PLANTING AND WATERING (A MESSAGE OF PATIENCE TO THE CHURCH) If a man considers himself a follower of Christ then he will be obedient to what he has been asked to do. As believers we are asked to share our faith. Salvation in Christ is a gift that should not be hidden away. Rather, it should be shined like the sun lights the day. Many of us take this command very serious and witness to the things God has revealed to us. If you do this on a regular bases or attempt it at all. It can be difficult. We want so desperately to see friends and family members receive the truth. Our hearts grieve with the Spirit in us at the lost and deceived. It really is heart breaking to see some completely reject the good news but this should not discourage us from pressing forward and being obedient to our calling. Let us try and gain some understanding through the words of two apostles. Both Paul and James used the example of a farmer. A farmer understands the harvest cycle. He plants seed at a certain time. Then he will make sure it is watered. Eventually over time the crop grows and bears its harvest. Then it will be reaped. The farmer has a reasonable expectation that certain conditions and time are need to reach his final goal. This is how we should approach the sharing of our faith and the prayers we offer up for those we love. If you are any thing like me you want to convince everyone right away. That mind frame is not realistic and can produce discouragement. It would be like the farmer planting the seed and becoming frustrated that it did not grow right then and there. This is were patients becomes key and prayer is vital. Paul wrote to the church of Corinth: 6 I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. 7 So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. 2 for 3 Father sends out ministers into the world (believers) to shine their light of the Truth. At any given time we are planting or watering along with others. It is not all on us as individuals. This is a team effort. One plants and one waters. But it is God who causes it to grow. That is the key. If we believe He has the power to change a mans heart the process of witnessing should never be discouraging. We do our part and allow God to do His. There is trust and patience working together. Who should get the credit? Just like Paul said its the one who causes it to grow! All glory for all things go to God! James really puts it into proper perspective here: 7 Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain. 8 You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand. James 5 In those verses again we find ourselves like a farmer. As the farmer waits for the rain we wait for God to pour out His Spirit and cultivate our efforts. How long should we wait patiently? Is Gods timing perfect? Yes indeed it is. I dont know about you but it took a long time to get me right and I am truly grateful for Gods patiences with me. So now will I shake my head at others who are still in the dark? Not at all. I will testify and I will pray. I will love them and put my trust in God that His timing and plan is perfect for their lives just as it is for mine. God has called every believer who is willing to work in the harvest. We have this great opportunity to be apart of His work in the last days. It is not a burden. It is truly a privilege and a honor. So let us give Him all that we can and hold nothing back. We are not alone in this He is right there every step of the way. 24 He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it. 1 Thess 5 Thank you Steve Narducci for inspiring me to write this. You are a true encouragement to me Brother!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 14:29:39 +0000

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