PK’s, you know who you are, you know who they are; Kids that - TopicsExpress


PK’s, you know who you are, you know who they are; Kids that happened to be born into a family where their fathers are Pastors. It’s not easy being a PK, I know this because I’m one of them…It’s as if though there is this invisible “PK Code” that you must follow, if you decide to divert from the “PK Code”, you, my friend are the talk of the church… what is the “PK Code” you may ask? Expectations. As a PK you are expected to be a HOLY, PERFECT, OVER-SAVED, SAINT…the EXAMPLE! Many of us PK’s find it hard to live up to the “PK Code” standards…to those that can live and are living up to the “PK Code”…please, let’s have lunch. For the rest of us we find that being a PK can be sometimes…a lot of times…well, pretty often times, that it’s difficult… PK’s may look like they have a perfect life, home, and family… they get what ever they want and they are the favorite among all else…when that simply isn’t true…we don’t… we hurt, like you hurt…cry, sin, and are on the same church level as you. But the thing is not everyone sees it that way. PK’s will always have that shadow lingering behind them, that title, “Pastor’s Kid” and no matter how hard the PK’s try to break from the shadow and still stay in church…they can’t… There is always going to be that someone who isn’t going to like the PK’s, someone that will try to hurt, make fun of, criticize, speak against the PK’s…PK’s can take the attacks one of two ways: one, the PK can swallow everything a person said, stand firm, strong in faith and pray or two, the PK can take everything to heart, harden his or her heart and walk away from the Lord. This is where I talk to all the PK’s: Though, the “PK Code” seems impossible…we are PK’s for a reason… As much as we sometimes want to just runaway…leave church…stop trying… God called us! I have no idea why but He did… So, from one PK to another…stand strong, keep on running this race, even if you lose friends…or if people don’t want to be your friend, be the example. When someone speaks against you hold your tongue and pray…because if God is with you then NONE can stand against… be loving towards your brothers and sisters, and even if it hurts you, SMILE. You have a sea of people watching you, some are waiting for you to stumble, but don’t give them that victory, don’t give the enemy a chance to win. Stand your ground… I know being a PK can sometimes feels more like a burden than a blessing..but don’t lose heart… God has His plans for you and will use you to change the lives of many if you let Him. So, to all my dearest PK’s continue to carry your cross and follow Jesus. God bless. But respect Christ as the Holy Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to answer everyone who asks you to explain about the hope you have -1 Peter 3:15
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 06:45:23 +0000

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