PETITIONS: DEMAND THE HARSHEST PUNISHMENT FOR THE MAN WHO DRAGGED A DOG BEHIND HIS CAR! Please, keep sharing this petitions! June 7, 2013: The Bulgarian public was once again shocked by a case of animal cruelty. Raycho Ivanov, (55) man from the Bulgarian village Topolovo, decided to punish his dog for killing couple of chicks. Tied to the draw-bar of a car and on for many kilometers, a helpless dog suffered horrible injuries as it left a long bloody trail to the margins of the village, before it was dumped to die there. A witness to the crime – Nikoleta Angelova, a student, saw the horrible scene on her way to Greece last Friday and tried to stop the torture. She was dismissed by Mr. Ivanov who told her: “the dog has to suffer”. She photographed the crime and posted it on Facebook. After it sturred great anger online, a report was filed with the local police. The intense public outrage prompted police investigation. On June 8, Mr.Ivanov was taken to the local police station for questioning. Later police found the animal dumped near the village. According the information published by Bulgarian media, the dog was alive, had bruises all over his body and has been taken to a vet clinic for check up. After the consultation and some basic treatment, police returned it to the sadistic owner! It really is time certain types of animal abuse has to be brought to an end. World wide atrocities continue at alarming rates. The degree humans to which torture animals seem boundless. This example of tying your dog to the car and dragging it down the street is obviously not how any animal should be killed. This dog owner should receive a severe punishment for this crime. The problem is, unless people speak up and out on animal abuses, nothing will change and these events will continue to occur. Please read more about the case: Demand maximum jail term for the dog’s abuser by signing the petitions: https://causes/actions/1754689-harshest-punishment-for-the-man-that-dragged-dog-behind-his-car If only humans opened their eyes and realized the fact that all other animals have just as much right to live as we do......... The voiceless are not trash — they are living beings! All life is precious! All life is equal! BE THEIR VOICE! SPEAK OUT! Help us spread the message, join us! If you agree that animals feel, suffer, love and the truth about their abuse should be exposed, please “like” our page. Thank you
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 23:06:12 +0000

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