PINOY AVIATORS HISTORY: THREE F-5 FIGHTER PILOTS WHO POUNDED 15th STRKE WING REBEL AIRCRAFTS AT SANGLEY POINT. F-5s jets from the 5th Fighter Wing,Basa Air Base were given a task to destroy all the enemy rebel attack aircrafts at Sangley Point. Maj. Danilo S.Atienza PAFFS CL-74 together with two fighter pilots, LT. Antonio Avaricio PAFFS CL85A and 1LT.Ariel Quijano PAFFS CL82 (All former aviation cadets of the Philippine Air Force Flying School) was given the task to complete the said mission, to destroy and shutdown the enemy aircrafts. Three (3) F-5 Freedom Fighters from the 5th Fighter Wing took off at Basa Air Base early morning of 01 December 1989, and their mission was to shot down AT-28Ds and AUH-76 Sikorsky used by the rebel soldiers at Sangley Point. But Maj. Atienza the flight leader of the F-5s, cannot afford to kill his fellow Pinoy Aviators and allow their plane to crash in the middle of the Metro sacrificing civilian lives and houses on the ground. Instead, Maj, Atienza together with his two wingman, LT. Avaricio and LT.Quijano made a warning shot at Sangley Point at around 0800H, just to warn the attack pilots not to fly again. But after strafing the waters of Sangley near the runway, the F-5s went back to Basa and the AT-28Ds and AUH76 took off again and made another airstrike on military and government installations in Metro Manila and Quezon City. This time, after the rebel aircrafts landed, the F-5s came back flying over Sangley and its a no joke this time for Maj. Atienza and his team. The lead aircraft (Maj.Atienza) made his first approach using his 20mm cannons, strafing the AT-28Ds then followed by rockets. Sangley was illuminated at that time and the sound of the afterburns was a no Joy but fear. Major Atienza PAFFS Cl74, made his pivotal role in the failed December 1,1989 coup attempt, through the thick of heavy gunfire from the ground, after his final attack hitting the fuel depo of 15th Strike Wing, Major Atienza was engulfed by the flames and smashing his F-5 on the 15th Strike Wing armory near the 17th Attack Squadron and 25th Attack Squadron building. LT. Antonio Avaricio PAFFS CL85A and 1LT.Ariel Quijano PAFFS CL82 started pounding Sangley after knowing that they just lost their flight leader... Rockets were flying over Sangley and a fearful sound as it hits the target. The roar of the after burns together with 20mm cannons was an evidence of anger for the two young fighter pilots at that time. The F-5s destroyed one AUH76 Sikorsky helicopter, seven AT-28Ds, one BN Islander a fuel depot and some facilities including the Naval Air Group building, depriving the rebel soldiers of air power and leaving Sangley as a mess. The gallant airstrike made by these 3 fighter pilots irreversibly turned the tide in favor of the government forces. Unfortunately, the aircraft piloted by the flight leader Maj. Atienza just kill him instantly. Thanks to PAFAcer Francis Neri PAFFS CL95 and son of the late PAFAcer Tereso Isleta PAFFS CL60 (The Wing Commander of 15th Strike at that time) Mr. Digoy Isleta for sharing some photos and sir Francis for sharing the names of the said fighter pilots who flew with Maj. Atienza. -admin trojan-
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 08:02:24 +0000

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