PHYSIOLOGICAL DIFFERENTIATION : 3 NEEDED FOR 432Hz SOUND HEALING STUDY (Please Share) study: 1.application of the mind to the acquisition of knowledge, as by reading, investigation, or reflection 2.the cultivation of a particular branch of learning, science, or art: the study of law. 3.Often, studies. a personal effort to gain knowledge: to pursue ones studies. As of 2 days ago, I was feeling very sluggish and out of it - I realized that I had neglected my own sound work for a few /days-weeks/ and was truly feeling ZONKED from the everyday. (A reminder of the importance of maintaining a practice) So I turned on my machine, wrote 3 new musical pieces and began to sing and tone. Well, hours flew by and I couldnt stop - Today was the 3rd morning in a row that I woke up, and maintained this ritual. I looked in the mirror and not ONLY was I totally 100% rested, but my skin, eyes and auric field showed the same ! I AM CONVINCED that the use of these sounds with the human voice can create lasting change in a persons mood, wellness, and physiology. HEREs THE CONCEPT. I am preparing a study of this, to not only document but validate that which we already understand to be a reality - 7 DAYS - 7 sound healing meditations : photo documentation of facial and other changes will occur. I will give everyone the opportunity to SIGN UP but only 3 will be chosen. *Must be 18 or older *Agree to receive 7 sound healing meditations (1 hour each) for 7 days *Must document their personal experience in a journal *Photo Documentation of eyes, face, cheeks, etc *Sign a release form SIGN UP @ [email protected] 1) When can you begin the study 2) What is your experience with sound healing or meditation 3) Age / City
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 17:36:20 +0000

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