PI 3D Tab opportunity and I Wanna Be Famous Grand Finale at Las - TopicsExpress


PI 3D Tab opportunity and I Wanna Be Famous Grand Finale at Las Vegas Welcome to this webinar! We’re going to talk about some very special things that are happening. The first thing I want to say is that I have been a true believer in this project since we started. Sometimes, you have to pinch me to wake me up, and smell the coffee, and know that this is real! Having said that, I’m speaking to you from Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. I came to see the whole operation, with my own eyes! You’ve known me from the beginning; and even I, sometimes, need to see things for myself. So, haha, what I see, and what I touch, and what I feel, used to be “unreal.” Not anymore. I’m here with Dan (PI Marketing Director.) I’ve visited the headquarters office. I’ve met Gorge (PI Secretary.) And I am extremely in awe right now. The next thing I want to tell you is that you know that PI is a strong company that cares and shares. We’re not perfect yet, but together in The Power of “We,” we will make it perfect. PI has given many opportunities to our family members—you! The last one was the CFU’s (crowdfunding) opportunity we gave you, once. Then, we have had quite a few members who have ordered CFU’s, but have not sent the payment; so we have given you ANOTHER CHANCE to purchase, or to PAY for, the units you’ve already purchased. Regretfully, and also with pleasure, I can tell you we’re “sold out.” We’re closed. We’re done. Even if you go to the site right now, and the order page is still open, the order will not be filled, if you place an order. However, if you have placed an order already—PI’s still giving that chance, that opportunity to everyone who has pushed the button to order the crowdfunding units (CFU’s.) So we’re closed, we’re done, and we don’t take any more orders; but you can still own the units that you’ve ordered. And for another 4 days, until Wednesday, you can pay for your order; then, that will be it. Whether you paid, or not, you’re done. You’re never, ever, ever, EVER going to see this opportunity again. And if you don’t remember, just to remind you—think about this, ok? You are paying U.S. $ 100 for 1 unit, and that U.S. $ 100 will give you already a discount when you buy the PI3DTAB; plus, I’ll tell you in a little bit about what I’ve seen on the Tab, but here’s what you need to know. After what I’ve seen, touched, and felt; met with the owners, the creators, the guys from NEO3DO; I AM POSITIVE we will sell not only 5,000 units in a hurry, but the numbers could be astronomical! However, when we sell 5,000 units, you are already earning 2 cents per unit sold; so that translates to U.S. $ 100; you’ll get all your money back, ALREADY! PLUS, you have 500 shares of the Perfect Internet, Inc. I mean, “What crazy company would do that? Seriously?” That’s what I asked myself. Really! You get your money back, you have 500 free shares, and we believe that when we go public late this year, or early next year, those shares will be worth no less than U.S. $ 2 each. Experts tell us that. Pretty fantastic, isn’t it? So, 500 shares, at U.S. $ 2 each, how much is that? You do the math. Anyways, this translates to WIN- WIN-WIN. No matter how you cut this cake, you’re going to have a fine slice, and celebrate. So, keep in mind: Wednesday, MIDNIGHT, Pacific Time—we’re done; no more. If you send the money on Thursday, we’ll send it back to you. This is the last chance. Do whatever it takes, but you NEED to own one of these units, if you can. If you can’t, don’t do it. Enough of that. I have MORE exciting news for you! As I’ve said, I’m here in Vegas RIGHT NOW. I’m sitting right across from Dan’s desk. Yesterday, we had two meetings; the first one with the PI3DTAB creators. I went, met them face to face, and shook his hand (David’s, Nick was not there.) You won’t BELIEVE what I tell you. As soon as we walked in, David was so excited to see us, and we were excited, too! I was asking myself, “What’s up with this guy?” Then he showed me and Dan about 5 or 6 certificates, and awards, for “The Best Entrepreneurial Business in Las Vegas”—SHOWED us, and I will show you these, sometime soon—a certificate from the Governor (not just of Las Vegas, but) of NEVADA (the state.) He showed us a plaque….I’m going to have to stop here, but I am so impressed—RIGHT NOW—much more than I’ve been in the past. Because they are REAL, and amazing; a unique company, with a product and an approach that NO ONE else has. And guess what? We are the company to take them into the world! We work hand in hand with them. This company will benefit us TREMENDOUSLY; and we will benefit THEM tremendously. So, since the beginning we’ve wanted to create a WIN-WIN situation for everyone. I believe that when you are GOOD, and you mean WELL, you will find the right partners to partner with you, in the future of your business; and that’s what we’ve found here. Imagine this: we, PI, are the FIRST to bring this technology into the world. The PI3DTAB is THE MOST AMAZING THING, and I’m holding it in my hand right now—the prototype. I did not believe that I could really see games, and movies, and whatever, in 3D with no glasses. I’m holding in my hand right now, the 3D Tab, and no matter how much I tell you about it, you won’t know it, until you hold it in your hands. But you’ve known me, now, for several years. The truth is, I was already impressed. But right now, I’m in awe completely. And we, by being the first company to bring this out into the world (you, PI, and especially you that own CFU’s), will benefit endlessly from our success. I’m not even going to try to sell you or convince you, but what I’m telling you, is this: take it, or leave it. If you leave it, I can promise you, you will kick yourself in the behind. I’m serious! I’m so excited with this. So, it’s up to you; seriously. You have until Wednesday ONLY, to pay for your order. We don’t care if you pay or not. It’s up to you. Now, let me tell you about this. You know, if you’ve been in network marketing or on the Internet for some time, looking for something that you can earn money with, like MLM, and things like that; I’m not knocking them, but I’m tired of that world. We have an opportunity here, right now, with the PI3DTAB, for every single person in the world to change their lives. Hey, remember what I always say, “If it ain’t fun, don’t do it!” So, you hold this Tab in your hand and play a game. Go out there, play with your friends on this tab, and as they look over your shoulder at what you’re doing, you’re having a lot of fun with that: playing games, watching movies in 3D with no glasses. When they see that (they’ve never seen it before!), what do you think they’re going to say? “Where do I get one?!!!” And guess what you will do? You will hand them one of your business cards, and say, “Go get one.” Or, better yet, (not in every country, but what I can tell you, right here in the U.S., U.K., Japan, and Australia), you can sell them one, right on the spot. When they say, “Where do I get one of these?” “You can get one from me, RIGHT NOW. Give me your credit card!” You can swipe it RIGHT ON THE TAB! You can sell it right there…”swoooop!” Or, they can go to your site and they can buy it right there. Give them your card. So, if you’re tired of the rat race out there, MLM, your job, or whatever, remember: for EVERY TAB THAT YOU SELL (and remember, you’re not trying to SELL, you’re just PLAYING with it!), the company’s going to pay you 10%, from U.S.$ 400 (or $ 399, let’s say $ 400.) You make about U.S.$ 40 per Tab. And what did you do? You just went out there, and had some fun with it. You know, I see every single one of you having so much fun, and appreciating what PI has given you, that you won’t be able to shut up. I promise you that. Think about this: your brother, your sister, maybe even your mom and dad, your friends—NOBODY KNOWS ABOUT THIS new technology. And guess what? YOU are bringing it to them. No more problem! They’re not going to doubt you anymore, when you hold the Tab in your hand. It’s amazing! I CANNOT put it down! So, you buy one for yourself. I said you make about U.S.$ 40 each, when you sell one. And here is another big plus for you: out of your OWN Reflink for the PI3DTAB, you can buy YOURS, and already make $ 40 on your own sale. So, it’s U.S.$ 400 for the Tab, and you pay only $ 360 (because you made 40 bucks.) Now, go out there and have a lot of fun with that; sell 10 Tablets (without even trying), and your Tab is paid for! You’ve got to sell THE ONE-OF-A-KIND Tablet. You will be able to pre-order this Tab by next week, June 2-6, atpi3dtab. The first edition is only going to be/produce 1,000. It’s going to be a Special Limited Edition. It’s going to be numbered, from 1 to 1,000. So, here’s how it’s going to work. You want a way to grab the first one. The lower the number it is, the more valuable the Tablet will be for you. You can show them, “I am a pioneer. Look at the number of my Tablet.” However, to be fair to everyone, the numbers will be given on a first-come, first-serve basis. That means: the first money IN, the first Tablets OUT. The first one will receive, #0001 of 1,000, (and so forth.) So, keep in mind: in PI News, or on the Blog, the PRE-ORDER PAGE will be up. Here’s the link:pi3dtab; but don’t go there now, and be distracted. Hear everything that I tell you. Keep the link, and go there later to see the artwork. I call it artwork, because that’s what it is—it’s amazing! I have to pinch myself! “Am I really here? Do I really see that?” hehehe Hear everything that I have for you, or you’re going to kick yourself, if you miss some of this information. Let me tell you what you’re going to get WITH YOUR TABLET. You’re going to get a case for the Tablet; you’re going to get a keyboard for the Tab; plus a 32 GB (of EXTRA space) memory card. The value of all that is about U.S.$ 50. This is ONLY INCLUDED FOR THE LIMITED EDITION. It’s free. That means that when we’ve sold out on the first 1,000, everyone who buys the Tab AFTERWARDS, will have to pay the (extra) U.S.$ 50. So, instead of U.S.$ 400, it will be $ 450 (for all the extras included.) PLUS, if you buy the Tablet, one of the limited edition units, you will be entitled to a $ 50 DISCOUNT COUPON on our NEXT GENERATION Tab, in 2015. Which means, when you’re the first one to buy the limited edition, you’ll be the first one in line to buy/own, the next generation 2015 PI3DTAB, too. (Cliff shows a couple of ads for the PI3DTAB.) Now, guys, check out this art work. Do you see the little 3D cube there, spinning? It looks 3D, even in 2D. But you will see it better, when you pull it up yourself. Look at this, “this amazon would kill for a glasses-free 3D tab.” “3D on a smart phone is not smart—it’s small!” I’m telling you, the PI3DTAB is going to rock the world! Look where we are: 7 months before Christmas. Guess what? All the parents that you know, and the kids that they have, they are going to want one for their children. You can be the proud one and tell them, “This is from MY company!” You can say that, because YOU ARE a brother or sister. This is The Power of “We” at its best! (Gee asks to open the chat to hear comments.) No questions—just comments! I want to see if you feel what I feel! Pretty awesome, right? And remember—this is YOUR COMPANY, YOUR PROJECT—not PI, but WE. It’s The Power of “We” that’s bringing this into the world! You—YOU made this happen, WITH US! (Gee answers a question: Look, if you have any problem paying, via PayPal, send an email to: [email protected]. They will reply to you, how to pay for your unit.) Gee answers another question: I just want to answer one question there, because it’s important. Q. Do we take the U.S.$ 40 off the top WHEN WE ORDER? A: The answer is YES! You have to order through YOUR OWN REFLINK, on Tuesday, or whenever it opens. So check, we don’t know exactly when it’s going to be open. Update: Order button will be installed by next week (June 2-6), so keep checking! Isn’t that great, you guys? I know you feel as I do! I cannot shut my mouth about this Tab! You CAN ABSOLUTELY MAKE A LIVING, change your life, FROM DAY ONE, if you know what I mean. “If it ain’t fun, don’t do it!” There’s nothing NOT FUN about this Tablet! It’s beautiful, SO good-looking, and SO SLICK; and it’s a pleasure to hold it in your hands! We are going to present the Tab, the prototype; not the new 3DO, but OUR OWN prototype of the PI3DTAB, at The Most Famous Awards Show. (By the way, I’m here for a few days to help organize the event, and I’ll tell you a little bit more about the theater later, but WOW!) This is the only way to really experience something exciting; new technology. Like every year they have this technology show in Vegas: the CES Show in Vegas, of new technology—people right here from all over the world, just to touch, and to feel it, and to be here; to say, “I was there!” And YOU are going to be that person! You’re going to hold the prototype in your hand. Unfortunately, we’re not going to be able to make it in time to deliver the Tab at the event, on June 25th and 26th. However, we are going to have the prototype, (a couple of those), and you are going to hold that in your hands; and play with it, touch and feel it, and know, this is the pioneer; that you’ve been here—“You were there!” You’re going to go home, and you won’t be able to shut up; just like I can’t. And I say, “There’s only one way to find out: to touch and feel it!” So, at the show, The Most Famous Award Show in Vegas, June 25th and 26th, we’re going to hand you this jewel, in your hand, so you can touch and feel it. Every time that something new like this comes into the market, I remember that I’m always, not the last, but not the first (or the second, or the third); but somewhere in between. Right now we have the opportunity to be THE FIRST. As when we created MAILAXY, we were the FIRST. We gave you that, and now we’re going to give you the Tab, and it’s going to be THE FIRST; not only to see, touch, and feel it, but also to USE IT FOR FUN, play with it, and MAKE MONEY—WHILE you’re having fun! Anyway, the delivery is not guaranteed for June, but we’re looking at probably early July, somewhere around the 15th or so; and that is because WE WANT TO HAVE THE BEST! We are not a MEDIOCRE company, therefore we have no MEDIOCRE services. And I can guarantee you this: you’ll be PROUD of this product; as you are, or will be, with the company. But remember, ok? First money IN, first Tablets OUT. Alright? Not only that—this tablet, the PI3DTABlet, as you already know, is very, very unique. You know, when you turn on your computer, your PC? The first thing you see is Windows, or whatever. Well, we’re not bound by any Windows, or any other “giant” to dominate us. When you open the PI3DTAB, guess what you’re going to see??? First of all, you’re going to see what you just saw (in the Tab ad)—the PI 3D logo, the cube; and when you click on that cube and you enter, you’re going to see, first of all, the Perfect APP (it’s loaded with the PA), then the PerfectPages, and ALL the STARS OF OUR GALAXY. And check this out! Everyone that buys the PI3DTAB from you—(the PI3DTAB is to be delivered WITH the Perfect Bonus Card, which is LINKED to YOU)—they will be forced to register to collect the U.S.$ 10 downloadable bonus; and, when they register, they’ll be registering to YOUR link. Whoa-a-a! So what just happened here? A NEW PERSON IN YOUR FAMILY! Wa-a-hoooo! Guess what else? You’re going to be able to collect CASHPoints! Woooooo! DEALPoints! Wooohoooo! I don’t have to tell you. I know you’re smart enough to realize that this PI3DTAB will PAY FOR ITSELF! Have you ever worked in a business, or ran a business, or had a job where you can truly forget the outside world, and just concentrate on having fun? And by having fun I mean: while having fun selling it, you sell 10 of these a day, and that’s U.S.$ 400 in your pocket—PER DAY!!!! Now how much fun do you want to have? People are going to be able to see that over your shoulder, ok?—3D movies. You’re going to be watching 3D movies, and playing 3D games. They’re going to be looking over your shoulder, without glasses. They’re going to see you’re having so much fun, they’re going to ask, “OMGosh! What is that? Where do I get one of these?” Pull out the business card from your pocket and say, “Are you serious? Here, I can sell you one right now!” Or, you can be SMARTER than that, and just buy a few, and keep them in your briefcase or car, and you can say, “I have one in my car right now. Want to buy it?” Boom! Waa—hooo! $ 40! I’m telling you, YOU CAN MAKE A LIVING with this! This is something you can be completely, totally proud of—this company and this product. And check this out: another surprise for you. I’m sure that you watch videos on YouTube, and on other websites, and buy products on other websites. You will be able to convert ANY 2D video into 3D. Think about this: You’ve been on vacation and gone to places and taken pictures. You’re going to be able to CONVERT ALL of those pictures into 3D pictures! Think about that! Now, you’re THE FIRST ONE to show your family, friends, and neighbors, whatever! They’ll be able to see that with NO GLASSES! I better stop talking about this, because I can’t shut up. I’m just excited about it. But, remember: this is absolutely a WIN-WIN-WIN situation, no matter how you cut it. And you want to be the FIRST! Now, let’s talk about another EXCITING thing that’s happened. You know, you’ve been following and voting for the battles, since we started on May 3rd. Right now, we are on the final battle, going on right now. Tomorrow is the last day, and that (final battle) is going to be between Katy and Arty!! Woooooooooooo! Katy is from the USA, and Artie is from Russia. This is the FINAL, FINAL battle, and guess what? YOU choose! You’re the judge. You’re the one that’s going to send your favorite one to the pedestal to win that great grand prize! U.S.$ 50,000 worth, the VIP package. He or she is going to get a FULL-ALBUM CD CONTRACT; a recording contract! It’s going to be produced, and advertised. They’re going to be truly famous! They’re going to get 7 days of VIP treatment in Vegas; 5-star luxury hotel accommodations; limousine service, and all that lavish attention. So, it is in your hands. YOU decide! And now let me tell you my truly amazing experience I have had here in Vegas. Vegas is a HUGE city, and you can perform anywhere in Vegas. You can go to a coffee bar, in a corner somewhere, and you won’t be seen. People won’t see you. What we are doing is a BIG deal. We are NOT HIDING ANYWHERE IN A CORNER, or anywhere in Vegas. We are right downtown, in the center of the city, RIGHT ON THE STRIP—the Tommy Wind Theater. I was there last night, and guess what? I watched his show, and he doesn’t even know who I am. He picked me out of the crowd to be a guest on the stage. I was up on the stage with him. It was fun; exciting. I even did some magic tricks with him. I’ll tell you the details later—no details now, but it was fun! So, I met him (Tommy), not only him at the theater, but his whole family, and the manager. I was so excited, and guess what? When I stepped out of that place, and looked to the left, you see right next to you, MGM Grand; look to the right, New York-New York, and then you see Monte Carlo; right behind us, Planet Hollywood; straight ahead, Paris. We are in the MIDDLE, THE CENTER, downtown; where the most expensive, luxury shows/tickets are—Copperfield, Celine Dion; all the amenity sights, where all the people with big bucks are; where all the big money is. This is a BIG DEAL! And WE have rented the whole theater (Tommy’s Theater), for ONE WHOLE NIGHT! We’re going to have our Most Famous Award Show, with all of you who will be able to come. (And I’m telling you, right now, guys: get the money somehow, because you need to be here—find a way!) Think about this: Make some phone calls, and find out how much it would cost to rent a place right on this strip, downtown. Just call, and find out; just out of curiosity. Yes, we have rented the whole theater, but not only that. The theater also has a night club. We have the whole theater for us to present the Most Famous Awards Show. Then, we’re going to have our AFTER-SHOW PARTY: the FIRST PI WAZZUB FAMILY GATHERING! We’re going to party in style, folks! You need to be there! And, generally, the admission for any place, downtown, on the strip, is anywhere from U.S.$ 300 to $ 500, and even more. That’s for GENERAL, not VIP. And here’s what we’ve got for you! Have you ever watched the Oscars, or the Grammies’ Awards? OK? Well, we’ll have the RED CARPET TREATMENT—red carpet FOR EVERYONE! Think about this: we’re going to have a crowd over there, you and all the fans, waiting outside the theater, with the red carpet rolled out. Then our stars, in a limousine, are going to arrive. They’re going to see you waiting for them, right in front of the theater, with the paparazzi and reporters. Radio and TV stations are going to be there. They’re going to welcome our stars, coming in style in the limo! It sounds like a dream; but I’m NOT DREAMING! I’m HERE, right now. Then, we have our Most Famous Awards Show. Then the host of the show…we don’t know who it’s going to be yet. You probably don’t know that name—someone strange, actually. I’ll tell you his name anyway: Gee DaCosta! Woooooooooo! I will be your host, on stage! Then, when we’re done with the show, we’re going to party the night away! This place is amazing! It has 4 bars, booths, balcony, and everything you can think of in a fine night club, or theater. We’re going to have a couple of VIP sections; but anywhere you sit, you will have a full view of the stage. But, I have some bad news for you. The bad news is that you have to be one of 500 guests. There are going to be ONLY 500 tickets sold—only 500; because we want to make it comfortable for you. We don’t want to pack the house, where you cannot move. No—we want to party in style! The tickets will go on sale, NOW! The tickets are on sale, NOW! You, as a member, are going to have a 30% discount. If you are a PSM, 50% discount, —for OUR MEMBERS. AND, one more surprise for you: joining me on stage, Tommy Wind himself, and our stars; AND two surprise guests! And there will be other surprises for you, too. I’m going to ask now, for the video of our Most Famous Award Show page, where you are going to get all the information. Now, cut all your distractions right now, and check this out. (The video ad for the Most Famous Award Show is shown.) Hey! How about that, huh? Ok, Rod, open the chat for a little bit, I want to hear some excitement. Give us your comments on that. You know, everything we do, we do our best to make it FIRST CLASS. “Wow!” is right, Laurie! “Fabulous!” “Awesome!” “Cool!” “Great video!” “I’m impressed!” Alright, folks. It’s amazing! Give a huge hand for the people behind the scenes. Cliff is out there, and Dan, he’s another one of them. They’ve done a great job, and I had no idea they had it in them—yes, our very own Dan, and our very own Cliff. Have you ever been invited to a Grammy Awards or Oscars? No, right? Well, we have 500 seats. I believe a lot of them are already sold. People I’ve talked to, they want to be here. So you can go ahead and order your tickets, right after we’re done here. The last thing I want to say: These tickets are about U.S. $ 170 per ticket; but because PI Cares and PI Shares, like I said, there’s a discount for all members, 30%; and for PSM 50% discount. What you REALLY don’t want to miss is our first WAZZUB PI family gathering, where we’re going to party the night away, right after the Show, for… LESS THAN $ 100!!! Whooooooooooo! Where do you find that?!! Only in PI! I want to give you two reminders here: 1.) When you’re done here, go to pi3dtab and pre-order. (Update: The button to pre-order Tablet on that page will be installed by sometime next week, June 2-6. Keep checking for it.) 2.) Go to Most Famous Awards, mostfamousawards and purchase your ticket. For those who buy the tickets, we’ll have a special hotel deal—a discount of up to 35%. So, when you buy your ticket, send an email [email protected] , and we’ll guide you how to get the special rate. And I, particularly, cannot wait to see you there. It’s just about a month from now. So make sure folks, when you can, to come and meet us. I promise you this: when we have our first WAZZUB PI family gathering, your life, my life, everyone’s life will never be the same. All the doubts that you may have had, or have, or other people tell you, will vanish—will be gone! This is the only the beginning; because, next season, starting July, we’re going to have several different categories. Right now we have many dancers, singers, bands, and auditions already registered. I’ll tell you what, when you’re done here, if you haven’t seen it yet, go to IWBF and watch some new videos—especially, one of my very favorites: a guy from Australia, an 18 year old kid, who’s doing his own funk dance, like Michael Jackson—only better! I’m a huge Michael Jackson fan, but this guy runs circles around Michael Jackson. When I watched that on my PI3DTAB, this guy doing a kick, HeeeEeeeee… like Michael Jackson, he almost kicked ME outside of the Tab. (Can you play it for us, Cliff?) Anyway, I’m here visiting, and it’s just amazing what I have experienced. Here we go, (shows video of Australian teen doing the funk dance.) How about that, huh? So, if you want to see more great talent, you know what to do. Ok this is it, and thank you so much for being here, this Saturday evening, or whatever it is. It’s gotta be Sunday for some of you. I really appreciate you all being here with us, and sharing this excitement with us. I’m looking forward to seeing all of you in Vegas, at our grand show on June 25thand June 26th. Make plans, and let’s be there. Goodnight everybody, and I’ll see you on my next webinar. And my last word for you is Waaaaaaaazzuuuuuuuub???!!!!! With your success in mind, Gee DaCosta, and your WAZZUB Support Team
Posted on: Thu, 29 May 2014 07:07:11 +0000

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