PLANNING FOR NET-2014 (If you fail to plan, you plan to fail): - TopicsExpress


PLANNING FOR NET-2014 (If you fail to plan, you plan to fail): This post was uploaded on facebook on adichemistry group for students of chemistry who are preparing for NET -2014. Thought it was for chemistry students, the lesson that can be learnt from reading it can be beneficial to students preparing NET from all other subjects. You can read if interested. The post was: Good evening to all. With release of online CSIR NET forms, I am sure all of you must be involved in filling them online and sending them safely to CSIR, New Delhi. I just wanted to share an incident which occurred with me just few days back. A student of mine came to meet me and was enquiring regarding procedure of filling online forms. I told him all the precautions and procedures that must be taken care off while filling online forms. He was happy to listen at it. When our dialogue was over and he was about to leave my cabin, he said me that he will be needing my guidance for clearing NET and for that he will once again visit me in September. I asked him why in September why not now? He replied saying that there is lot of time for the exam as it is in Dec. 2104 and starting now will be too soon. I was really shocked at his answer. I requested him to sit him in the chair for some time to which he agreed. I said him that if he want to really clear NET, he must start from today on wards. He probably did not like my idea and thus replied saying How much time is really required for clearing NET? I was speechless as I never knew the answer to this question as I have seen people clearing NET in a weeks time, in a months time, in a years time and even seen many people who haven’t cleared NET in spite of studying for 7 years. Though lot of discrepancies in preparation time with people clearing NET has been observed, its difficult to tell how much time is required for clearing NET. But being there in this field for last 16 years, I sincerely feel that five months time is a quite good time for NET preparation if student decides to work extremely exhaustively. Let me tell you why 5 months? I feel that our study method should be strictly systematic and not like as most of the people do. What most of people do is they take books randomly and start reading from page 1 to last page. This is followed by second book and this continues till exam. By using this way, I feel that one can gain knowledge but cant clear NET. We can divide our time of preparation in three spans. The first span should be utilized for reading basic concepts associated with syllabus. You should study strictly as per the syllabus. The first span is most important because it requires lot of efforts. I have always suggested the students to make a time table for this span and follow it very strictly. Looking at syllabus of CSIR NET, I feel that one must choose to study at least 25 topics. If you decide to give 2 days per chapter (2 days are still very very less for preparation of each topic looking at their content), you require 50 days and additional 25 days immediately after 50 days for the revision as you know that its difficult to remember chemistry on first reading. Just imagine how much hours you should study if you want to complete one topic in two days. May be 12 hours a day! The second span which starts after 75 days can be of 30 days in which you must try to study advanced information associated with topics that you have chosen. In this span you must solve thousands of standard MCQs which will help you to enhance your rational thinking ability which is the most important for clearing NET. I personally believe the person who solves >5000 MCQs gets success with flying colors in NET. The ADITYA notes will help you in this span. Reading Aditya notes will help you to increase to increase advanced knowledge regarding the concepts that you have studied in first span. The third span which continues till just a week before exam should consist of reading very advanced books because reading these books requires compatibility of your brain which you have attained in two spans. I will soon upload the list of books required required at every stage. The last week before exam should be reserved for final revision. When I told all these things to student who came to meet me, he was convinced and said that I must start my studies from tomorrow. I replied saying him to start his studies from today as soon as he reaches home as tomorrow will be too late. So friends, plan your studies today itself. Make a proper time table and paste it in your study room. Its not necessary to follow what I say, nut it is true that no great things can be achieved without a proper plan. So make a plan as per your convenience. Once you make plan, follow it very strictly because you should know that only one person can help you to cleat NET and that is you. So if you don’t follow it strictly, no body will help you out. Spend you maximum time in preparation. I think you must be knowing the phrase ‘Seize the day, put no trust in tomorrow” so spend as much as time as you can for studying the things. In 38 years of my life, I learnt only one serious thing about time. Once time is gone, no body can bring it back. If you are seriously planning for Dec. 2014 NET, I suggest you to leave all other works aside and focus only on your studies. Sacrifice few things like your friends, parents, movies, functions till coming exams. Request them that you will be there for them after exam is over. Because its said “no sacrifice, no victory”. May be some of you reading this post might be tired of studying because of you have been appearing for these exams from last so many years. I have suggestion for them. Remember the famous phrase “You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it”. So get ready to show best performance of your life. Don’t discriminate day and night. Probably you may have to spend 24 hours of day in studying. Don’t get tired because this is biggest challenge of your life and you must win it to make your parents proud thinking that they haven’t created extremely genius entity.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 16:18:20 +0000

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