PHYSICIAN GALEN FROM BERGAMA - GALENUS - CALINUS - PERGAMON GALEN a medical doctor, scientist, philosopher from BERGAMA (PERGAMON) known as GALEN in Turkish Language (GALENUS in Latin, CALINUS in Islamic world)... GALEN being one of the most important physicians in ANCIENT ROME. The founder of experimental physiology and as he was the worlds first sports physician, he was called as ŞEYHU’S SEYADILE (THE FATHER OF THE PHYSICIANS) by many people... His philosphies, views, and teachings known as GALENISM has maintained it’s influence in medicine World for centuries… GALEN has also developed new theories in pharmacology as well as he has done in medicine field !... GALEN OF PERGAMON - BERGAMALI GAKEN - AD 129 – AD 199 Galen, a physician, surgeon, and philosopher, has garnered the greatest reputation of all physicians of ancient times in Pergamon ( today Bergama). He came from a wealthy family. His father, an architect, died when Galen was 19 years old, leaving his fortune to his young son. Following the Hippocratic teachings, Galen traveled to Smyrna ( today İzmir), Corinth, Crete, Cilicia, Cyprus ( today Kıbrıs), and finally to the great medical school of Alexandria to learn medicine… He stayed in Alexandria until he was 28 years old... He returned to Pergamon (Bergama) as physician to the gladiators of the High Priest of Asia, who was the wealthiest man in Asia Minor (today Western Turkey) at that time. Galen is said to have acquired this position after he eviscerated an ape in front of the priest and challenged other physicians to repair the damage. The physicians refused. Galen performed the surgery by himself and in so doing won the favor of the High Priest of Asia Minor... Galen learned most of his anatomical knowledge through dissections of apes and pigs because he studied in Alexandria during the period when human dissections were no longer allowed. This is considered to be one of the reasons why distortions of anatomy are apparent in his writings. Based on the content of his writings, however, it is strongly believed that he participated in human dissections while living in Egypt (Mısır). His knowledge of human anatomy was probably reinforced through trauma cases he attended to as physician to the gladiators. The basis of the anatomical education that he received in Alexandria certainly served him well in subsequent years… Galen is responsible for some of the most voluminous medical writings of ancient times. In his work, he presented extensive arguments directed against Aristotle (Aristo), who claimed that the brain came second to the heart. Aristotle thought that the brains main function was to cool the heart through phlegm produced by the brain. Galen opposed this concept. He clearly explains that the brain is the primary organ in the body that controls all vital activities, and when it is injured or compressed, individuals lose sensation and movements: If you press so much upon a cerebral ventricle that you wound it, immediately the living being will be without movement and sensation, without spirit and voice… Galens work showcases the extent of neuro-anatomical knowledge at that time. He understood that it is impossible to ignore the function of the brain because it had connections to all parts of the body, especially to the sense organs near the brain. Like his contemporaries, he described the meninges and mentions that the inner membrane enclosed many arteries and veins as it followed the sulci of the brain (arachnoid)… Bergamalı Galen ( Galenos, Latince Galenus, İslam dünyasında Calinus), (129 - 216), tıp doktoru, bilimadamı, filozof. Antik Romanın en önemli hekimlerindendir. Deneysel fizyolojinin kurucusu ve dünyanın ilk spor hekimi Şeyhû’s Seyadile (hekimlerin babası) gibi ünvanlarla anılmıştır. “Galenizm” olarak adlandırılan görüşleri, yüzyıllar boyunca tıpta etkisini sürdürmüştür. Tıbbın yanı sıra farmakoloji alanında da yeni teoriler geliştirmiştir. HISTORY BOOK OF TURKEY https://facebook/groups/396697177119405/
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 23:54:56 +0000

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