PI2014 #491 - Brands Congress Ineffectively Lethargic ASK A - TopicsExpress


PI2014 #491 - Brands Congress Ineffectively Lethargic ASK A HORSE “We are reluctant to admit that we owe our liberties to men of a type that today we hate and fear—unruly men, disturbers of the peace, men who resent and denounce what Whitman called ‘the insolence of elected persons’—in a word, free men.” ~ Gerald W. Johnson Monday, June 16th, 2014 Liberty Lovers, brillig/debt_clock: Every American Citizen Now Owes The (federal) State $55,099. “How did it happen? How did our national government grow from a servant with sharply limited powers into a master with virtually unlimited power?” ~ Barry Goldwater We, the American People are masters of our fate when we choose to be proactive sovereign citizens. We are far from masters of our fate when we permit government (The State) to control our lives with selective, arbitrary, and discriminatory legislation, taxation, and regulation. “We Can’t Wait For Congress” is oft repeated by President Obama. Mr. Obama’s urgency appeals echo Rahm Emanuel’s (former Obama Chief of Staff, now Chicago’s mayor) political achievement principle of not letting crises go to waste. Mr. Obama’s Actions To Circumvent Congressional authority demean America’s representative Constitutional republic. They reek despotic contempt for American voters who seat Congressional representatives to safeguard separation of powers “Democracy consists of choosing your dictators, after they’ve told you what you think it is you want to hear.” ~ Alan Corenk Liberty Is Self-Determination. Americans put liberty at risk when they vest power over all in a few, regardless how well-intended those few may be. “We, the American People,” not Congress, not presidents, are masters of our fate. People Intending To Live In Liberty do not allow legislators – or other public officials within These United States of America, especially public (“State”) schools, to impose mandatory instruction on personal attitudes, values, and beliefs. They raise their children to be independent thinkers, not products of “State”-imposed correctness. Stop and Think It’s your property, not “State” property. Let Freedom Ring – Abolish Direct Taxation Choose citizencontrolledtaxation Best Wishes, Len Ritchey
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 14:48:51 +0000

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