PETER THE FISHERMAN !!!! Apostle Stephen Kovacs ~ Josie ~ I - TopicsExpress


PETER THE FISHERMAN !!!! Apostle Stephen Kovacs ~ Josie ~ I now know who you are and more importantly who I AM ~ I have been deflected for long enough ~ My path is clear and true ~ for I AM, who I AM ~ I shall leave it at that for Im sure you actually know as well. Any more derogatory comments or actions on my timeline from yourself and concerning MY friends... and I will find it necessary to unfriend you, which I wish not to do Josie ~ You have my love Josie ~ overcome, walk the path of righteousness and enter into The Kingdom of God ~ There is still time ~ Well now then Stephen Kovacs, so then please enlighten us all and tell us all who MORE IMPORTANTLY you ARE than others, you who in your arrogant self - importance chooses to raise yourself ABOVE the co - creator of Nebadon, so who MORE IMPORTANTLY are YOU to tell your own co - creator to walk the path of righteousness into the kingdom of God whilst there is still time ????? YOU are far far from the kingdom YOURSELF at this moment, you whom called your own creator an abomination, so prepare yourself for your soon and sudden reality check, and your mighty crashing fall, and your supreme and wonderful humbling also. So tell us all then Stephen Kovacs : WHO SO IMPORTANTLY ARE YOU ???? Let me tell you a truth here, for our combined enlightenment - NEBADONIA ISSSS THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN !!!! YOU FOOL !!!! Understand this, that the comments which you have made serve only to magnify your COLOSSAL IGNORANCE and just how out of touch you are concerning the Urantia knowledge and revelations in respect of Divinity, the Godhead, and matters pertaining to Spirit, and the bigger picture in operation here, or else the Apostle would not be making such grossly stupid remarks, would he now ? You are in denial Apostle, over many matters, especially concerning Joanna Anderson. You are no help to her. Stop deluding yourself. All you two are doing is playing out a silly game of lies and deceit, a comedy of nonsense, is all I have ever witnessed going on here. What help are you to Joanna Anderson ? How can the blind lead the blind ? It is time now to bring this soap opera of lies to closure. And then just who the hell are you to speak to Nebadonia in such an intimidating and patronizing manner, with such pure arrogance and with such an egotistical and sanctimonious air of superiority ? She gave you LIFE !!!! You are not worthy to kiss HER FEET !!!! The same statement applies to Joanne Anderson also ! Ah yes, but you are the Apostle Stephen arent you ? A MOST IMPORTANT PERSON ! This is what you keep on advertising to others so loudly and repetitively on FB . NOT SO IM AFRAID !!!! Please explain to one and all why it is that you find such a compulsion to keep on posting onto FB your ridiculous [ false ] Apostle Stephen image every other day, in your self - promotion of yourself ? Who are you trying to fool ? You only fool yourself, you FOOL !!!! Do you recall just how many times did I have to remind you, in times past, to your face, to climb yourself down from off your self - erected pedestal, but false Apostle Stephen does not know how to listen to the good advise offered from others, does he now ? Gods people are the humble ones whom do NOT find the compulsion to continuously promote themselves upon high erected pedestals. Take note, your Apostle Stephen picture is beginning to bore people, especially to those whom knows exactly who you are, and who you are NOT ! You urgently need to reassess yourself quickly ! And yes, as you state, Josie DOES KNOW WHO YOU ARE, DOR CERTAIN, but its NOT WHO YOU THINK THAT YOU ARE !!!! Let me tell you a certain truth Stephen Kovacs, Josefina knows more about righteousness and overcoming than you have had hot dinners, and dribbled yourself around women, and YOU know nothing about overcoming, you havent a single clue, and YOU have not even STARTED to overcome as yet. You need to do an awful lot of spiritual growing up yourself firstly, False Apostle Kovacs, and climb yourself out of your very silly make believe fantasy world which you so ridiculously exist inside. Your fantasies have become irritatingly monotonous. What do you know about overcoming ? How dare you tell her to overcome. What do you know about suffering ? I have given private witness to the multitude of sufferings of Nebadonia, and the lakes of tears, throughout 25 long years, through the several incarnations of Nebadonia which I have known, throughoutthe walks of my life, in her great overcomings, and Michael of Nebadon humbly bows himself before her sufferings. How dare you tell her to overcome. Let me tell you this. Put this into your mind. Many of her tears have been shed and overcomings have been done personally for you, and I do mean the REAL YOU, because we are not all as we seem, are we, but then what would you know about that ? I have never seen you shed any tears for her. I have only ever seen you shed many selfish tears for yourself. Now we come to the horrendous matter of your calling the co - creator an abomination as we both know that you did do. To that point of truth, I am Gods witness. You really are quite a dumb ass you know Stephen Kovacs. You claim to be adept at working things out for yourself. I am afraid that I have to fully disagree with your boastful claim. You have me puzzled on that one. At working things out for yourself, in my opinion, you are an incompetent retard. You have entered yourself into great error Stephen Kovacs, with your blasphemy, and entered into great stupidity also. Let us quote you : Apostle Stephen Kovacs ~~~~~ ~~ ~ Josefina Diaz ~ You know not these people and the FULL STORY as I do ~ Jo was sent to me for help not to you ~ You are impeding her development and evolution ~ Keep OUT! Do not interfere ~ My discernment and intuition has been spot on ~ There is work to be done here and it is for I to do ~ Quite frankly Stephen, your discernment is a very funny joke. You dont actually have any , and it is foolish and naive YOU, ALONE, for it is YOU who does not yet know the FULL STORY concerning Joanne Anderson !!!! There is no one more qualified to tell you, other than myself, that you have a disfunctional and very deceived discernment. After all, I had you living in my home, didnt I ? Your claim to discernment is failing you even now, and has always failed you. It has failed you from the first moment you met Joanna Anderson. But at the moment here we are talking about your infamous abomination quote. Work it out for yourself, as you claim to be so good at these things. You claim that Father God supports you, as you are first apostle. WRONG ONCE AGAIN !!!! You called his Queen an abomination you reprobate ! Father EVEN TOLD this to Josie before I DID ! Does that NOT speak loudly and tell you anything then, man of great discernment ???? YOU OUTRAGED FATHER GOD YOU BLINDED IMBECILE !!!! HE MADE A POINT OF EXPRESSING IT TO JOSIE !!!! The hosts of Heaven hold you in deepest contempt, and more also, in view of your further derogatory comments already aforementioned above. So please do not bleat on about your love for Josie, when behind her back you are screaming into my face that she is an abomination. Your empty expression of love is quite meaningless. You have not yet been man enough to apologize to her, but that is because in your arrogance you believe that you are right, and everyone else is wrong, and because you think that the sun shines from out of Joanna Andersons ass. Well let me tell you something Apostle. It is only crap which comes out of there, just like her mouth also. Understand also that other persons are also coming forward with their own accounts of how they too have been victims of her lies. And understand this also, for you do not have Fathers support. Father calls you a fraud and a fake !!!! Do you honestly believe that Father supports YOU after YOU called Nebadonia an ABOMINATION ???? WRONG AGAIN ! Just exactly how deeply deluded and deceived are you ? Father calls YOU AN ABOMINATION !!!! Where then is your great discernment I do not think you have the first idea of just how serious is your great error of blasphemy, for which YOU WILL BE CALLED TO ACCOUNT !!!! You know the rules. I taught them to you. You have broken the rules. Life is a journey of consequences. It is the Law of Return, the Law of Cause and Effect. You broke the Law. You were the cause, and now I am the effect. You invited me in. This is your just Divine Retribution for calling the earthly incarnation of your Queen Nebadonia an abomination. The TRUE first Apostle would be quite incapable of uttering such blasphemy against the Queen of Heaven !!!!! [ but then you are only FALSE APOSTLE, arent you ? ] Let us give mention to deceit here. Understand this WELL, because it concerns yourself personally. This world, and individuals lives, are filled with deceit, and it is we as individuals whom must recognize and deal with such matters, even though you yourself have failed miserably in this area of personal overcoming. I have previously informed you that Father recognizes these pitfalls, but even so, will allow such things to be, and permit deceit to roll and unfold and cintinue, should there be a greater purpose and reason to allow such things to transpire, just as he has done so in your case, to permit you to believe that you were the first martyr, apostle Stephen. You were not. Your ways are not Gods ways, and so much higher are Gods thoughts raised high above your own thoughts, Peter the Fisherman. Father is the one whom declared you Peter the Fisherman, that coward, who, to save his own skin, disowned, abandoned, and betrayed the Master, three times as the cock crowed, at the time of the crucifixion, and you were the one whom wept inside my home saying that you could never have done such a thing, when this is exactly what you did do, 2000 years ago. Your discernment failed you once again. Havent you asked yourself yet ? How come, those couple of months back, when Joanne Anderson was face feeding you all of that PROVEN demonic deceit, which you lapped up [ no discernment there ], and I put her to the test, asking her to provide the name of your secret past life which at the time I refused to reveal to you, and you could have knocked me over with a feather when she said Peter the Fisherman. Apostle, work it out, It was Father whom spoke to her that day, just once, whispering and confirming into her ear what Josie and I already knew about you. whispering just three words, among all that other deceitful spiritual crap which was pouring out of her mouth into your simple and undiscerning ear. Peter the Fisherman. And I can still remember the look on your face as you stood there defending her lies and deceit, just as you do now. You discernment was pissing up against a wall on that one Apostle. As yet, you have not been given back your past lives memories, but that will soon return to you. Soon is time for self - judgement. What it is which Father wishes you to do now, false apostle, is to ask yourself, deep inside you, who exactly was Peter the Fisherman an incarnation of, because he was someone else too, JUST LIKE YOU !!!! Know this Apostle Stephen Kovacs, Father speaks to the both of us about the both of you. He reveals things. Gives visions. He aint too happy with you two at this time. Seems to me, you are prepared to defend her serial lies and deceit, even to the point of going into defiance of Father God. You stand in darkness Apostle. Many Many are called, few are chosen. You failed miserably. Now we will return back to the serial liar, Joanne Anderson, whom is another BIG MISTAKE which you have made in recent times. I tried to warn you, in the past in the gentlest and politest ways in which I could. from the very outstart, that there was something not right about her, and that NO ONE, outside of television soap operas, I told you, has THAT MUCH tragedy occurring in their lives, not unless that person is an habitual and massive attention and sympathy seeker, which she undoubtedly is. The woman is mentally ill. Everyone else recognizes this except you. How come you do not see what other people see ? Because you live in a world of fantasies and dreams and lies is why.She has fed you full of nonsense and lies, which everyone else sees except you, and you suck it all up like a cretin. You refuse to see otherwise, and when all others try to warn you away, you are completely incapable of listening to sound advise. Why is this ? Let me explain a few things about yourself to you which you are totally unaware of. To watch you around women is sickening to witness. They all become a part of your silly fantasy world, which you build up around yourself. You leap around the women, hopping, skipping, and jumping about like an excited, drooling puppy dog. Believe me, your antics are revolting to watch. You draw the women into your fantasy world and you become a pathetic and ridiculous weakling. My, has she got your number sorted ! You believe every lie which pours out of her mouth. I have been conducting my own personal investigations. As I have told Joanna Anderson before, she can hide NOTHING from the eyes of God. You really need to be fully aware false Apostle that Joanne Andersons sister and her sisters six children are all alive and well, and that they did NOT die in any car crash as the serial liar has stated to you, and others, and neither was she raped by three men paid for by her own mother. Joanne Anderson is a very sick individual to invent such terrible lies concerning her own family. She needs urgent psychiatric treatment, and you need to be in the next padded cell beside her. And her BROTHER, as she claims him to be, issssss actually HER HUSBAND !!!! Joanne Anderson controls the FB profile of the man which she claims to be her brother but which is really her husband, you fool. Please understand Stephen Kovacs that no one actually gives a damn what you choose to believe or not, as the case may be, in respect of Joanne Anderson, and least of all myself. The only concern of others now, in view of all the damage which Joanne Anderson has done, is that truth now be brought to the forefront. And so it shall be. Believe what you will Stephen Kovacs. Your denial is irrelevant, and does not remove the plain facts. Or the truth. You have challenged Truth, and I have met you face on. I am the Sword of Gods Truth. I will quote extracts from some pf my correspondence, and that of others : Josefina Diaz. She is madly in Love with Steve, that is why she lie about Philip being her brother, and she had made Steve believe that is true, and so he said, we are not sure about him any more, meaning me and Peter. Josefina Diaz. What is going on, Philip is not your brother but your Husband, how long were you planning to lie to me Jo Jo, and you did not tell Steve and Peter of your sisters death ether, Peter say you have been very happy this past days, that for him is hard to believe that , that happen, what is going on here child.!!!!!! October 2 JoanneAlison Louise Anderson 10/2, 8:18am JoanneAlison Louise Anderson steve new a bout my situation for weeks and the reason it states i am married is so my ex stops giving me trouble so my brother put we are married to stop this happening to me as i have to be safe where the kids are concerned steve is 100 per cent with me as I did tell him weeks a go and is happy with my situation my integrity now should not be judged. But the truth is THIS !!!! Information supplied by third party informs me that she has been married to Phil for 10 years. The third party also informs that, contrary to Joannas statement to Josie, that she DID NOT have a brother who had died. Third party also states that Joanna likes attending funerals. Josefina Diaz. She told Peter, and me about a week before, she told me that her sister and six children had died, and that she have been raped by 3 man, and that her Mother had send them to do it. Third partys reply : Told you she is a dangerous person. Shes a psycho. have never met her in person, I met her because of Steve, when he ask me to pray for her because she had lost her twin stillborn babies. And he share a post on my wall about her loss. Third party confirms that Joanna had a hysterectomy about 10 years ago. Also confirms that she invents rumors every few years, forgetting that she has told everyone that she has had a hysterectomy. A baby was due on Xmas eve but it never came, then it was due on January on Phils birthday, but again never came, and then pregnant again, due on her dads birthday, but she then lost it. Then she was due again, another child, but she lost that one too. Fourth party states that during these false pregnancies Joanna prepares the bedroom, all kitted out ready for none existent babies, then fabricates stories to explain away miscarriages which she never had. Josefina Diaz. She became my friend through Steve, is a very long story, but she is not well, she makes up the most horrible lies to get attention from people, I thought I was helping her spiritually, and she use to talk to me about all her problems and things that made her sad at the moment, told me Philip was her brother, anyway, one day she told me her sister had a car accident and he 6 children had die and that her sister was in a coma, I help her through what I saw was her pain for about 4 days, till latter I found out it was all a lie. [ People will draw their own conclusions]. Stephen, your obsession in finding your soul partner is over. Look no further. You have found her, and quite frankly, you deserve each other. Congratulations ! [Remember what I told you about Father permitting deceits to unfold]. Steve, as I have repeatedly told you before, you have to remove the fantasy of Christina from your head. She is NOT for you !!!! Have you no shame man ? Leave her alone. SHE IS A MARRIED WOMAN FOR CRYING OUT ALOUD !!!! Stephen, I tried to teach you well, but you rarely truly listened, and instead of listening to God, you followed the whims and fancies of your own silliness and ridiculous fantasies. Please inform Joanna that I have has my son remove her name from his friend list as she poached him away. I do not want her corrupting his innocence. He has obliged. As I have taught you Stephen, the future is already written. You just have to go and meet it. You are the ambassador of your own free will. The choices and decisions are all yours. Therefore decide very carefully all your next moves. And please do not think that you will be able to jump upon the first available starship which comes along. You have a few matters to work out firstly. Never for one moment did I ever envisage that the day would come when I would be destroying your reputation upon FB, nit then I am the Sword of Truth am I not, I am the Destroyer. As I have told you many times in the past, I never instigate, but I will always retaliate, when ever I or my Fathers Truth is compromised. You challenged. Here I am. Now you are forever boasting at just how good you are at working things out for yourself. Well you have got a lot of heavy shit to work through here. Simply put, you do not mess with the earthly incarnation of Christ Michael. You lose every time. You have my Fathers word on that. Nor do you mock my Queen. Now you must prepare yourself for the three days of darkness. Its Judgement Day, Peter the Fisherman.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 20:39:05 +0000

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