PHC for Amal. A loud bang echoed down the corridor as Amal and - TopicsExpress


PHC for Amal. A loud bang echoed down the corridor as Amal and Fred ran away from an irate Filch, they continued on running before hiding in the Charms corridor. They stared at each other before falling over with laughter. “Oh did you see the look on Filch’s face when I set off the dung bomb?” Fred asked as he wiped away a stray tear. Then he stopped laughing when he realized that he was the only one who was laughing. “What’s wrong?” “You wouldn’t allow me to set one off Fred Weasley!” huffed Amal as she crossed her arms over her chest and turned her head away from him. “Aww come on, no offence, but you would’ve stuffed it up.” Fred said truthfully before shuddering when she shot him a look which reminded him of his mother. Amal’s light brown eyes sparkled with mischief as she fell backwards and started to laugh. “I scared you good.” she giggled. Fred frowned then looked up to see Filch’s shadow coming towards them. He got up and helped Amal up as they ran off once again. He watched as her dark brown hair fluttered against her back. They got back to the Common room and sat down in a corner, away from Percy’s Hawk-like eyes. “I had fun pranking people with you, but bombing Filch was the highlight.” Amal said as she tapped her wand around and watched silver sparks appear. “That was mine too, but alas George is going to be well tomorrow.” Fred said sadly. He adored having Amal as his partner in crime for the last week, while George was feeling ill. He’d have to talk to George about allowing Amal to join them. “You’re thinking about something, because I can hear the gears in your head work.” Amal joked as she gazed at Fred with an affectionate look. ‘Cute, funny, and sassy. That’s my kind of girl.’ Fred said in his head. “Do you think I’m cute, funny, and sassy?” Amal asked. “Are you a mind reader?” asked Fred as he stared at her in amazement. “Nope, you just said that out loud, but that’s alright. I think you’re cute too.” Amal said with a smile. “Just cute?” Fred asked in mock offence. “Hmm, well you’re funny and definitely sassy-’ she was cut off when Fred kissed her softly. -- Hope you enjoy it :) ~TA Lil Cornish Tinkerbell.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 06:41:57 +0000

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