PETER’S FALL “Now Simon Peter was standing and warming - TopicsExpress


PETER’S FALL “Now Simon Peter was standing and warming himself. They said therefore to him, ‘You arent also one of his disciples, are you?’ He denied it, and said, ‘I am not.’ - John 18:25 For our own sakes we should mark the steps which led to Peters fall. One was his self-confidence. When forewarned, he resented the Masters foretelling, and declared that though others might deny Christ he never would. When we grow boastful we are in great peril. Safety lies in a consciousness of our own weakness, and in implicit trust in God. The next step toward Peters fall was his sleeping in the garden when he should have been watching and praying. That hour was given for preparation for temptation, but was not improved. Another step was his rashness in drawing his sword in the garden. This act made him liable to arrest, and this fact made him nervous and afraid of recognition. He tried to hide his connection with Jesus, lest he should be arrested for his assault in the garden. Rash acts are sure to make trouble for us afterward. Another step toward denial was Peters following Christ afar off. This showed timidity and failing faith. His courage was leaving him. Following Christ at a distance is always perilous. It shows a weakening attachment and a trembling loyalty. It is in itself partial denial. The only worthy and the only safe discipleship is thorough, unwavering devotion and whole-hearted consecration. Then here is the answer which came: This apostle took another step toward his fall when he sat down among the servants of the high priest. He went among them to hide his relation to Jesus. The only safe thing for a Christian is unequivocally to declare his discipleship wherever he goes. When Peter had taken these steps he could scarcely do otherwise than openly deny his Lord. The time for us to guard ourselves is at the beginnings of defection.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 04:35:58 +0000

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