PI2014 #475 - Unanticipated Election 2014 Shockwave ASK A - TopicsExpress


PI2014 #475 - Unanticipated Election 2014 Shockwave ASK A HORSE A man is none the less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years. ~ Lysander Spooner Wednesday, June 11th, 2014 Liberty Lovers, usdebtclock.org: Every American Taxpayer Now Owes The (federal) State $151,079; every citizen $55,090. Government is force, and politics is the process of deciding who gets to use it on whom. This is not the best way to solve problems. ~ Richard Grant Tremors Went Through Virginias Cantor Republican campaign offices after Congressional House Majority Whip, Eric Cantor, suffered a double digit loss to comparative unknown Tea Party challenger, David Brat. Voters can express their ire. Popular suffrage is in itself no guarantee of freedom. People can vote themselves into slavery. ~ Frank Chodorov Brats Surprise Victory Promoted Analysts to conjure up profound rhetoric over Cantors loss, including Brats spending --- a comparative small percentage of Cantors. Distilled, Brat won because voters saw brighter days ahead with Brat seated in Cantors stead. Attentive voters fire representatives not attentive to constituent expectations. There’s small choice in rotten apples. ~ William Shakespeare Brats Win Illustrates How We, the American People can defy election odds. Cantor, according to more than a few prognosticators, might as well have run unopposed, so sure was his victory. Voters had other ideas... unseen by political sages. The problem is big government. If whoever controls government can impose his way upon you, you have to fight constantly to prevent the control from being harmful. With small, limited government, it doesn’t much matter who controls it, because it can’t do you much harm. ~ Harry Browne We, Sovereign American People could deal out more suprises, were we so minded. We could turn State arrogance - expressed in presumptive direct taxation (property cnfiscation), on its heels by banning direct taxation, and ousting its public realm advocates. Stop and Think It’s your property, not “State” property. Let Freedom Ring – Abolish Direct Taxation Choose citizencontrolledtaxation Best Wishes, Len Ritchey
Posted on: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 13:58:10 +0000

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