PETITION : We demand the international sanctions for Russian - TopicsExpress


PETITION : We demand the international sanctions for Russian officials We demand that international sanctions should be imposed on Russian officials and officials involved in the destruction of animals In a country where half of the population is living below poverty line, the state allocates huge money on cats and dogs extermination. About thirty percent of the country populations are cats and dogs lovers. One of every fifths family has a cat or a dog. These people interests and rights are being permanently violated or rather staying apart from the jurisdiction of the country. Prices on practically everything are skyrocketing daily. Laws are aimed against the country’s population, and a new draft tax on pets possession is under discussion now. We are talking about billions of rubles which will be spent to Crimea and/ or used to cover other budget holes. A system of total elimination of cats and dogs unneeded by society is being suggested parallel to that. Pets from that category, meanwhile, can be used as companion-dogs, therapists or just family members. Russian government’s unwillingness to imply humane programs towards pets is inflicting a huge material and moral damage to Russian citizens. In fact another crime towards mankind is taking place. The essence of that crime is total extermination of creatures that can be regarded as family members. At the same time a number of sadists calling themselves doghunters is growing at geometric progression. This people torture, mutilate and kill baby cats and dogs in front of the children advertising sadism and permissiveness . The government does not pay any attention to that and in fact supports the ”movement”. Professional psychiatrists are sure that all most well-known serial killers and pedophiles started from animals tortures. Russian lawmakers are creating laws based on hatred to animals, while people guilty of crimes against animals stay unpunished. Because of that the number of sadists dangerous to society grew several folds in recent years which is alarming not only animal rights activists but parents in general - animals victims today, turn children victims tomorrow. Any state is considered civilized if it takes care of its most helpless members- old people, children, invalids and pets. In today’s Russia most helpless are being robbed and murdered. We are appealing to all people who are not indifferent to animal rights and those who want to prevent sadism spreading around the world to put pressure against Russian bureaucrats and officials guilty of ecocide of pets and oppression of all sorts against animal lovers, owners and volunteers. Numerous appeals, complains and requests to Prosecutors office and the Government led to nothing. Thus we are appealing Chairman of the EU Mr. Herman Van Rompuy and US Secretary of State Mr. John Kerry to apply additional personal sanctions against bureaucrats and officials guilty propaganda of new total system of additional taxes on pets owners and immediate extermination of lost or homeless animals. Also use additional sanctions against MPs lobbying this zoofacist idea in Russian Parliament and turning it the form of concrete laws.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 17:48:42 +0000

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