobby gets far too excited when he sees his mum and Dad, but we kept them informed on how well he was doing on the phone. His Grandma treated him to a brand new toy which he loved to carry around in his mouth everywhere he went. After a week of cleaning his open wound twice daily, it had finally healed enough that we could operate on it again to close up the wound. He was ever so sleepy and comfortable after the surgery this meant he received even more belly tickles than usual! Bobby still needed to rest following the second surgery, as we were all concerned that if he went home too soon and ran about again it would re-open. So Bobby spent a further five days here at the surgery before he had the all clear to go home. Bobby carried his toy up to the waiting room thinking it was just another slow lead walk he was going on, then he met his Dad and he was so happy to see him he danced around whining at him!. We were all very pleased to see he was able to go home but we definitely miss his happy face. We hope Bobby is enjoying life at home again- without his dreaded Buster collar.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 11:50:27 +0000

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