PF MEMBERS ACROSS THE COUNTRY ASK SCOTT TO JOIN THE REST OR RESIGN. Patriotic Front cadres all over Zambia have declared open war against the Fred Mmembe led cartel that has chosen to destroy what President Micheal Chilufya Sata built. The irrate cadres are thankful for Scott ending last nights stupidly as they do not recognise that at one time was Honourable Edgar Lungu ever fired as party secretary general. Why are we saying rescinded? Ba Lungu was never and cant be fired by Guy Scott! ? Said some irate cadres. The cadres have since calles on the central committee the highest decision making body to suspend or expel him from the party immediately after President Micheal Chilufya Sata has been put to rest, his ultimatum is ro join the rest fighting the cartel and be relevant in the new administration come January. The youths have retracted for now but will be back to hound out Guy Scott using the central committee as many just realized how powerful they are. Scott must be expelled and sent to back home, as he is a danger to national security. Said a visibly incensed cadre. Edgar Lungu never once mentioned he is standing or contesting but his popularity has grown from the Zambian people from strength to strength and is now being referred to as the simple Giant The infamous cartel has meanwhile sent erstwhile and disgraced former PF Secretary General on a trail of alliance forging with a reported k 400 000.00 per province. As it stands no Zambian makes a decision for us , its mahthani and Guy Scott under influence of Fred Mmembe said a source. The showdown in the rulling Patriotic Front today has shown that Edgar Lungu has the numbers and support of his friends meanwhile the cartel are just a handful of them. In the next few day you will see an up rising against Nickson Chilangwa by the youths who have vowed to protect what Sata has left. The PF have tested the waters and the tides are in favour of Edgar Lungu, now the question is will the big wigs help him or out of selfishness and egotism push him aside and out of the presidential race? We wait to see how this battle unfolds ... The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Source: Voice of Zambia.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 18:46:00 +0000

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