PLANETARY ILLUMINATIONS JANUARY 2015 MAJOR EVENTS: Saturn has just moved into Sagittarius where it will remain for about three years (read more about that cycle here). Expect challenges to your belief systems and ideologies during this time, but this is an excellent period for readjusting the ways in which you bring those belief systems into form through regular practice and ritual. Its important now to avoid taking unreasonable risks or gambling with your future - Saturns job is to burst any bubble that grows beyond the practical. For most of the month a trigger to the South Node may bring about resolution of past issues - perhaps you might experience dreams and memories that emerge to be handled and released. This may also create some radical changes in relationships with people with whom you share a personal history. Mercury will turn retrograde on January 21st and the shadow period will begin about a week before. If you know that you will need to begin something new or make a major purchase, consider getting a head start before the cycle begins. Retrograde Mercury can create problems for us in the outer world, but it brings opportunities for a rich inner experience if we spend more time turning within than trying to manifest outwardly during this period. JANUARY DETAILS: January begins with a brief transit that packs a lot of punch. There is a great deal of mental energy and inspiration swirling around that will need to be somewhat contained. If you use self-restraint and focus this energy it can be very lucky and help you to be successful in your endeavors. Over the next few days we find our inspiration ignited and are pulled away from the superficial. These are brief and fleeting cycles but they have a fair amount of power, so practicing presence during these few days will be helpful in channeling this energy for positive means. Venus enters Aquarius on the 3rd and for a few weeks our relationships will feel less emotional and more rational and reasoned - a connection of like minds. Friendship is more important than drama now and problems can be sorted out through cool discussions. On the 4th our relationships work smoothly for a day or two and we are more easily able to let go of any emotional discomfort. The Full Moon in Cancer occurs on the 4th. This is an emotional Full Moon - opening up the heart and requiring us to explore our own vulnerability. This Full Moon is a powerful one since it involves both Uranus and Pluto. We are drawn deep into the treasures of the unconscious now but also have to face the ugly stuff that we prefer to keep hidden. We may also feel more impatient and reckless at this time. Fortunately several beneficial aspects will help provide ease and support during this time (the power of the Full Moon generally lasts for about three days). During the first two weeks we are more sensitive to dissonance and discomfort. The aesthetic sense is heightened now and and this can be a time where our creativity is easily expressed. Its a wonderful time for the imagination to flourish and take hold. Mars enters Pisces on January 12th. Mars in Pisces is kind and considerate and there is a softer quality to our interactions under this influence, but it is more difficult to express anger and set boundaries which can lead to some confusion. On the 13th and 14th it becomes easier to let go of the past as our appreciation of the new is enhanced. You may find yourself flooded with new ideas and exciting plans so carry a notebook! The period between January 14th and the 20th may be somewhat challenging as Mars interacts with Saturn and Neptune to potentially create some confusion and thwart our efforts through circumstances beyond our control. This may result in frustration that can be channeled through physical exercise and the exercise of patience. The Aquarius New Moon on January 20th will clear the air. This is the third New Moon in a row that has occurred at the very first degree of a sign, doubling the symbolic new beginning that the New Moon represents. There is a sense of being washed clean now, and emerging into a new awareness. Aquarius is ruled by the higher mind - intuition and advanced consciousness are its domain. Under the Aquarius influence we are lifted far beyond the personal into a more transpersonal and transformational perspective that provides reason and higher knowledge. We can envision our lives now in a whole new way and with a new awareness that can begin opening doors for us. Mercury is stationary at the New Moon: at a complete standstill like a moment frozen in time. If we pay attention now, we can see all the way to infinity. Mercury turns retrograde on the 21st, and for a few weeks you can expect matters of communication to be difficult. Try to be as clear as possible, and refrain from rushing through matters of business. Life must go on during these periods, but we often have to repeat, redo, revise. Venus leaves detached Aquarius for dreamy Pisces on the 27th. Boundaries can become somewhat blurred now, which can expand the love in our hearts but also make pragmatic details of living with others slightly more troublesome. For the next few weeks creativity and spirituality are enhanced - this is a wonderful time for exploring the arts and meditation, especially on the 28th. On the 30th we may find ourselves feeling somewhat detached and lonely for a day or two. However, at the same time the mind is sharpened and more focused, and we may feel more intensely motivated and inspired. The 31st brings a sensitive aspect that may trigger old wounds and result in some emotional discomfort for a few days. If we can sit with those wounded feelings and learn more about them they can become our greatest teachers as we move through old soul damage to emerge with greater wisdom and compassion. An auspicious beginning for the New Year
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 17:08:50 +0000

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