PETER SEDUKU WROTE FROM BOTSWANA POLITICS .......Well, I might as well have a say my in review to what I have learned from a range of facebook posts, pages, groups and individual’s comments about the context effects or observer effects consider their likely impact on the case if ever. Due to the sensitivity of the case I will excuse the use of names .The most obvious danger is potentially biased information noted from the media in order to rake-in cash. Already I have observed the cognitive phenomenon of biased assimilation, the tendency of observers to accept more readily information that supports existing beliefs and ideas than information that challenges those beliefs, the tendency to test a hypothesis by looking for instances that confirm it rather than by searching for potentially falsifying instances. Let me be clear about what problems, are not the direct concerns of this post, but the amount of pollutants talking about distortions due to extraneous influences, deliberate falsification whose business is manufacturing false precepts or illusions. None of this is to say that people simply see what they want to see. An elementary principle of psychology is that context and expectations influence peoples perceptions and interpretations of what they observe. The upshot of the argument is that perception is directed by bias and expectation but not completely controlled by them, it involves the pickup of real information. In the ongoing assassination rumours I can tell you the environment is rich enough to support more than one alternative view it’s just that flexibility of the human cognitive system permits us to tune ourselves to perceive some things and ignore other things, usually so automatically and seamlessly as to not even realize we are doing it. People can find apparent confirmation for their conclusions, even when their conclusions are incorrect, because they evaluate supporting evidence in a biased manner - meaning simply that they give more weight to confirming than to disconfirming information. Hence, a conclusion reached on faulty grounds may continue to seem correct after its initial basis has been discredited because other evidence, viewed through the confirmatory lens, seems to support it. Please help analyse the potential evidence that this father figure, brother and leader might have been slaughtered for political gain. BACKGROUND Let’s start with the explanation of what a “hit man”, a person who is paid to kill someone for criminal or political purposes. A hit job is organised crime and well rehearsed prior to the execution,Again the greatest sin of the professional killer is bragging NOT to stay at the crime scene and or leave any forensic incriminating evidence behind. Expertise observed that its human nature for the offender to flee the location where one has broken the law in order to avoid apprehension by law enforcement. So in our case, if the law enforcement agent were instructed to assassinate the deceased, as we think and stage an accident then they would have been the most unrealistic stupid contracted killers to hang around the scene. You have to understand that, people been accused as killers don’t want be caught and they will do everything possible to disassociate themselves to the incident and stay away from view. YOUTUBE VIDEO https://youtube/watch?v=BF_S3dv5nZ0 According to the speaker in this clip, the deceased dashed to South Africa to attend a sudden party official meeting and was expected to be back in Botswana borders for yet another meeting at 1100am.The accident is said to have occurred around 0800am to 0930 so when you rewind the clock from the scene to Ramatlabama it gives you about 45 to 60 minutes.... ”estimate”.From the border back to JHB where the meeting was held is estimated to be anything from 4 hours 50 minutes to 5 hours 30 minutes. So from that estimate, he must been up as early as 0100 am, mind you, he attended the meeting the same day he drove all the way from Botswana to SA.That would have led to one thing.....sleep deprivation, fatigue and lapses of attention are more likely to occur. There is no test to determine sleepiness therefore it cannot be concluded that he might have had a small nap behind the wheel and again that cannot be ruled out considering the contributing factors as well as risks mentioned in the video clip. SKID MARKS The braking marks from the picture above run parallel for a good distance and seem to have been left by bigger vehicle than the one the deceased was driving. If the vehicle that left the marks on the tarmacadam was somehow involved in the accident, then its driver would have caused the deceased to swerve and ended up losing control of his A3. Picture 3 shows where the deceased’s vehicle might have left the road .A fairly smooth curve left by the tyre marks.That can be one indication of drowsy driving. If fatigue was not the cause or influence the driver could have attempted to control the vehicle and applied the brakes hence affecting the layout and configuration of tyre impression which would have different from the one in the picture. Other than that, the marks in the picture can again help estimate the speed of travel just before the accident.People tend to fall asleep more on high-speed, long, boring, rural highways majority of drowsy driving incidents have resulted near miss or fatality. Indication of mechanical failure from picture 4 & 5, the airbags appeared not to have deployed therefore that may lead to terrible injury to the mid and upper torso. MEDIUM /HIGH FORCE (VELOCITY) IMPACT SPATTER Produced with more energy or force than gravity. The force of the impact causes the blood to break into smaller size spatters relative to the amount of force applied. This type of spatter is usually seen in blunt force, stabbings, and secondary spatters Produced when the majority of larger drops of blood are broken into smaller spatters with diameters of 2 to 4 mm. The force associated with this type of spatter is greater than 25 ft per second. Although patterns of injuries may appear obvious on the skin, and they are clearly important, examination of the distribution of fractures and visceral injuries may be the only way to understand the events during the accident, physicians have been integral in recognizing patterns of injuries that result from motor vehicle accident fatalities and have suggested design changes ie seat belts and airbags once adapted, led to fewer injuries and fatalities. The modern day forensic pathologist, along with his or the clinical trauma service staff, plays a similar role in identifying injuries and mechanisms of death. Properly interpreting injury patterns can provide useful information for accident reconstruction. The injuries to the body can be the equivalent of a statement from the only unbiased witness to the accident. Information the pathologist provides helps law enforcement, attorneys, and surviving loved ones understand what happened, where the occupant seated, how quickly they died, and potential causes for the accident. CONTAMINATING THE SCENE All pictures tell a story,lack of control of the crowd lead to forensic samples contamination.Many people can contaminate the evidence at a scene, including witnesses (taking pictures just to be posted in social media),suspects,victims,and emergency response personnel.Firstly,the consequences the evidence could be thrown out because of contamination and the case could be lost due to lack of evidence.Perhaps a more serious consequence is the possibility that the wrong person could be convicted of a crime they never committed. Someone may say the forensic expert have to be called-in for intervention but when the forensic scientist relies on, or is influenced by, information outside of that specialtys domain, then the forensic scientist is exceeding the bounds authorized by the law. That is because the forensic scientists role is not to tell the judge or jury what they could. For example the forensic experts tsa the para-olympian who is accused for shooting his girl friend lost credibility in a matter of days despite their enormous experience due to subjective judgment .Yes the UDC members and the supporting community have the right to hire as many forensic scientists as they can afford simultaneously, the proper function of a forensic scientist is to give an answer to a question appropriate to the discipline by the application of the methods of that discipline. It is not to give an answer, even an honest and accurate answer, to that same question by any other means and the interpretation by the human observer remain the principal methods of reaching conclusions in most forensic disciplines The current case of the deceased bares the similar background with Aaliyah Dana Haughton, an American recording artist, dancer, actress, model and eight others were killed in a plane crash in 25 August 2001,it would have been unrealistic expectations for the entertainment industry to suspects her rivals Ciara or Rihanna to have brought the air frame down. The social status never made her immune to accident. CONCLUSION Looking at Edward Snowden,an American who has leaked details of top-secret U.S. surveillance programs,hit job is rather fictional and relies on false confidence of anonymity therefore no one will dare trust hit man to do the killing job for them regardless of the code names and highest level of secrets.Technology is well advanced for the perpetrators to get away with such horrendous crime. It would have been easy to kill the deceased within “lawless” South African borders where gun crime is considered to be part of daily menu. Botswana is one of the few countries with Capital Punishment and executed 47 prisoners who had been sentenced to death, therefore chances of instructing a hit man who might get caught and sentenced to death might be close to nothing. Other options,the easiest manner in which to kill someone and leave no trace of the obvious crime having been committed, would be to cause a heart attack by using chemical substances that break down as naturally occurring compounds that would be normally found in anyones body.The process is relatively simple to anyone with knowledge of medicine and procedures involving those medicines. The accused want to be re- elected and they know very well that killing someone of the” Deceased” political status would seriously jeopardise their chances of winning election this October. However, the law enforcement that was at the scene should be charged with professional misconduct by not barricading the accident location leading to contamination of evidence. Please let’s join hands to express our sympathy and let the deceased’s family know that our thoughts are with them during this sad time............................ May your Soul Rest In Peace Phuti, May the Lord shine his face upon you, ya gago o e weditse Peter Sedukus photo. Peter Sedukus photo. Peter Sedukus photo. Peter Sedukus photo. Peter Sedukus photo.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 15:30:17 +0000

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