PHOTOGRAPHERS: YOUR LOGO DOESNT MATTER. (I normally post this - TopicsExpress


PHOTOGRAPHERS: YOUR LOGO DOESNT MATTER. (I normally post this kind of thing on my blog, but Facebook seemed the right place for a short sermon for my VisionMonger friends out there. A reminder, I hope, to stick to the heart of your marketing and not get distracted by the shiny stuff. I love you. I love what you do and that youre trying with all your guts to do it, and do it well. Youve got this. But you might need to read this, too...) I like good design. I’m a big fan of logos and typefaces. So when I say your logo doesn’t matter I’m overstating things for effect. Of course it matters. It just doesn’t matter as much as most of us like to think it doess. A logo is a symbol, and as such it’s real power is in the thing it represents. And that goes for your name, the colours you use in your marketing materials, your business cards - everything. Great design matters. It instills confidence. Done right it says a great deal about you. But it is not you. It is not the thing it represents. Only you can make that logo mean anything at all. You do that by building equity into your brand. You do it by standing for something and not watering it down. You do it by treating your clients and your audience like human beings - human beings you love and respect. You do it by over-delivering, by giving as much as you get, by taking creative risks in your personal work so you you’ve got the chops and creativity for what the client wants. Spend more time on that stuff and connecting with your clients and even the worst logo in the world will come to mean something more than the cheesy font and dated colour scheme ever could. Ignore it, and the best logo, tagline, or website in the world will be meaningless.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 01:52:25 +0000

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