PICK A NEW COLOR :-) MAKE THE BEST OF YOUR DAY! ORANGE-EARTH CARD-You need to be more grounded. You may feel spacey, scattered or easily distracted. Connect with earth energy. Hug a tree, Take a nature walk. Imagine yourself firmly connected to the earth. To be grounded is to be centered within yourself. Be down to earth in your decisions. Plant your feet firmly and be steady in your thoughts. Know that you are an important part of the larger picture. Perhaps you are a light-worker here to ground a new energy, awareness or consciousness into the earth experience. You may feel the need to be supported in some endeavor. Feel your connection to the earth and allow her to support you. Use wisdom in your choices. Perhaps you need to meditate to really connect with the pulse of the earth, the heartbeat of the infinite. Choose to get in touch with earth energy, perhaps through the use of a crystal. Earth is the strong and steady nurturer of all of life. How do you choose to walk this path? Now is the tie to get your priorities straight. Listen for messages on both inner and outer levels. PINK-NURTURE CARD-This is a wake-up call. Now is the time to bring ideas and inspirations to life. Drawing this card is food for thought. Encourage growth in yourself and others. Promote a sense of well-being. Do what is needed to rise above the situation and get on with things. There may be a need to nourish yourself on all levels. Begin with the emotional self. Your inner needs need caring for. Take time for yourself. Create a nurturing experience just for you. Get a massage, take a walk, go to the beach. Events have come full circle giving you the opportunity to look at them once more. Do so and then release or embrace them, whatever is appropriate. Someone or something may need your attention. Could iit be you? Give yourself the same respect you would a close friend. Acknowledge your needs as important and appreciate the wondrous being of light that you are. Take a walk and embrace the moment. INDIGO-RELEASE CARD-Prepare for a new lease on life. Feel free to grow and stretch towards your fullest potential. Let go of the past nad move forward. It is a time for change. Let go of old habits. Time to be free of any confining attitudes, situations, or relationships. Re-evaluate your choices . Renegotiate. A release in music is a break in repetitions of the melody. A release of energy prevents you from having to repeat the same lessons over and over again. It enables you to be in the divine flow once again. Is there anything you are holding in restraint? Let go of control and risk the release. What is the worst that can happen? The tighter you hold on, the harder the opposing forces pull in the opposite direction. The only way to hold on is to let go. Letting go gives you a second chance. Rel- “ease” does not have to be difficult. It is usually fear that makes us cling so desperately to the past. Facing the fear can often be a release in itself. By not forcing an issue, you may loosen up the energy and prevent blockages or setbacks. Allow the energy to flow. Give people the gift of allowing them their own experience. Trying to protect them can often do more harm than good.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 12:32:31 +0000

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