PILOTS: THE FORGOTTEN PROFESSIONALS IN ZAMBIA Pilots, aeronautical engineers, aircraft engineers, air hostesses, aircraft controllers; these high technology professionals became quite literally an endangered species. They attracted Zambias brilliant kids. Friends of mine left university of Zambia for the challenges in aviation. They were propelled by Zambia Airways and a functional ZAMBIA AIR SERVICES TRAINING INSTITUTE. Hundreds were employed in the industry. But experiments in economics ground this flourishing sector to a halt. Politicians then in government and many still around got the economics wrong. Zambia would have been the regional hub by now. The late Captain Patrick Kawangu landed his all-black Zambian crew Zambia Airways at now OR Tambo airport in then apartheid South Africa and the white pilots couldnt believe it but obviously to the great amusement of the looked down black airport workers. Since the demise of Zambia Airways, only Zambia and Uganda have no national airlines. But still more, few Zambian pilots and engineers are training and working abroad. Kids must be encouraged to go aviation, there are lots of jobs abroad and the industry worldwide is growing. Give a break to the conventional fields at colleges and universities, for most, there arent well paying jobs
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 15:44:23 +0000

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