PIPELINE COMPANIES SEEK TO MUZZLE LANDOWNERS That pipeline companies gain access to private land by government decree, and then seek to muzzle these same landowners with legal agreements that tie their hands and seal their lips, indicates that in the coming days there is likely to be an intense and severe backlash against pipeline companies. Smarter pipeline companies should be thinking about ways to ensure the problem is alleviated. The fact is that if pipeline companies dont change their ways it is going to get tougher and tougher and then nearly impossible to build major pipelines. It isnt that landowners and others are anti-pipeline. Its that so many pipeline companies behave like such ass%^%@ toward landowners that the growing backlash is inevitable. (Nebraska was an important example.) Landowners need to be treated as business partners, not peons to get kicked around. And annual payments for all pipelines need to be established because it is the only way to address long term liability imposed upon landowners and their descendents by pipeline companies. edmontonjournal/Landowner+objects+TransCanada+confidentiality+agreement/10034949/story.html
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 00:05:47 +0000

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