“PK19 Charsadda is a vast and important constituency. Arshad - TopicsExpress


“PK19 Charsadda is a vast and important constituency. Arshad Khan is elected MPA who came to victory over the services of his late brother Alamzeb Umarzai. He belongs to Qwami Watan party which has won majority of the seats in Charsadda defeating the all sweeping PTI candidates. The major problems mentioned by the local people in PK19 are the common problem of load shedding, gas supply, unemployment, establishment of schools and irrigation. Arshad Khan holds the view that infrastructure has already been laid down by his late brother and now he will strive hard to fulfill all the promises that he has made to his people. He has requested his people to give him a little time to prove his worth.” For more information, Please listen the audio of the CRSS radio programs Series "Olasi Adalat". Shams Mohmand: With the name of Allah, The Merciful, The magnificent. Valued listeners, Shams Mohmand warmly greet you on behalf of CRSS in the programme Olasi Adalat. As you know in this show we contact and talk to your elected member of parliament in KPK and FATA. We try to notify the major problem of that particular place through the moths of these local people and then try to know whether their elected member has any solution for them. Today we are in an all important constituency of KPK which is PK19 in Charsadda. Arshad Khan is the elected MPA from here who belongs to Qwami Watan Party (QWA). Although the winds of PTI blew across the province but Charsadda is the place where QWA has won majority of the seats. Right now we are here with Arshad Khan and a few of the elders belonging to PK19. First we will talk to the local residents and then we will know the views of Arshad Khan. Shams Mohmand: please introduce yourself and then tell us the major problems of PK19. Interviewee: my name is Syed Khan and I am a social worker. I am also an active member of QWA. To tell you the truth we have so many problems here. The foremost among them is the problem of electricity. Most of the transformer are overloaded here and frequently trip resulting in power breakdown for long periods. The power that we have is also of low voltage. Shams Mohmand: thanks. We have another elderly looking person and would like to know his point of view. Interviewee: My name is Tariq Bachaa and I am a local leader of QWA. People have elected Arshad Khan because of trust in his family. They had not demanded solution of their problems. His struggle for the area is praiseworthy and people have showed their love by electing him. Shams Mohmand: But even then what are the major problems of Pk19? Tariq Bachaa: problems are here but Arshad Khan’s relation with the people is based on love. It is the legacy of his deceased brother Alamzeb to serve all the people selflessly. He used to serve people irrespective of party affiliation and locality. He will also do the same and we all have great trust in him. Shams Mohmand: thank you very much. Now we have another person and want to talk to him. Please tell us your name and mention any major problem of your area. Interviewee: My name is Nasrullah Khan. I think the first major problem is the provision of natural gas to our village. All the people have not got the connection and they need to be provided gas connections. Secondly we have a major problem of unemployment here. Our third major problem is load shedding. Shams Mohmand: you listened to the local people. The major problems mentioned by these people are load shedding, gas supply and unemployment. Now we would like to know the views of their MPA Arshad Khan. Arshad Khan: I am really thankful to you for being here among us to discuss our main problems. Let me make it clear that we have won election through our services to the people. We have joined QWA in 1995 and ever since we have served our people. We have vested our trust in Aftab Sherpao as our leader. My brother Alamzeb Umarzai was the elected MPA earlier who served all people here indiscriminately. All sort of people approached him and he served them selflessly. When he was martyred, we made a firm commitment on his death that we will continue his mission and will serve our people. Shams Mohmand: Yes indeed he was a great person but now this time on what major grounds you have asked for votes. What major issues have you promised to your people to be solved? Arshad Khan: As mentioned by these people that we have electricity and gas problem here. But let me make it clear that my brother had already done a lot in these two fields. Gas pipes are laid in most of the places and electricity cable are spread all across. Only a few places are without gas supply and I assure you that this problem will be solved very soon. Sikandar Sherpao is now the minister for water and power and he has promised me to solve this problem. You know that such projects require a lot of money and an MPA has not sufficient funds to do that. So they have promised to help me in this field. Shams Mohmand: One of your elder voters mentioned the problem of unemployment here. What plans do you have to solve this issue? Arshad Khan: we have formed the coalition government with the will and purpose to bring a change in the system. We plan to establish new industrial zones in the province. We plan to restart the paper mill here and establish an industrial zone in Charsadda. So many people will get employment here. Shams Mohmand: But it is reported that the machinery and other equipments of this closed paper mill are being sold. What is your strategy to restart it? Arshad Khan: We had protested against it in the former government as well. We are trying to restart it and provide job opportunities to our people. Shams Mohmand: What kind of industry will you demand here? Arshad Khan: You know that our government has just taken a start. Everything has not been decided yet. We will hold meetings about it and then will decide that what industry is beneficial for us in Charsadda. Shams Mohmand: Dear listeners, we have a young member of PTI with us as well. Let me ask you whether you are satisfied with the new government after two months? Nisar Khan: I am a member of PTI and we have coalition government with QWA. Arshad Khan is our elected MPA here. I would like to mention a minor problem to my MPA. We have no gas connection in our village and Arshad Khan had promised in the election to provide us with it. I hope he will do it soon. It has been only two months since the new government is in power but they have started well. I have a suggestion for the government in respect of energy problem. The government complains about the illegal connections of electricity. I want to say that it is the employees of WAPDA who compel people to have illegal connection. They take bribes from the people and provide them illegal connections. First the government has to reform these officials. I am ready to take the responsibility for my area that there will be no illegal connections then. Arshad Khan: you know the efficiency and working of the former government in our province. Our politics now move around WAPDA. We have no funds as yet and we are spending our own money to solve these power related problems. Shams Mohmand: But officially you as an elected member are not allowed to repair the transformer because WAPDA is a federal subject? Arshad Khan: we have the facility to have reclaim money for such works but at present we are spending our personal money for such works. Power provision is a federal subject but we cannot let our people suffer. Nisar Khan: WAPDA is a federal subject and it is their responsibility to provide and repair all the transformers to the people. Nasrullah Khan: I would like to mention that we got our transformer repaired thrice but now it has been sent to Nowshera and we are without a transformer for so many days. Shams Mohmand: a few days back I was having an interview with a high official in WAPDA. He told me that in the cities there is no overloading of transformer and the people pay the bills properly. So whenever there seldom failure of a transformer and if it happens so then we repair it instantly because people pay the bills properly. While in villages the transformers are overloaded and the people do not pay the bills but resort to illegal connection. So transformers are not repaired readily. Arshad Khan: it is not totally true to say so. A few days ago I went to meet the Chief Executive in WAPDA. A few other MPAs were also there. Behram Khan was an MPA there who told me that there is 80% recovery from his constituency but even then it takes 15 days to repair a transformer there. Yes I agree that there are illegal connections in the villages but you have to see that WAPDA officials themselves are involved in it. Now we had a meeting with WAPDA officials and they have decided to start a comprehensive operation against all such people. We are with them but WAPDA should take its own responsibilities and mend their own ways. At present we are helping ourselves all along. We employ private people to repair our transformers and pay through our personal pocket. Syed khan: owe tariff is so high for a common person while these officials in WAPDA use heaters for cooking in their homes. Shams Mohmand: But it is not essential that there are too many WADDA employees in each village but illegal connections are everywhere. Arshad Khan: Now that they are taking an operation against all such people, we are with them but my suggestion is that they should announce remittance to all the people about their pending bills and start everything afresh. Shams Mohmand: It is a good suggestion but it needs to be raised at government level. Arshad Khan: I am doing that. Shamshad khan: I belong to Doaba region and we have the problem of irrigation. Alamzeb did well for us but unfortunately the flood at Munda a few years back swept everything and now our fields are without water. All our fertile fields are now barren. We need to be supplied with water. We also need gas connection at a few places at Doaba. Arshad Khan: he is right. Alamzeb did a lot for irrigation in Doaba. Fortunately Sikandar khan now holds the ministry and he has promised to start Doaba Canal project very soon. I am sure that within one year this problem will be solved. While gas connections in Doaba will be provided soon, because it is lacking only at a few places. Shams Mohmand: you know that whenever a new road or building is constructed it soon withers away because improper material is used. What will you do now to have check and balance in your constituency for all such projects? Arshad Khan: You are right about that but now change will come. I personally visit such projects and call all the elders to have a check on them. I just demand one thing that I should not let my people down. I assure you that new construction will be good now. Syed Khan: I want to mention that side wall are now being constructed so these roads are now safe from water and will not be damaged so soon. Shams Mohmand: Now we should talk to another person present here. What suggestion do you have for Arshad Khan? Interviewee: My name is Wali Muhammad and I am a local leader of QWP. I ran the election campaign for Arshad Khan because he was in prison. So I know all the problems of PK19 because I visited each and every place. It is a vast area with different landscape and different problems. I have observed that at most places no new transformers are provided in five years after Alamzeb. Pipelines for gas were provided to many places like Sholgarah but these are either stopped or stolen away now. I would like to mention that in Sholgarah there is no girl’s school for three union councils. Arshad Khan is now taking steps and it is among his priorities. Shams Mohmand: It is sad news indeed. What is you planning for that? Arshad Khan: I proudly around in my constituency because of the services my brother had done for our people. I was in prison and even then took twenty eight thousand votes. Now I will work for my people. I have started a middle school for girls in Tarnab and another in Nawi Kali. Wali Muhammad is aware of all the problems and I stand by the promises that he had made with the people on my behalf during the election campaign. All the gas pipes in the area were laid down by Alamzeb and Aftab Sherpao. Most of these pipes have rusted now. In Sarki the pipe is stolen while work on Tarnab gas has been stopped. My promise and resolve is to restart all these projects for my people. Shams Mohmand: Another problem that I came across a few days back while I was in Charsadda is that law and order situation is so bad here that extortion and money demands are frequent. What is your stand on that? Arshad Khan: this matter is the result of law and order situation. I have met DC about it and have made several transfers in police department. I have told the police authorities that we will cooperate with them and they should take action against these rascals. Shams Mohmand: Narcotics is another problem here. What is your planning for that? Arshad Khan: We have promised not to help any such people involved in drug trafficking. Even now I call upon the police force to take strict action against these people and we will not support any such person arrested. It is now very much controlled and many people have been arrested, Shams Mohmand: You heard dear listeners that Arshad Khan has explicitly said not to support any such person. Now we have another young man here and let us try to know his views. Interviewee: My name is Alamzeb. I want to say that there are not enough schools and support for girls’ education in Charsadda. He should work in this area. Arshad Khan: I have discussed this matter with the Chief Minister and he has promised me to help us on priority basis. I have also demanded a playground in my constituency because we do not have a play ground here. I will not let my people down in any field. Shams Mohmand: I think this much was enough for your constituency. Now let us discuss the efficiency of provincial assembly. Although you have spend only two months in the assembly but if direction is good then future can be predicted. You have differences with Jamiat on the issue of local bodies’ election. There was an important incident of DIKhan prison as well. What are your views about it? Arshad Khan: it is true that some people are trying to derail the new government. It is hardly two months now that new government is formed. I request all the people to wait a little. We will deliver. People will feel evident change. Right now our main focus is on corruption. Chief Minister said on the floor of the House that every MPA is the Chief Minister of his own constituency. So an MPA should have a complete check on everything within his constituency. As far as DIKhan incident is concerned, law and order is an issue of the whole country. All are trying to solve it. There has been a high meeting in Islamabad yesterday as well. We believe in table talks and everybody should be taken aboard. Shams Mohmand: But why your government has not initiated table talks till now? Arshad Khan: we have inherited so many problems but I assure you that table talks will be initiated very soon. Shams Mohmand: do you believe that if local bodies’ elections are held, it will reduce your burden or will it create problems for you? Arshad Khan: It is a good system I believe. Those elected councilors will have their own field of action and will lesson our burden. There would be local people for all the petty problems. Shams Mohmand: what demand would you make from CM for your constituency? Arshad Khan: My demand is the establishment of schools and a playground here. I am just trying to bring something for my people at every level. I want to solve the irrigation problem. Shams Mohmand: What will you demand from your people? Arshad Khan: My people are very conscious and wise. At present I am dealing in transformers only. I am striving to solve their energy problems. I just want to say that I will never ever violate their trust. Shams Mohmand: thank you so much sir for your time and comments. Dear listeners, wherever you go in KPK, a few recurrent problems will come to surface. The foremost among them is electricity problem. WAPDA should shoulder its own responsibility to give time to these MPs so that they may involve themselves in the important task of legislation. Moreover people should wait a little and give the new government time to prove its worth. Shams Mohmand bade you fare well for now.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 08:24:59 +0000

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