PLACES OF POWER by EJP Posted this a little while ago on the - TopicsExpress


PLACES OF POWER by EJP Posted this a little while ago on the Higher Balance facebook site where 99.9999% of our people go, but figured I should also post it here in case some of you missed it there. Places of Power, I was training a student of mine a few weeks ago and decided to take some pictures. The pictures truly do not capture the essence of the space or how it makes you feel but I thought it was a good idea to share how simple these places can appear yet yield complete wonder and knowledge. When most people think of a place of power they think of it on a grand level, like vortexes in Sedona, AZ etc. Most people don’t think about smaller vortexes / places of power being on a smaller level and often right in there back yard. Of course I don’t mean literally in your back yard more like areas that can be within less then 20 miles or so. In regards to these small locations for, my best awakenings have always come from the simpler places like these. So what is a place of power, sounds so intense doesn’t it?! A place of power is a space / area that initially makes you feel differently than the space outside of it. I mean that emotionally and physically. It usually is something very subtle that most people never register aka sense; they just trod along their way captivated by the beauty of the area or simply focused on the task at hand like huffing up a steep trail etc. An example of one location that I take students to is a space where energy moves down a hill much like an invisible very slow moving river. When you stand in its path you can subtly, physically feel it moving through you. I once took a group of about seven students to this spot and everyone without saying a word felt the exact same phenomenon. 1. A pressure in the center of the forehead 2. A gentle movement pushing and passing through them 3. A subtle but very present pressure in the upper arms as if someone had just firmly squeezed them and released etc. In this case as long as you stand in the area facing the correct direction or within the 10 foot area the feeling remains. Naturally to make my point more evident I suggest that the students turn side ways and to there astonishment the pressure in the forehead instantly disappears, then return when they return towards the original direction much Like a light switch on and off. I then ask then to step out of the zone and the other effects such as the upper arm pressure disappears and returns when they step back into the zone! When one thinks of the expression, a sensitive. Perhaps this will give a better understanding now. By practicing / experiencing such phenomenon one gains experience that is applicable in sensing similar areas and effects. In many cases the sensation can be very different. What is this going to do for you? Where is the benefit of this knowledge? Once you accept that places like this exist you can seek them out. In history many shamans, gurus, mediums etc. All seek these areas out for wisdom. Feeling the physical sensations is only a small part of there purpose. I would like for you to consider something a little different. Each location is different with different effects. When a spiritual person sits and meditates in one of these areas, some not all give visions aka knowledge. Sometimes I think of it like a shaman who may have taken a hallucinogen but rather in this case it is the space the effects there consciousness. When I scout for these places I am honestly seeking their power to alter my consciousness or show me how to alter it and gain knowledge. I will share some of the things that I have experienced. There is a basin / wash. This is a place when rainstorms flood the mountains the water rushes downhill and collects in a powerful river. After awhile the river diminishes in a very small creek. When you walk to it you find yourself in an expansive canyon and the creek is in the center with some shrubbery and miscellaneous tress growing along its path that are able to survive through the occasional flooding. There is several locations / places of power along this creek. One of the diminishes all sound by my estimates nearly 60% just like a perfect invisible line you cross it and clearly can see its effects. Of course logic dictates that it’s a natural sound barrier of some sort like those along a highway. But upon further experimentation you are left with a baffled sense of wonder and belief in phenomenon. But there is one location near the water that has left me with a remarkable experience on several occasions over the years I have visited it. Sitting by the shore and shaded by some bamboo and mixed shrubbery. The creek gurgled as the water passed through a out cropping of stones. As I cleared my mind and accepted the environment as one with me. I clearly heard people speaking as if the were nearly on top of me. I thought perhaps some hikers had accidently stumbled upon me? I opened my eyes and there was no one. But my senses said, I was not alone. I felt the presence of people near but my eyes and ears said there was no one. Of course years of experience in places of power had told me that this place of power was extra special. What I can tell you is this. With a great deal of commitment over several visits I eventual not only was able to hear these voices again, but I was able to see them appear and briefly speak with them. This led to my expeditions to this area and many years of training students there and them having a multitude of very interesting paranormal effects. So when you think of a place of power it is not simply a place you go to and relax, meditate. Many of them offer something more if you can gain its acceptance it will unveil its secrets to you. The photographs are an example of how simple or average a place of power can be. I am always amused when I discover such a location in the middle of a highly trafficked area and no one seems to have ever discovered its effect! In these pictures you will see different spaces along this path / forest area which offer unique training opportunities. For instance, some spaces make you feel lighter in weight, as if gravity were less effective there. Keep in mind this space is only about 7-10 feet, and subtle. In another location, sound fades to a complete dull near silence and you feel a form of euphoria that feels very peaceful and calming. Another spot allows you to hear and experience unusual sounds from insects that are not random but a synchronized pattern that goes over and over defying logic or any type of experience you have had prior in nature In one case we experienced a distinctive pattern of electrical shock sounds as if a three very large electrical amps were positioned and a triangle form repeating there current over and over. Step outside of the zone and the effect stops. One of the pictures shows the sad location of where a young girl decided to take her life. People have placed objects of remembrance there. Some students ask if this is a dark place because someone chose to take their life there? I don’t believe so, there is so much beauty in this place; it is completely overwhelmingly peaceful, this to is a place of power. More then likely they decided to depart long before they got there, but they thought if I go to this place it is the peace I want to experience when I go. Overall the area has a deep calming energy and most anyone will experience it and its effects on them. But when you look at the details of the area it reveals greater wonders. Why do I train students here and other places like this? The idea of “sensing” something is very vague and although you can try to explain it to someone, there is no guarantee that they truly understand it and because you have no way to be certain they get it or that they will be able to apply the skill afterwards. And of course I am an over compulsive teacher, I need to be certain that anyone I teach has attained the skill. By taking students to these types of locations, I can use my experience and show them what it is and how to identify it. In different areas, different senses are developed. You know the saying, if you don’t use it, you lose it. Well in this case you are using it and once you get a good understanding you can use it for other things, such as finding places like this on your own. Developing your keen senses is applicable not only to these locations but you can use them on paranormal investigations as you feel it in locations of activity. You can sense and feel people, more interestingly you could use it experiencing yourself during a meditation…. At the end of the day, practice makes perfect and this is simply the right steps to move forward in a more amazing direction of self awakening. P.S There are places far beyond these and maybe someday we can walk them together and experience them. P.S Please forgive my poor grammar as I am not a writer but rather a mystical teacher Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Sincerely Eric Pepin I am adding a respons eto a question so that it is not overlooked. I do suggest going through the entire thread to not miss any other response etc if you are interested. I was asked , what is my process to finding places of power? That is a good question but a bit trickier to answer. There are many classes that I teach and in one of them I teach what we call scanning. Scanning actually encompasses several other classes and once combined it gives the ability to scan. With the form of meditation we teach you learn to quiet and focus your mind. Once you have mastered this to some degree you begin working with your personal energies of the body by moving / manipulating the electrical current of your nervous system. The result visibly is usually hair rising on your arms and neck at will. But you quickly begin to feel this electrical current moving through the length of your body from Head to lower stomach region, back and fourth. It’s a strong tingling sensation. Once you feel comfortable and confident with this process you move on to moving through other parts of you body. I think of it as yoga for your energy fields. Like muscles that you do not use often they become stiffer. Your energy fields are much the same way. By training your mind to feel inwards, which is something most people never even consider and you start stretching the energy in different direction your energy become more and more limber. You slowly become self-aware and build a relationship with your inner physical body. Thoughts, emotions etc are bio chemical and electrical movements in your organic body. By practicing certain thoughts you evoke an emotional response that moves the energy from one place to the other internally. To get to the answer of your question and skipping over a lot of detail etc. after sometime of practice and developing a relationship with your energy field, you quickly realize that your energy field is also part of your consciousness / awareness. I often ask if people have seen the movie Donnie Darko? There is a point where he stretches a kind of intelligent energy from his body through the house and into another room. This is a good but not perfect representation of the process you do with your personal energy field. With practice you learn to expand your energy that you initially learned to move within you, to begin extending outward from your physical body. With mental discipline you move it outwards. Now, keep in mind most people think of it in there imagination as if it had sight and expect this to be what should happen and if it doesn’t they dismiss the practice. This is a terrible mistake. Seeing things, touching things etc are all part of your general 5 senses we are now dealing with a sixth sense, one that you have not truly used directly and you need to take some time to orientate a relationship as to how it functions and what it can do for you. You certainly cant smell with your eyes or taste a view with fingers. Each sense has its own specific purpose as this one does. I want to say that when I say sixth sense, I could not disagree more with mainstream metaphysics or paranormal theologians as to what imagine as to what the word sixth sense means. I have a constant frustration with which I call new age thinking as cotton candy and rainbows. I tell students forget everything you know or thought you knew. If it were truly working you wouldn’t not be here learning from me. The ideas on mind reading, psychometry, healing etc are often so far off in how they truly work it is no wonder people have limited to no results at all and give there path to enlightenment up. There is a gross amount of misrepresentation out there. Once you develop a relationship with your interior energy, then begin to move it outwards it feels frequencies. It can touch other energies and you will feel it within you. Think about sight, you think you see things in the distance but truthfully you are seeing them within your brain. Everything you see and or experience through your five sense is actually interpreted within your nervous system and your brain. Its all interior. When developing your relationship with energy you must understand that although you are feeling outside of yourself and that’s your intention, you will actually receive the information internally within you. It makes more sense when you do, lol. So in the case of looking for places of power. I go out looking for them but I have no idea if Ill find one. But what I do for instance is go on a hiking trail and I take moments to expand my energy field and if I sense an anomaly I orientate myself to the direction it is and walk towards it. Constantly being mindful of my sensory and focusing that I don’t trip on tree branch etc. this is actually trickier at times then you think, because if my concentration is focused slightly more on a branch for instance my sensory collapses and I have to regroup and start again. Focus is the key and most people really just imagine the fun parts like the sensory aka power, lol keeping your sensory intake while moving or for that matter functioning in life is very difficult at first. I suppose it is like rubbing your head in a circle and at the same time rubbing your stomach on a counter circle both at the same time, while holding a conversation. It can be done but it takes a certain type of focus and that’s what you are learning to do. I hope this helps answer your question and sorry for rambling on. Eric Pepin If you have not seen the pictures please go to photos / albums / places of power
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 01:43:56 +0000

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