PHILIPP.1:6< “BEING CONFIDENT OF THIS VERY THING, THAT HE “WHO HAS BEGUN A GOOD WORK” IN YOU WILL COMPLETE IT UNTIL THE DAY OF JESUS CHRIST. “Let HIS PRESENCE settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, to dance, and to bask IN THE SON. “IN JESUS NAME …AMEN. LORD JESUS is there for each and every one of US, TO RENEW OUR heart and mind to the good plans OF GOD for US! PRAISE Due to the Creator YAHWEH IS LOVE. HE HAS A CARE for the creatures he has formed. *PSALM 103:13 “AS A FATHER HAS COMPASSION ON HIS CHILDREN, SO THE LORD HAS COMPASSION ON THOSE WHO FEAR HIM; HE HAS not designed that his creatures should be miserable. Have any of us duly considered how much we have TO BE THANKFUL FOR? Do we remember that THE MERCIES OF THE MASTER are new every morning, and that HIS FAITHFULNESS failed not? Do we acknowledge our DEPENDENCE UPON HIM, and express gratitude for all HIS FAVOURS? On the contrary, we too often forget that *JAMES 1:17 “EVERY GOOD AND PERFECT GIFT IS FROM ABOVE, COMING DOWN FROM THE FATHER OF THE HEAVENLY LIGHTS, WHO DOES NOT CHANGE LIKE SHIFTING SHADOWS. Many experience NEEDLESS UNHAPPINESS. They take their minds from Yahushua, and centre them too much upon self. “They magnify small difficulties, and talk discouragements.” They are guilty of the great sin of needless repining over Yahweh’s providences. For all that we have and are, we are indebted to YAHWEH. HE HAS GIVEN US POWERS, THAT, TO A CERTAIN EXTENT, ARE SIMILAR TO THOSE WHICH HE HIMSELF POSSESSES; And we should labour earnestly to develop these powers, NOT TO PLEASE AND EXALT SELF, BUT TO GLORIFY HIM. *THANK YOU LORD JESUS CHRIST! Amen!!!
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 04:31:24 +0000

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