PI2014 #202 - Voluntary... Dangerous; Involuntary... Oppression - TopicsExpress


PI2014 #202 - Voluntary... Dangerous; Involuntary... Oppression ASK A HORSE “I had to abandon free market principles in order to save the free market system.” ~ George W. Bush Friday, March 14th, 2014 Liberty Lovers, brillig/debt_clock: Every American Citizen Now Owes The (federal) State $55,049. People’s Ability To Pay Taxes – any taxes - depends entirely on their ability to earn an income. Everyone who earns an income is dependent on their employer’s ability (or their ability if self-employed) to sell goods and services. Business tax increases threaten employers ability to retain employees, threaten personal freedom. “I found this national debt, doubled, wrapped in a big bow waiting for me as I stepped into the Oval Office.” ~ Barack Obama Despite Implied Objection to debt, President Obamas Administration presides over unprecedented public debt increases. Relentless, he demands Congress force We, the American People into deeper debt immediately - no debate, no questions. “Any excuse will serve a tyrant.” ~ Aesop Try Raising Your Personal or business debt ceiling as The State imposes on American taxpayers. Responsible lenders would show you their doors... especially if you cant collateralize more debt, or show sufficient income to meet installments. Mr. Obama Proposes Higher Taxes on wealthy American business owners to pay for his initiatives. Higher taxes mean higher prices - and less discretionary income, for consumers. Debt is dumb --- and Mr. Obama, no doub,t knows it. There are but few things that crush the life out of one like burdens of debt. They break our spirit, crush our ambitions, destroy our homes, and drive us to despair as nothing else can do. ~ Nicias Ballard Cooksey People Intending To Live In Liberty do not allow legislators – or other public officials within These United States of America, to force Americans to report violations of legislation, taxation, or regulation they know to be committed by their fellow citizens. They live as sovereign, self-governing citizens, not State subjects. Let Freedom Ring Choose citizencontrolledtaxation It’s your property, not “State” property. Best Wishes, Len Ritchey
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 19:23:18 +0000

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