PETA KILLING ANIMALS- PETAs RESPONSE. UNDERSTANDABLE IF SO. I LIKE TO HEAR ALL SIDES AND KNOW THEY DO MUCH GOOD, I COULD NOT UNDERSTAND. I received a post multiple times about PETA killing animals. Their response back to me below; From Subject (Thread Messages) Date Size Dear Cary, Thank you for contacting PETA. We appreciate the opportunity to address your concerns. PETA is on the front lines in the battle to help unwanted dogs and cats. Our caseworkers work tirelessly to rescue homeless animals from environmental dangers and situations of cruelty and neglect ( Our staff members crawl through sewers, poke around junkyards, climb trees, and dodge traffic in order to reach animals in danger. During floods and storms, we are out saving animals’ lives at all hours. PETA does not run a traditional adoption facility; we are a shelter of last resort. While a few of the animals we take in are lost companion animals whom we eventually reunite with their grateful guardians and others are taken to local open-admission agencies where they will have a chance to be adopted, the vast majority of the animals we accept are taken in specifically for euthanasia. Because most people take healthy, adoptable animals directly to local animal shelters, the majority of animals who come to PETA are extremely sick or seriously injured. For these animals, euthanasia is, without a doubt, the most humane option. PETA provides free euthanasia services for people who have very sick, critically injured, or geriatric companions but can’t afford to take them to a veterinarian. One family—lacking money for vet care and transportation—turned to us for help for their cat, who had barely crawled back home after being mauled by a pack of dogs. We were able to give the cat a peaceful end to her intense pain. On another occasion, when an explosion from a power-line transformer burned a flock of starlings, PETA was the only agency to come to the birds’ aid. If our trained technicians had not been ready to end these starlings’ misery, the injured birds would have suffered for days before finally succumbing to a painful death. PETA also began offering our services to pounds in North Carolina in 2000 after we were contacted by a police officer who was distressed by conditions at a county pound. When PETA steps in to properly euthanize animals—at no cost to participating animal shelters—our involvement prevents animals from being shot to death with a .22 caliber firearm, gassed to death in a rusty metal box, or injected with a paralyzing agent that causes slow suffocation without loss of consciousness. Compassionate euthanasia prevents animals from suffering for weeks on end because of disease, illness, or worse. We know from bitter experience that for homeless animals—even those in some animal shelters—there is such a thing as a fate worse than death. Some well-intentioned people might argue that the solution to the overflow of unwanted animals is to open sanctuaries. But the sad reality is that the math just doesn’t add up. There is not enough money available to us or to anyone to build enough sanctuaries or organize enough animal-adoption programs to keep up with the number of unwanted animals—particularly those animals deemed “undesirable” because of their infirmities, age, or behavior. Abandoning domesticated animals to fend for themselves would be irresponsible, of course, but keeping them in cages or pens for a lifetime is no more humane for homeless dogs and cats than it is for animals in laboratories or circuses. To learn more about “no-kill” shelters, please see, and Putting all our resources into kenneling unwanted animals would also do nothing to stop the flow of more and more homeless dogs and cats. Preventing the source of the problem—the birth of unwanted animals—is where money and efforts need to go. PETA runs three mobile spay-and-neuter clinics in Virginia and North Carolina at least six days a week. The clinics conduct much of their work in disadvantaged neighborhoods, where we offer no-cost to low-cost sterilization surgeries and other services such as flea and tick treatments, vaccinations, and deworming. We sterilize thousands of dogs and cats each year, including feral animals. Since starting our first mobile clinic in 2001, we have sterilized nearly 94,000 animals, including more than 9,200 in the 2012 fiscal year alone. We hope you understand that it is heart-wrenching for those of us at PETA and at animal shelters across the country who care deeply for animals to have to hold these animals in our arms and take their lives because there is nowhere for them to go. Those who truly seek to make a difference for animals understand that it is necessary to do the right thing—even when it’s unpleasant—rather than supporting false “solutions” simply because they make us feel less uncomfortable. PETA has always spoken openly about euthanasia on our website and in our publications, and—although we understand that it is upsetting to think about—euthanasia will continue to be necessary in this imperfect world until people take action though spaying and neutering to prevent dogs and cats from bringing new litters into the world. For more thoughts on PETA and euthanasia, please go to and We hope that this message has shed some light on our work. To read more about PETA’s lifesaving work, please visit To learn about what PETA is doing for companion animals and how you can help, please visit Thanks again for writing and for sharing your compassion for animals. Sincerely, The PETA Staff P.S. A lot of the misleading and outright false rumors that are spread concerning our efforts are the work of the deceitfully named Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF), a front group for Philip Morris, Outback Steakhouse, KFC, cattle ranchers, and other animal exploiters who kill millions of animals every year—not out of compassion but out of greed. To learn more about CCF—whose website USA Today said should be renamed “FatforProfit”—please see the following websites: · ConsumerDeception · · · nytimes/2010/06/18/us/politics/18berman.html?adxnnl=1&pagewanted=all&adxnnlx=1310490040-rGzoElznpxXMPZtmzw6L2g ·
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 22:06:05 +0000

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