PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY QUESTION AND OBJECTIVES QUESTIONS BELOW ( 08165639112 ) Answer question one and any other three. Study carefully, the map extract of NUMAN N, E., on a scale of 1:50,000 and answer the following questions. ( Source => skydino,net ) 1ai) draw an annotated cross-section along line X(underscore)1 and X(underscore)2. ii) With reasons, state the intervisiility of points X(underscore)1 and X(underscore)2. b) identify three geographic features within grid 1730. c) State the direction of flow of river Benue with reasons. d) Briefly describe the drainage pattern of the map. ( Source => skydino,net ) 2a) What is solar system? b) In what three ways is the Earth different from other planets? c) With the aid of appropriate diagrams, account for the earth’s sphericity. ( Source => skydino,net ) 3a) with the aid of diaram describe the mode of formation of the following erosional plains: i) Pediplain ii) peneplain b) In what four ways are plains important to the development of humn activities. ( Source => skydino,net ) 4a) Define Geographic information system (GIS). b) Explain four elements of GIS. c) Enumerate six uses of GIS ( Source => skydino,net ) 5a) Define the term “ecosystem”. b) describe the components of the ecosystem. c) explain any four interdependence within the ecosystem. ( Source => skydino,net ) 6a) Explain the term “Vulcanicity”. b) Describe the characteristics and mode of formation of: i) Caldera ii) Sill c) With the aid of diagrams, describe the mode of formation of two each, of intrusive and extrusive landforms VERIFY GEOGRAPHY OBJ 1 BBEACDAAAB 11. ACDCCEDCCB 21. CBBCCDDCCC 31. CEEDEEACBA 41. DBEDADDBAB 51. EDEDCAAADE ( Source => skydino,net ) NOTE= The 1st 100 People To Hit The SHARE & LIKE BUTTON nd Also Drop 5Comments Each Will Get The ESSAY FOR FREE
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 20:02:56 +0000

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