PIET DE WEERD AND HIS SON DR. HENK DE WEERD : belgicadeweerd/ During a period of over 60 years, Piet de Weerd achieved worldwide acknowledgement due to his manner in selecting and pairing the best and most valuable pigeons in the world. His name is known in the furthest corners of the globe and many, serious fanciers read his articles and books. These are written in his own down-to-earth characteristic manner. Invitations from all over the world have made him the world’s most widely travelled pigeon fancier. Back in the sixties he not only travelled numerous times across the Atlantic to the Americas but also to South Africa and to the Far East. He established conclusive proof of his unequalled mastery directly after world war II during the period that Jan Aarden tried to build up an iron strain for the toughest overnight races. The absolute first mother of the strain, the “Oomens-duivin” (H45-907764) and also called by Aarden the “Delbar duivin”, was in fact a present from De Weerd to Jan Aarden. On the numerous occasions that Piet visited Aarden, he brought one or more pigeons with him to cross them with the stockbirds at Steenbergen. So we may say he is the architect of the Aarden strain. Purchases and pairings of top pigeons by Piet de Weerd, which made his name in international pigeon sport invaluable, were amongst other thing. DR. HENK DE WEERD : Since 1972, Dr. De Weerd has specialized himself in the clinical requirements of racing pigeons and has mirrored such a wealth of knowledge onto the elite team of eight full-time specialists who are employed at his clinic in Breda. This unmatched wealth of knowledge is freely extended to the scores of fanciers who contact the office on a daily basis from every corner of this pigeon populated world that we live in. On top of this many famous fanciers privately seek consultations with Dr. Henk de Weerd at his clinic about a vast amount of pigeon related subjects including therapies, prevention of diseases, techniques in the sport, loft construction and design, breeding programs, advice on feeding and more importantly how to maintain the ultimate health and condition in their pigeons. Figures reveal that over 50.000 regular customers place their faith and trust in the famous practice of Belgica de Weerd and this number of customers continues to rise internationally on a daily basis. As a young boy Dr. De Weerd visited many top lofts in Belgium and Holland with his famous father Piet de Weerd. Subsequently they visited Germany, U.S.A., Canada, U.K., Mexico, Thailand, Taiwan, Poland, Spain, Portugal, Japan, China, etc. Thousands of fanciers have attended the lectures given by Piet de Weerd and his son Dr. De Weerd on topics such as selection and pigeon diseases. Belgica De Weerd : World acclaim quickly followed and up to this present day the Belgica de Weerd is a brand of products that are carefully researched, fully tested and developed under the watchful eye of Dr. Henk de Weerd and used with unparalleled success by tens of thousands of fanciers in more than 25 countries all over the world. More recently the “Success-Program” has proved just that “Success“ is widely used by many of the world’s Top Pigeon Fanciers. With over 70% of Holland’s Elite fanciers using and enjoying with great levels of success, this much admired program that ultimately assists in what we all strive as pigeon fanciers; to have “Success“.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 15:06:00 +0000

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